
Nothing makes me laugh like a good smuggies thread

>implying you dont secretly want to fuck spiders

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androphobic? you must have invented trannies? hate gays? got caught riding dicks in my office like that ohio republigoy. hate freud? you must like dick cigars. hate masonry? you must be a pussy worshipping mason. hate kikes? you must enjoy their penis vagina star. and etc etc etc. worst meme on the internet

you must secretly love this meme

i never separated these from my general politics folder but now i see this was a mistake

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The embodiment of Sup Forums.

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I HATE those people

are there truly people this stupid or is just rabid unshakable devotion?

I have seen tweets about Trumps's economic success and those (((verified))) accounts remind us that it's "Obama's economy"


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>muh hope
>muh change
famalam, bishes dey kno DA FIRST blak press is SKKKRRTTT best bish, ya hurd?

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I saw one of those “giant meteor 2016” bumper stickers not but an hour ago. Made me cringe like oh ho you’re so above the two party system brah

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jesus christ
going to go back through my folder

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>tfw did exactly this
managed to redpill couple of normies, but stil this faggot continue to do his "anti-hate" shilling

The hot issue right now is Net Neutrality
Had this exact argument with faggot and then I mentioned how NN is about private company allowing and not allowing who uses and how much they use their infrastructure ("just like racists on facebook") and he flipped out

Fucking hell that is a good one

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That's exactly how this works user, banks can do anything.

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prebij ga

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Man, this thread is gold!

Keep fighting the good fight guys

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these should be spread around normie meme sites like wildfire

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Who the fuck came up with the term smuggies? These are called "counter-signals for flashy goys"

I agree, they are like small cans of BTFO. dumping all I can rn


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this one is my favorite

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my #1 favorite

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I lost right here.

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>comparing NN repeal to Fb censorship
It's rather weird that he opted out. First thing is a new law that allows every public company involved in certain activity to do certain thing. The other is a question of whether particular public company violates its terms and conditions based on pre-existing law. I think faggot you were arguing against is not smart enough.

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What's a good argument to this. I usually go with a
> Native Americans mudered each other's tribes and took part in human sacrifice.

this one absolutely destroys the entry-level """nerd"""

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I don't think you understand how this meme works

is this supposed to reference the fact that homos can't breed?

day of the grill postponed

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should have also replaced the brit


and the German, and the Frenchman, and the Spaniard

the best

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this one absolutely melts the berniecuck

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>viking street patrol
>isn't patrolling the street
absolutely shameful

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99 % of these people are secretely right wing but can't admit it because it would be social suicide in their leftist work environment (me included)

because they have been outlawed and would get arrested...

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How young are you that you are still able to laugh. I read these for the hypocrisy

people who say shit like this fail to realize that native american tribes engaged in warfare far more brutal than anything the europeans did to them

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>day of the grill

first time ive heard that one, i kek'd

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>baby slut
fucking kek

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one of the all time classics

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We're still here at 90% of our own Islands, thanks.

>being able to laugh is a sign of youth
user I think your dead inside

this is true. good point

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