Why are western countries so scared of this shithole

Why are western countries so scared of this shithole

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_Russia.svg.png (900x600, 694)

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Nukes, we can't fuck them up without them fucking us up so they can basically do whatever they want.

They either live in fear of the jews or the russians.

They hacked my alarm clock from AM to FM, rendering it tuned between stations, and causing me to be late for work.

they can't even have a decent house

Russia has nukes, most countries dont, and Russia has one of the strongest militarys in the world, only beaten by china and america. Something your uneducated country cant seem to understand

It's a convenient scapegoat

Hi russian troll

>Why are western countries pushing for war with this shithole

I Hate the Russians as much as anyone, but no one can deny they have a powerful military, then again compared to yours any military seems powerful

Because they hacked our election and placed a puppet in the white house and now control our government remotely from the Kremlin.

I'm not. Their military and economy would be a hilariously bad joke in an offensive war against any real western country. They can bluff and flex their muscles, but worst things Russia can do against a non-shithole country are underhanded assassinations and acts of terror.

good post

Say that when they nuke you shithead

They still have nukes, and your country is one of the only western countries that could fight off a russian invasion, as most of europe depends on america, finland, and a few other countries to do war for them

you all wrong

only reason why western fear of Russia is because propaganda says so

They tried to made boogeyman from Iran or N Korea, even from China
and its dosent work

People needs something more accustomed to fear
so corpse of Soviet Union is perfect for this.
Like literally, we all understand that N korea is not even close to even corpse of Soviet Union, the main monster of 20 century (after Nazi Germany, ofc)

remember: any non-legitimate power stands onto fear

for example you can read theory "Russia: British cryptocolony" of Galkovsky

Shut up memeflag

That's enough out of you, Kremlinbot.

Why does nobody ever worry about china? they may be inept, but they still have a billion + people.


>be son of humit officer
>Knows how other militaries, espiecally those that were part of the soviet union pose a threat

They still have more nukes than anyone else, and a better military than most of the world
Weak military training, about ten of their soldiers can do as much damage as one of ours


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We know ANZAC can take them if they ever try anything.

Russia will fall soon enough. There is only so far that posturing and blustering will carry you. Putin has presided over remarkably poor levels of economic growth. Admittedly this has been aggravated by sanctions but i'm predicting mass protests in red square by 2020. Change is coming.

hey putin

i hope the MI6 finally brings civilization to those asian savages soon

What does CTPAHO WAPbI translate to anyway?

> nuclear power
> forced military service
> no conscience or self-respect

It is like Mexico, but with weapons dealers instead of drug dealers.

you all so retarded that dont even get my point

No reason to fear Russia. Russia not able to offensive war , even SU was not able for it against NATO. What the fuck are you talking about?
Your jewish goverment just use russia as boogeyman just to keep you on a leash in some areas

even kid can understand that

just read the theory what i recommend , atleast its funny

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Just wait for the first putin arse-licker to mention paki rape gangs to you as if that's got anything to do with the subject

rate my oc pol

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Nuke , Military , and gaz&petrol Russia is one of the two country with the US that can be alone and good

Hi Russian bot

Country balls.

>Russia is one of the two country with the US that can be alone and good

Agree do I user. Propaganda of western country is horribleness. I am so sick of stereotype and saber rattle. Us government make look bad Iran and Syria as well. They are but peaceful and small. It is to disgust me.

They would not endanger St. Petersburg or most likely even their Karelia for sake of nuking us, it would also ruin all infrastructure they could hope to use. The day they nuke Finland is day they're ready for absolute mutually assured destruction, and on that day nothing matters.

I do admit that fears of many other other countries are more understandable, but then again NATO has its own nuclear fright if they have balls to also use it.

They wouldn't nuke you, just invade your shit desu :DDD


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Go poison another spy, Putin.

Whatever gave you that idea? Those fucks haven't even figured out how to make a decent flashlight. U.S. would quite literally mop the floor with Russia.

There happen to be white people living in Russia that we'd just as soon not kill if we can prevent it. That is all.


and mass internet shilling.

But problem is they have nukes

This. Just go on fucking reddit and look at the (((top posts))). Literally just shows you how to right-think about certain topic. Right now the boogeymonster is Russia. I wouldn't be surprised if the kikes staged that "chemical attack" in UK to condemn russia

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Jewish ethnic hatred of Russians + Boomers who think the cold war never ended

Jesus Christ. This is really the heights of Russian creativity. True chessmasters at work.

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Theyve tried, finland has quite the military


is the "Latin Alphabet" of that...


"country of balloons" according to "Google Translate"

Nah, I have faith in our defense force. Highly focusing on artillery, anti-tank and anti-air (my branch) has it's benefits when you focus only on defensive land war.

Finland needs to retake karelia and other parts stolen by Russia

Should have unleashed Patton and rearmed the Germans.

Scapegoat since the coldwar

because Putin is probably the smartest leader compared to all the other brainlets right now.

Why Russians use tigers like meme?

If a war between america and russia happened all the us would have to do is nuke st petersburg and moscow and they're done. The rest of russia's cities are shitholes.

i just surprised how easily Sup Forums fall for this fake shit about russian trace in this crime. Is Sup Forums full of normie-redditors nowdays?
i personally think that there is no reason for russians to kill him

He stayed in Britain ENOUGHT to tell everything. Only reason for russians to kill him is revenge, but this is bullshit , especially today, when the situation is so tense already

on the contrary
its possible that he found out something superfluous while work with MI-6 or how brits call this shit

i guess its provocation
but why brits decide to escalate the political situation? i dont know

because they have it in their BIG COUNTRY

Because it's using the power of memes to turn western countries people against them.

Can you imagine what would have happened to an American who actively wanted the destruction of the FBI back in the 1960s?

Now that view is considered "the majority of congress"

Never underestimate the Ivans!

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One - they have the most nukes.
Two - the cold war and anti-Russian propaganda still resides in society.
Three - the large land mass makes them that little bit more scary.
Four - strong military.

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>Why does nobody ever worry about china?

Russia is the proxy-China in the narrative.

hang yourself kike puppet mudslime lover
>calling anyone else a paki

No one hates Russia

russians are good at destroying themselves

Putin hates Isreal, we hate Jews in general. Putin is a nationalist, and we're nationalists. Putin knows that the ZOG of this nation is a threat to Russia's sovereignty, and we're working to take back our land. The far right in this nation, the true patriots, have more in common with Putin and Russians than we do with the traitorous left in this country. The left wants a civil war. Once we start fighting these neo-Marxist pieces of filth, Russia will be send us arms and food. The balkanization of the US is mutually beneficial at this point in time. The left knows that their time is limited, and they're doing everything in their power to stop what's coming. They may slow the inevitable, but in the end it's their asses. This is why they're scrambling to ban firearms and restrict freedom of speech. Little do they know, these actions only add fuel to the fire.

Every corrupt politician, every lying journalist, every anti-white shitlib, and every communist traitor will burn. This is the end for all who seek to destroy the white Amerikaner.

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Russianbot on proxy

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Russia says the west's 500 year reign of control is over

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We aren't only the Media says they are bad.


"Russia will fall soon enough" has been said for over half a century and with 2(3) revolutions so far, it just keeps getting up. So what is the fucking point to continue saying this?

Russia is in the West though...

Thank you for saying what no one else has the gumption to say :)

and Russia is right
but what you retards dont understand , is that new leader is not Russia
New leader is China.

stop using mexican proxies, you jewish fuck

they have been saying the same for several years, that the west is rotten and fucked up

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Callate obradorista inutil

Anglobots are retarded

can't tell who's russianing who no more

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muerete judio puto mamavergas

Did you make a thread to just call every Russian that tries to explain to you what's happening a russain bot? No wonder people hate your kind.

I forgot about hitlers love for Russians. Thanks for reminding us neoretard

Tu amo putin tambien es amigo de judios
>No wonder people hate your kind.
says the mongol

Russia created Finland.

>Change is coming.
what kind of change? like in 1917?
western jew wants to drown another millions of russians in their own blood? just try to think about it. Your leaders a pushing country with 140mln of people, 120mln of them are 100% white btw, into blood bath and at the same time they hiding genocide of your own people inside your own country. And you ok with that? youre even happy?

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and yet Finland is by far more civilized than Russia

If you get to nuke them before they nuke you. But in the end what is the point ?

What about my tadpoles ?

cuanto te paga la hora netanyahu?

You think calling someone a Mongol is an insult? Nobody hates Mongols, meanwhile everyone north of Texas hates beaners.

>meanwhile everyone north of Texas hates beaners
the subhuman mongol really believe this

Sure, anglobot.

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what does a new world gypsie even care about Russia?

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CUANTO TE PAGA? que parte no entendiste?

>mexican calling people subhuman

Attached: top-8-laughable-stereotypes-about-mexicans-01.jpg (600x334, 58K)

Probably because it is.

no more than russia
que parte de que putin es amigo de los judios no entiendes

Why are you jumping points? The implication was that Finland should get Karelia back. But then by that logic Russia should get Finland back. Why are you even larping with that flag?

Really though the only nerds who "like" beaners are the ones that are desperate and fuck them