Are The UK Labour Party Now Communists?

This old scum bucket always says that life is better under fucking Socialism

It boggles my fucking mind that these cucks would want to live under socialism.

>LGBT'S would be sent to gulag
>Race mixing would be forbidden and sent to gulag
>Petty Crimes by antifa scum would be punished by gulag

Can someone actually make the link between hispter faggots and the USSR?

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Isn't Corbyn a demsoc?

My Yuri would be rolling in his grave!

Attached: Yuris+revenge+oh+god+i+completely+forgot+about+this+lad_a7bc64_4121550.jpg (319x378, 24K)

No he is not. He is Socialist to the very core!

>He actually said that socialism is successful

He's a rat bastard scumbag who claims to be a socialist and believe in equality yet claims atleast 4 times the national average as a wage and then claims expenses on top.
Yeah makes the people impoverished and himself rich sounds like a true a communist to me.
I hope he and his fat coon dianne die.

I always thought they were communists

When wasn't the Labour party the UK Communist party?

I agree. I don't get me started on that fat negro Diane Abbott!

Attached: diane-abbott-looks.jpg (2048x1536, 2.85M)

>Look closely at face for a moment.
>Realize something is extremely wrong.
That's a man, baby.

Eh The 1997-2010 Re-brand under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown is sketchy when it comes to a Socialist/Communist definition!

Still they were politically correct as all hell though!

It's like we have our own Michelle Obama!

Black Trannies show up alot as the leaders bitch for some reason!

Diversity perhaps?

Attached: michelle-obama-gty-hb-180117_12x5_992.jpg (992x415, 41K)

The Blair government spoke like more moderate socialists but did all the same full communist things out of sight. Iirc both migration and debt sky rocketed while he was trying to introduce American Youth culture into Britain. Respect and all that.

ITT: Blairite apologists and Cameroons

Corbyn is life. We need Corbyn elected. We need to perturbate away the current trajectory. Election after election we get the same shit. We need radical change. Radical change breeds radical change. Eventually we will move in the right direction.

He is /ourguy/

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>Let's have radical change by voting in a man who says 'lets leave everything as it is'.

Yea. You are completely right now that I think about it.

Sup Forums loves Corbyn tho. Literally everyone who posts here.

Only because he is accused of being Anti-Semitic!

That's why Sup Forums love him. And why I like him too.

If he was not such a politically correct commie I would have a few pints of bitter with him at a pup or something!

>>LGBT'S would be sent to gulag
>>Race mixing would be forbidden and sent to gulag

also what happens to women (or feminists) within this view of communism?

He seems like a decent guy to drink with. However his political theory is beyond fucked up.

Also sent to gulag.

>Has never studied the persecution of Homosexuals and Stalin's execution order on non-soviets!

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Corbyn is a dangerous man. As soon as he's in power I will volunteer with the UVF to prevent the betrayal of Ulster.

>>LGBT'S would be sent to gulag
>>Race mixing would be forbidden and sent to gulag
>>Petty Crimes by antifa scum would be punished by gulag

Wtf i love communism now

Nah I won't since they are proscribed, the UDA.