Reddit gave Computers to a Ghana teacher that thought his students Microsoft Word in a black board...

Reddit gave Computers to a Ghana teacher that thought his students Microsoft Word in a black board. Why cant Sup Forums do things like this?

Attached: 180315081110-01-ghanaian-blackboard-teacher-donations-intl-live-video.jpg (576x324, 56K)

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fuck reddit and fuck you nigger christian

This was well intentioned for sure but the consequences will prove catastrophic. We are on the brink of a niggerpolcalypse and redditors insist on making things even worse by creating superniggers by merging them with machines? Better get your asshole ready, OP. The future is dark.

I miss Shitted memes.

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Am I supposed to be impressed by ledditors being generous all because of a meme pic likely stolen off imgur?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the teacher and his work, comp sci would go a long way to de-niggerizing his students. But I won’t suck reddit’s dick over a single act of kindess as though they’ve ever given two shits about Africa.


Well they won't last long if they leave them out in the air to be rained on.

wtf I love Islam now

Attached: Based Battuta.png (1139x408, 705K)

some random american sent supplies to some venezuelan guy posting on here a year or two ago. He took pictures of his shitty ass fridge and apartment too

>angry turkposting late at night

Go to bed Mehmet, tomorrow is another day at the refinery.

>more spam nigerian prince emails incoming!

>why cant Sup Forums do things like this?
Remember Daren Wilson?
Sup Forums funded his lawyer

Sup Forums has an official kill record on ISIS. Why can't reddit do that.

I give it a week before they are stolen or destroyed

his go fundmepage was hilarious. the whole thing was basically Sup Forums shitposts I must have got my current laptop after that happened. I can't find any of the screenshots from that saved on here.

How much of the African population is reliant on foreign aid, in either a percentile or raw numbers?

>kill record
It could actually be close to 100

They do all manner of gay shit for Africa. Big surprise, a bunch of kumbaya niggerlovers.

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Found it on my phone. Kek

Attached: 1408624136113.png (1770x1170, 658K)

What exactly happend

Attached: 535151768684.jpg (640x640, 36K)

> blackboard
What’s wrong with whiteboards?

>why cant Sup Forums do things like this?

remember zimmerman

we used memes to get him acquitted, i think thats a huge feat better than teaching monkeys to use word

>that thought his students Microsoft Word in a black board

PCP is a helluva drug.

Wait, do they even have electricity or internet?

I would donate to help spread ebola in Africa

Attached: 1494627691430.gif (500x400, 181K)

now all they need is electricity

One Laptop per Child Program, which rapidly became the One Thousand Laptops per Warlord Program.

Attached: Cecil_Tunt.png (837x608, 816K)

Attached: Darren Wilson.gif (2224x9942, 3.8M)


>expecting Sup Forums to do anything other than bitch and whine

>coordinates with russians to bomb isis
>captures shia's flag 4 times with autistic geo location
>used memes to win an election that should of been impossible to win


>that thought his students Microsoft Word in a black board
Reddit confirmed for blubbering retards.

>Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

thats great. sadly some nigger will break into the school, pull out the wires for scrap metal and render them useless

I hate niggers they don't deserve help.

Of all the things to teach them, he chose Microsoft Word?


good for them. hopefully they stay over there.

This time six gorillion. Why do they bother with all this useless stupid shit like computers, teach them how to work the land and work with their hands. Everything in those countries is broken and doesn't work, fix the fucking thing.

have you seen what this stuff does to kids?

Just what the internet needs, more retards. We did it red*tt.

Do they even have electricity?

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Damn, how'd they get an internet connection in the jungle?

No. You are the first person to ever realise this

Right o old chap refreshing that at least some among us recognize the limitations of the brown people. Give them rakes and hoes and bags of beans. This is like giving a bently to a homeless man

Sup Forums tried to post bail for Ariel Castro
it was not to be

where will they plug them in and how will they activate ms word without an internet connection?

Attached: IMG_2378.jpg (500x500, 62K)

activation via spirit dance