Tranny hatred. Do we just put up with these monsters destroying society forever?
Tranny hatred. Do we just put up with these monsters destroying society forever?
seems fake
Whats the problem exactly? The ID says "BRO" on it. So treat him like a bro.
looks like a female to me
society created them, user. If we manage to fix society, trannies won't exist. revolt against the modern world, user, do it.
>Blacks out weight
>censoring weight
he made the right call tbqh
Wtf is a "class f" license?
That's a dude
>Class F: Class F licenses are for non-commercial vehicles including recreational vehicles being used solely for personal use. An applicant must be 18 years of age.
some kind of machinery i think. so he can drive a a normal car up to 3 tonnes of whatever, and a forklift, etc. and there will be a cut off depending on what kind of machinery
>censoring weight
Well it was basically a woman anyways.
I don't see how I destroy society. Only big difference with me and any other woman is that I sound a little funny. I vote for right wing, and study engineering. Am I a person not worth existing
But I do understand the hate towards imaginary genders and otherkin-whatevers. There are two genders but being transgender thanks to hormonal or genetical mishap your brains are wired not completely but more like the "opposite" gender to what you're by your chromosomes.
And since gov' spends quite a sum of money on people it's sensible to help them pay it or more back by giving them treatment that makes them not want to commit suicide. In my country there are psychiatric screenings for every trans-person before given any treatment. If you're considered anything but transsexual, you'll be treated for it first before reviewing your condition. I see it as very sensible
all manlets should be given female hormone injections tbqh
Only until the mudslimes take over and have them all killed.
flag checks out, kill yourself faggot
Just use its height and assume 505 lbs.
56% of mtf had a mother with borderline personality disorder.
I'm becoming a tranny and moving to France
Can you imagine getting a transplant from a tranny's corpse? Would the faggot tendencies seep into you like serial killer tendencies supposedly do with transplants?