Mine is polish Slavic and pure german my great grandma was an ex Nazi wife then she moved to the mid west
American anons what's your ancestry
Strange as it sounds, Europeans claim their ancestry to me.
I'm 100% pure 56%
Same. Haplogroup X reporting in.
25% German, 18% Polish, 15% Anglo, 12% native, 22% african american, 8% Indian (dot this time, not feather)
Don't reply to these shit, datamining, slide threads. You know what to do (goes in options field).
nice try gman
Half german half english
Very indo-european.
Fair enough lucky my heritage is part of a long line of high t polish soldiers
Iberian, Amerinidan, Anglo, and like some small traces or Irish and Caucasian (from Western Asia).
Kinda sucks being a mutt but this is the new world so whatever.
half and half
absolutely disgusting.
I consider myself mostly German despite my polish ancestry
Thank fuck my parents and ancestors didn't race mix lucky me I could have looked like this
3/4ths German, 1/4th of whatever country Yugoslavia is now.
50% Northwest German
50% Dutch
94% English
4% Scots/Irish
2% European Jewish
its been cool and all but can you guys no longer make fun of my people
My DNA is programmed to hate Anglos. I am sorry.
50% Dutch, so 25% kike
60% Anglo, 25% Norwegian, 10% German and 5% French. Rounded, so give or take a few percentages.
>1/4th of whatever country Yugoslavia is now.
Southern Hungarian
Kentuckian.... since about 1770 when we killed the last of the savages... before that English, Welsh, German and French
Let us battle this out in the never ending war
Jesus, I didn't really Muttdom was that real. I'm half Irish and half Bong and I thought that was bad. Way back on the Bong side are some Austrians for whatever reason, but it's all very well documented.
What about the rest?
Britfag here.
50% English, 12.5% Latvian, 12.5% German and 25% Polish
>Want to laugh at Americans for their mutting
>remember I'm half English mutt myself
95% portuguese, 4% spanish and 1% asian.
For most Muricans it's gonna be the good ole 1/16th Italians, Portuguese, German, Polaks, etc...
Ulster Scotts who came to the states really early on, their descendents moved from virginia to mississippi before the civil war. Ive got at least five confirmed relatives to have fought and died for the south.
This doesn't add up to 100%. Show the rest you shitskin
Half polish, a quarter German, and some Euro mix muttness from my Grandpa
Half english half slav?
Ye, with Czech great granfather on Polish side as a bonus
I unironically have no idea.
stop bullying italians you subhuman
100% old stock british
100% Dutch, with the ability to trace all psrts of my tree back to the Netherlands, with the most recent being in the 1800s and the furthest back being in the 1600s. Apparently one of the later ones came from a Dutch great house or something, but I never really looked it up since I figure all families have stories like that.
Western Michigan?
Until my generation, yeah.
I'm half Norweigan and half German.
You are not even italian Mr. 52%
how am I not?
you are not Dutch but American...
Also it's a bit weird because basically there is no such thing as 'dutch'' we are a mixture of Germans, French and Spanish (because of migrant waves from those countries, or because of invasions)
Irish Norwegian.
Great Grandfather on my Irish side was a felon. Settled in Michigan. That side still has felons to this day.
Great Great Grandfather on my Norwegian side was a gunsmith and a banker. We still have bankers and machine operators in the family.
Funny how that works out.
While you better go back if you want to keep the stock pure. Western michigan is about the only place your gonna find many dutch. Im from eastern michigan, but my ex goes grand valley and is taking that BIG DUTCH COCK now kek
Absolutely this. Hyphenating America was a psy-op or a marketing strategy.
I am an American.
I am a direct descendant of King Edward I, II and III through one of his daughters, which means I am descended from William the Conqueror as well.
Also descended from Ponce de Leon the Spanish Conquistador.
My ancestors were Anglos, Saxons, Normans, Danes, other Germanic Tribes, Alpines, Czechs, even some Meds, and a few American Indians.
My phenotype is Faelid-Alpine which is pretty much a mix of Netherlands/Germany and Austria, although I am not Dutch.
I am at least half Anglo-Saxon-Norman.
'muh nation of immigrants' please keep that garbage on our side of the atlantic.
Mainly German and Slavic
But there's hope
How much Amerindian do you have?
If it is irrelevant, you are not really a mutt.
>What's your ancestry?
More like what ISN'T my ancestry
Scottish/German checking in. I'm such a mutt that my mom has blue eyes and my dad has green eyes...my eyes are blue-green. Man I'm such a mutt I'm going to kill myself. :'(
Go back you fucking homo
You are American
You are not German, French or Spanish you are Dutch, and he is American, like you said
Literally le 52% face. And your DNA test doesn't even add up to 100% so the rest is probably some ungodly shitskin.
If I wear Italian I wouldn't want to be associated with you
Spaghetti and Fingolian
It's is true though...There have also been immigration waves of ten-thousands of jews from Spain and Portugal to our country, because they were massacred there and were welcome in Amsterdam. At one point 1/4th of the city was Jewish...
What's up castizo
I used to think this way until I realized we are being overrun by non European invaders. In person I would call myself native American but without physical representation I'd call myself a European mutt
I'm american. fuck your history. gas those who don't identify as american.
You are an American white.
but you're not italian you subhuman
>tfw 100%
Swedish, but it's worth noting that all the good Swedes emigrated out a hundred or more years ago, leaving the socialist faggots to ruin the country.
95% alpha 5% beta
And neither are you, mutt
That's probably how many people show up in a week these days. Its not comparable. leftists will try to use that point to say "oh were all mixed so just let in unlimited sub saharan africans, we already did it in the past!". Its a bullshit false equivalence.
I'm arab actually
I have to slightly disagree. I am Dutch not by nationality, but by both blood and tradition. The community in general keeps the traditions and cooking recipes alive, and will marry Dutch. I wouldn't want to move to the Netherlands or swear my loyalty to it though, because I consider myself an American and see the Dutch in the Netherlands that allowed for the Islamification of their homes as traitors to their nation and blood. That doesn't mean that I believe in any of that multiculti bullshit that Europeans typically think we believe in. At least with the Islamification of Europe, there are insular communities of European blood and tradition left in America. If you know where to look, there's communities like the Western Michigan one for just about every European nation besides the UK, Spain, and France. Those three groups tend to blanda up. Germans, Dutch, and Polish seem to have the most prominent racially-based communities in the US.
I am Danish, German, English and Irish. Irish is the nigger of the whites so I guess I’m part nigger.
I am a greek
Fuck you spic and get the fuck out of my country
Poland is a great country.
>I'm arab actually
Yup and you are in no way comparable to a dutch person. Do Arabs not exist because they are a mix of other ethnicities?
My family came from sweeden after the cival war and they settled in Kansas in an area full of sweedish immagrents.
Ey hombre
My father's mother is a proud native american spanish catholic who hates Mexicans and Mexico
My father's father was a swarthy south Euro immigrant
My mom's side is where all that north and west Euro comes from, they're from the Midwest
Why did you say we then you tard
No you’re black buddy
To reiterate there is no other American than the white American. You're not American and never will be.
It is called being embracing what it means to be Americans. We integrated into the American culture. You didn't. You are traitors.
You are 52% southern European, 24% western European, 9% eastern european, 6% Scandinavian and 9% something else that you are too ashamed to show.
You are not Greek or Italian you are a new world mutt with no identity
You are a Spic, I'm an American.
albanian subhuman
Come to my neighborhood in athens and get smashed by my steel bat you rootless mongrel
because my dad is arab from north africa and my mom is Dutch