Be me, 17 years old in 2009

>be me, 17 years old in 2009
>watch David Icke 2hrs videos on Reptilians and NWO
>you forget about him for years
>google him 10 minutes ago
>he now makes videos about white genocide

guys this is getting even more serious if even these old school conspiracy theorists are seeing it now


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Other urls found in this thread:

Well in the end it will get so serious that riots will happen all over the world something out of the gangs of new york

>David Icke 2hrs videos on Reptilians and NWO
Faggots like Icke have made speaking out against white replacement infinitely harder by shilling their retardation for so many years. Now they do the ultimate disservice by associating directly with WN. Great.

>even more serious if even these old school conspiracy theorists are seeing it now

He has been talking about (((them))) for over 20 years, reptilians bloodlines = (((their))) bloodlines

>NWO isnt real
dude just staph

bullshit, this "metaphor" excuse is retarded, these people used to share "shape shifting" videos and reptile shit all the time. They literally think they're space lizards.
>muh NWO
It's just international corporatism, aka ultimate kikery

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can you prove that they dont exist?

can you prove you're not a nigger faggot?

sprichst du zu mir, du Mischling?

please, only shitskins like yourself have to hinge on
>muh luminati
You have to blame it on some super duper sneaky secret society because it can't be about, or stem, from race. You don't want to be the bad guy.


Why don't you even try? If you don't want to contribute any meaningful rebuttals then why even post?

>what is bohemian grove

>the faggiest goddamn thing I've ever seen
-Richard Nixon

Why don't you even try to prove I'm not the only real person in the world?

The world is just vibrations of energy, and you have to tap into higher levels of energy to access the true being from which you are a part of.

Attached: energy vibrations.jpg (700x368, 59K)

t. shitskin

>she is totally non reptilian goy
>what you believe in lizard mutants? Hahaha how silly, its not as if we are talking about vibrational frequencies
>the rituals performed by the elites are just a show...they dont really believe in worshipping demons for power....nothing to see here

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Why don't you go out and kill the Lizard people?

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And his spirit rises


You are playing into the kike trap user, you have to be open minded even if it sounds silly at first. It doesn't matter if you don't believe in it, because they fucking do.

You're a low IQ, gullible, and naive faggot. Almost 100% of the people that push this type of shit have no real experience with anything or anyone in reality, it's the only way to draw such ridiculous conclusions about reality.

Someone give me good sources to red pill myself on the Reptilian deal. So is it supposed to be a state of mind where people are focused on lesser base instincts and are cold blooded or actualy reptile people? This sounds hilarious and totally possible. I mean I already believe Hillary Clinton probably has Kuru from eating human brain(specifically pineal glands) for rituals and the ability to contact other dimensions or entities

>I already believe Hillary Clinton probably has Kuru from eating human brain(specifically pineal glands) for rituals and the ability to contact other dimensions or entities

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Dude my room is clean, give me some god damn reading material to entertain myself. Seriously she exhibits a lot of signs of Kuru. The reasons why might be a stretch but she probably eats child brain and blood

>she probably eats child brain and blood

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They're actually reptillian aliens for the people like David Icke, it's not a metaphor for those who talk about them. If you're interested in listening to what the people who believe in these things actually have to say for themselves, or if you're just interested in listening to some good SciFi in general, I wholeheartedly recommend looking up Alex Collier. This interview gives you everything you need to know about him.

The pineal gland stuff is easier to make an argument for than the Reptillians.

yeah guys stop watching your conspiracy video NOW

>muh reality

You sound incredibly intelligent

I actually don't know who that is, but look up Kuru symptoms and Clinton's unusual behavior towards the end of the campaign. Its weird. Also there is that gif of her laughing and you can see what appears to be a hole or abscess on her tongue, granted it could be a photo-shop although I doubt it. Seriously no one will give me some goods on the reptilian bullshit?

Awesome thanks

>pic related


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>The pineal gland stuff is easier to make an argument for than the Reptillians.
>the possible is more likely than the impossible
thanks user

Stick your dick in a blender, eat dog shit, you're a big boy.

I'm just a stupid sheeple who CANT WAKE UP, sorry user. Too many vaccinations and HARP microwaves targeted on me from the CIA.
>Clinton's unusual behavior towards the end of the campaign
>old, lazy, fat, decadent piece of shit woman
>getting absolutely smashed by a literal meme in a race for the most powerful position in the world
Yeah, I think Occam's Razor points to eating pineal glands.

The master will teach you the technique
But the rival will teach you how to master it
The man with nothing to lose has a unique edge over the powerful
A endless fissure of desire versus an overflowed well of greed
The two are no different at heart one is simply starving

>Reptillians are impossible

I've personally seen and done things in my life which I originally thought were absolutely impossible. For one example, I've successfully practiced remote viewing, and have done other things that are even weirder. Just because something sounds ridiculous doesn't mean it can be ruled out. If you can truly prove that the Reptillian conspiracy is literally impossible I would be very grateful, because information like that concerning any subject on any idea is quite rare.

Very good Grasshopper

>the schitzo is mentally unstable
>this proves lizard people are real

I hope you're not white.

The serpent is a timeless and ubiquitous symbol of knowledge. It can be found in every religion in one form or the other, in some he symbolizes divine knowledge, and in others their influence is evil.

For instance, in the Sumerian creation tale, the god of earth oppressed humanity and wished to keep them from the knowledge of the tree of life. It was his brother, Enki, who broke his brothers wishes and gave this divine gift or knowledge to mankind. Enki had created mankind at the behest of his father, the god of heaven, and resented his brother's subjugation of us. You know Enki as the serpent in the garden of Eden in Genesis.

The Serpent appears again as fixated all over depictions of the sumerian Demi god Ningishzidda, who is depicted as having twining serpents around his body with their heads hovering over his own in the place of horns - horns symbolized godhood to the sumerians. He was shown as leading humans to audiences with the gods where they received various gifts, like mathematics, astrology, farming equipment.

Ningishzidda is also called Thoth (Egyptian), Hermes (Greek), Enoch (Hebrew), and in modern Judaism and Catholicism he is known as the archangel Metatron.

The historical man, if he was a man at all, was called Hermes Trismegistus. In his writing or the derivations thereof, he says his civilization was destroyed from within by cloaked serpents who led his people down a path that was opposed by seven deities who had previously been guiding the progress of human civilization.

Its more than just the old, fat, lazy, and decadent traits. She clearly has some kind of degenerative brain disorder and suprisingly Kuru describes a lot of the symptoms she portrayed. Check it out, and if you still think its bullshit that's fine, but at least be willing to suspend disbelief momentarily

Hmm interesting tid bit, where did you find information about this?

oh but we can be in a simulation?
string theory proves we are made of waves
all radio channels go through you at once

Asking someone to prove something is impossible doesn't mean you believe that thing is true.

Apparently, the ADL knows it's a metaphor:


From there, we get into the more esoteric and I won't bore you, the reader. The clearly stated nature of deities and of the serpents themselves is that they are from higher planes of existence. The serpents sense when men open themselves up and try to ascend and claim themselves to be benevolent deities. To the unitiated, they may break their trance or wake up from a meditative sleep to escape, if they even realize the danger in the first place. However, once contact is made you cannot escape them by simply retreating. This is where the idea of demonic possession comes from.

But, it is more complicated still. Hermes spoke of his Ascension to godhood, being acknowledged by the 7 as their equal and having completed the same path as them to permanently ascend to a higher state of existence. As such, they stripped him of his mortality and gave him knowledge of two more gifts at his disposal. 1. He could reincarnate, either by benevolently possessing a human seeking Ascension or physically manifesting 2. He could keep that body alive indefinitely by using a structure left by the gods on this plane for that purpose.

The reptilians are not deities such as the 7, nor are they benevolent. They take offense at the corporeal manifestation of the soul and seek 1. To cause misery on humans who represent that corporeal manifestation 2. To weaken the souls of men so that they can be consumed by darkness either in attempts to ascend, or in death. They abhor the efforts of the 7 to elevate humanity, and manifest in those with a predisposition to their influence, some of which is genetic, and some of which is influenced by the possessee's belief system which can make them more vulnerable.

Alex Collier's 1994 interview has always been great. Everyone needs to see it

One quote from that interview genuinely changed my life. It was simply the most profound thing I had ever heard, however simple it was.

>The Love that you withhold is the Pain that you carry.

Apparently a spiritual Elder of the Andromedans said it to him.

David Icke is redpilled af. He's been in the game and been called an "anti-semite" for a long time.