that russia is twice as large as the united states?
Guys did you know
And most of that land is uninhabitable tundra.
did you know nobody gives a fuck?
Who cares, except in surprised they are able to hold onto such a large amount of uninhabited land
twice the land, less than a tenth of the gdp hahahaha
Neat I guess
Always amazes me how politcally weak they are though, and its almost like nobody even wants that land? Is there something wrong with it?
Tundra is habitable.
And it has S-P-A-C-E
How do they keep the chinks from invading?
no shit, but most of it is tundra
What's going on itt?
that's plenty of empty space, it need something more
Digits confirm frosted shithole, is still a shithole.
i dunno guys, there's a lot of resources to build lots of shit, i dont think putin reveals all his cards, remember how easy he bought hillary and obama?
Yes, our GDP has been growing pretty steadily in recent years, but you have to realize that with all the mass immigration we got, all of the gains have gone to the top 1%.
The typical American isn't getting richer.
bullshit you jew
What the fuck, I thought Russia would be worth at least 5 trillion, Hitler was right about Slavs
>Desert States