
The clock is ticking Manolos
Europe, America... we will not forget the ones who betrayed the ideals of freedom, democracy and solidarity

Soon, the catalan republic will be constituted, despite your efforts, righteousness will always triumph. Spain is an opressive artificial state, founded on the authoritarian regime of castillian on the other peoples of the peninsula. To this end Catalonia has been flooded with immigrants from andalusia to dilute its race and lower its IQ. WE WILL NO LONGER STAND FOR THIS. BE WARNED.

don't take the wrong side of history, Sup Forums.

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catalans cannot understand that they are just castillian people with one destiny

"being subjugated forever"

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We are amidst a catalan nationalist resurgence, manolos will be assimilated or they will be banished
Europe will have to choose a side, and it better choose well.

>Do you want another 1 of October again?
Unironically yes, you looked like violent monkeys opressing a peaceful people


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and we will win
and we will win
and we will win
and we will win

>You looked like violent monkeys
What are you talking about Jordi.
We were just defending our rightful clay, Catalan nationality never existed, you never had a country, it was Aragon.

Go back to dance your sardanes fag

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>country, it was Aragon.
catalan-aragonese crown for you manolo
we conquered all the territory in pic related
it was the house of BARCELONA not the house of aragon

face it, catalaryans are a superior species within the peninsula

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Catalans are the biggest cucks in Europe.


You are just a bunch of larping faggots, trying to be nacional socialists.

Pic related, the fag who runned away. Your pruses is over, long live tabarnia

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no two people have same culture, Iberian people largely act the same and have identical cultures since time can count, we all had the same weapons, writing, language etc..
Catalan came to be just because of the influence of the cucked Aquitinian language who then cucked the Eastern Spanish language, so Catalonia is a language that came to be from someone who was cucked that cucked Catalonia with their language influences, there is no evidence of catalan language prior to getting liberated by france, just the general Iberic language that is seen homogenously throughout the peninsula from lisbon all the way to aragon.

You can verify all this yourself, I see Eastern Spain as just Spain and my people who I would defend in any way.

I just don't see anything special about the catalan language nor did anyone historically see anything important about it.

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Ireland didn't gain independence through democracy or protests, and you won't either.
Franco was right because might makes right, and if you fail to understand this Catalan will never be free.

>to dilute its race

You IQ is lowered, YOU ARE NOT A RACE.

>Gitgud ~Loser.

Spain will round up the cat trouble maker joos.

We Castilians made a laughstock of all the other so called "nations", but seems they didn't learn anything, we need another Decreto de Nueva Planta.

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Mira lo que me estoy comiendo hermano Español.

The county barcelona wasnt a nation just a feudal land holding, the count and nobles would sell their daughter to nigerians and moors if it retained their priviliges.

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Can you feel it?


Catalonia is good to the extent that it is anarchist and lame to the extent that it is nationalist. I hope you have a good revolution, especially if it is a revolution against hierarchy and domination.

I don't bow to castillian imposed kings
catalonia is living a new age of nationalism and we will be free wether you like it or not
Castillians are too stupid to defeat the catalan race

Catalans are a different race, closer to north italians and french, while sp*niards are closer to moortuguese

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>Before Sochi
>Media: Terrorist attacks very very likely
>Before World Cup
>Media: They poisoned a ex-russian spy which is an attack on Britain!
Is there a pattern here boys?

>closer to north italians and french

Show real flag and show me distinction between Catalan and Castillian.

The Spanish Empire was born from a matrimonial union, it was not imposed.

You couldn't even mantain your fictional "Catalano-Aragonese" country..

Jordi. you were defeated at 1974. 1939 and 2017.
And we won't flinch to fuck with you again.

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>Jordi. you were defeated at 1974.
>castillian education
maybe you meant la guerra dels segadors declaration of 1641?
castillian low IQ showing itself again

face it manolo, independence will happen sooner or later, the will of a people cannot be stopped

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>face it manolo, independence will happen sooner or later

It was just a mistake Jordi, not as bad a mistake as attacking spanish patriots.

Independence will never happen, we will take as many prisoners as we can.

Cucktalonia will never become a republic for more than 8seconds.

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it is a scientific truth

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what side should i be on?

The right one?

i have asturian family, which side does that put me on?

The shitskin pseudo catalan doens´t even know that portuguese are closest to north italians. And you are in north africa.