How many meme's do we have of this messenger of God?
We don't have enough do we?
Show me what you got.
He needs more power.
Jacob Rees Moog
hahahahha love it
bump for glory
Enoch > Farage > Mogg
>tfw 1/7 seas from jrm
id love to go fox hunting with him
Yes, bongs, Rees Mogg would amazing as your PM, unless you’re a poorfag that is, but certainly you aren’t such scum, are you?
I can see him and Trump getting along like Ron and Maggie.
I'm poor as fuck but a student, although I do know poorfags. You're right though it's hard to argue anything against they aren't making a change for themselves.
If someone came along with a pro-NHS, anti-Austerity, and staunchly nationalist manifesto they'd win a landslide over here desu.
quick bong-down, please
At some point you Brits gotta drip ur NHS. I feel like suggesting 'privatization' of the national healthcare is a trigger for you guys.
He's our one anti-immigration politician who doesn't seem to really give a fuck what the media thinks. He's kinda like a slightly shittier Nigel Farage.
>a slightly shittier Nigel Farage.
that's literally what you boys need over ther
It's painted as a holy cow in the media, and it's a major talking point every single fucking election. Our socialists tell everyone to worry about their grans getting a pension and free healthcare.
The only issue I see with him is that he's gonna want to reconcile with the remainers in the Conservative party when he should purge them from the organization. Trump tried to reconcile with the rinos in the Republican party and they still stabbed him in the back.
That's such a shitty photoshop but I like it
At the end of the day I've never had to worry about my healthcare ever in my entire life thanks to the NHS and I'm not exactly strapped for cash so I don't mind paying slightly more than I otherwise would if I were paying for my own care exclusively with a private healthcare provider. Also anecdotely, I've never had a problem with my care besides exorbitant time getting hold via phone despite all the sensational horror stories.
Well, if we can fix our healthcare system here in America then maybe you can use it as an argument to change yours. Cause as bad as ours in the States I hear horror stories about yours in the UK.
Aye he's not exactly anti-May either, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that's more benign loyalty to his otherwise unfortunate party leader.
You can get the same effect as the NHS through privatization, but it'd be more efficient.
And you bet the lefties use those horror stories to justify pumping billions more into that bloated heap of shit bureaucracy.
Pic related, we already spend £145bn per year on it, and yet we're constantly told it's on the brink of collapse. Don't even get me started on the benefits too...
Fuck it
Here's pic
Yeah I feel at some point he has to throw the glove down. He's too nice, but whether that's a tactic or not I don't know. I like how he's playing his cards. If he wants the PM spot he probably could get it, but he wouldn't be in a strong position. So he's waiting. Then again he could honestly not want. Dude's got six kids and if he became PM he'd never see them.
Skim through these. He's a living meme but unironically redpilled on so many things.
He knows how to work the system. That is good he'll need his insider information to defeat his enemies when he's in office.
But that's my opinion as an American.
Oh undoubtedly. But it'd be such a ball-ache and free gov. healthcare is just one of those things we've kind of all become culturally accustomed to having, scary as that might sound from across the Atlantic. Don't get me wrong lad I'm always the first to defend the idea of privatisation when it comes up in common discourse because the stats show it's just more economic and efficient. But we've got enough shit to sort out at the moment, namely the pakis, (((them))) and Brexit. I couldn't think of anything more jarring for political discourse and the taking back of our country than suddenly having to sort out from the ground up a 100% privatised health care system.
You guys are shills and nobody has heard of this person till you kikes started your PR campaign on this board. DO you realize that detecting bullshit is one of Sup Forumss strongest abilities?
Huh, throwing dirt and excusing others of collusion. Sounds like a trick a shill would use, hmmm.
I 100% agree mate. I really do hope he runs tho. I'm not trying to be sensationalist when I say that this conservative party we have right now is flagrantly left-wing, it's ludicrous. Mogg would be the perfect counter-weight, even if we had a full-blown neoCon/deep state paradigm like in the US with Trump.
He's a more polished Farage who isn't a one trick pony and is a veritable walking encyclopedia of British history. That said, I was a little disappointed with his rush to judgment on the whole Russia controversy this week. He said in the house of commons that he wants to mass more british troops on Russia's border. Disappointing.
Farage is very polished and articulate, Mogg is just upper class.
I'm less worried about neo-cons and more about the remaining former soviet spies in the State department. Pompeo has gotta clean house.
I wanted to live in denial britbro, I’m getting tired of the redpills
Also what do you guys think of this btw? Threw it up in gimp
It's pretty good. Maybe make the font just a tad more readable.
Mosley > Enoch