These Twins, One Black and One White, Will Make You Rethink Race
Marcia and Millie Biggs say they’ve never been subjected to racism—just curiosity and surprise that twins could have such different skin colors.
These Twins, One Black and One White, Will Make You Rethink Race
Marcia and Millie Biggs say they’ve never been subjected to racism—just curiosity and surprise that twins could have such different skin colors.
Michael Biggs sees a clear family resemblance in his twin daughters, Marcia (left) and Millie: “They both have my nose.”
(((Really makes me think)))
Yet the one of the right will have the privilege of not getting beat up and can say nigger with no repercussions.
oy vey
Well it doesn't seem like there's much we can do about it now. So much of this, like a lot of things in life, depend entirely on cock size. If you're simply not packing the length or the girth necessary you're not going to be able to compete in the modern world.
jesus christ these kinds of families are like 50% of the scum you see shopping at walmart. they're so fucking ugly, so fucking annoying to look at. fuck them and their entire lives
I admire the troll campaign that strives to take infographics like this and inflate all of the sizes to make dicklets even more insecure. Autism knows no bounds.
Just wanted to reply to this for anyone naive enough to believe its numbers.
"For example, an erect penis of 6.3 inches is in the 95th percentile. That means that out of 100 men, only five would have a penis longer than 6.3 inches."
started reading on the right
stopped here
I am the grey one and it's perfect
>t. dicklet
Though it may be tiresome to debunk the shills it serves a great purpose. Here user, take my (you).
Nice fake study to make small dicklets feel good.
Show the tribal girls tits
It's National Geographic after all.
still in the B zone and close to A you brainlet mutt
>family portrait
Gross, this is why blacks and whites shouldn't mix
One is black and the other is mullato (still black). The """white""" looking one has negroid features despite having lighter features. Technically a crypto white
seriously fuck anyone who agrees to having their lives paraded around as propoganda
>Wow, dude, like, so twins can also be non-identical if the parents are of different races...
>We should totally let in more brown criminals into our country, dude!
Now I can be a lazy bitch and look forward to others taking care of me.
This is reaching a all new level, they will lie, and propagate those lies everywhere.
Can't wait to read the mental gymnastics Mrs. Goldstein wrote to arrive to this.
cool. seemingly different raced twins. It's very interesting and they'll be able to break the ice with anyone they meet for their whole lives.
My conception about race and my feelings towards it are wholly unaffected.
Fucking 1 image limit. Last one and will just point out that these are fraternal twins, meaning the roastie who gave birth to them was having a 3-way with a nigger. Burn the coal, pay the toll.
la goblina asqueroso...
Possibly not a lie, look up superfecundation.
It is somewhere between intellectual dishonesty or outright mockery of leftist intelligence,
Whites already are a global minority. I guess the jews are happy to see them as minorities in their own countries.
they are twins my dude but it teaches us literally nothing we didn't already know about genetics
I appreciate the wildlife documentation and photography that comes from natgeo but even that is sjw kike propaganda at times, pic related
Nothing new under the sun. I was growing up before the internet and was always very insecure about my size until I finally got a second opinion.
>mfw I later learned I am top 1% of length and girth.
I imagine pretty much every virgin pre-internet must have been ashamed of their dick size.
I unironically feel bad for you if that is true.
This is, by far, the best meme pic of all time.
They're only fraternal twins. At least one parent is mixed race. The whiter kid got more white dna. The blacker kid got more black dna.
Mystery solved.
lol this
lol at that pic, yeah good idea women lets reshape our societies to be more like monkeys yeah that’ll be good.
editor in chief of nat geo
She's been rambling on about race is a social construct today
I came here for this post
These arent twins. They are genetically DIFFERENT.
What a lie.
Seriously, what's up with National Geographic's obsession with Race cuckoldry and White Genocide?
Bless the goy
>fraternal twins
Fuck you racist.
Nobody cares. Literally nobody.
Delightfully devilish, you mutt boy
>editor in chief of nat geo
>She's been rambling on about race is a social construct today
First one to point this out. GAS ALL JEWS. NO EXCEPTION, NO COMPROMISE.
>Chimpanzees, while threatened by humans have spread over 5 continents.
>bonobos only exist in a small sheltered population in africa. Do not expand outwards and rely on a very, very stable and risk averse environment to maintain population stability.
Both have positive and negative aspects. But the bonobos are crippled by a lack of adaptability.
>I imagine every virgin pre-internet was ashamed of their dick size
Lmao nice projection you fucking dicklet. I always knew I had a donkey dick even back then, because I could grab an absolute handful of cock through my gym shorts while flaccid.
>These Twins, One Black and One White, Will Make You Rethink Race
> The girl on the left is considered white in America despite her skin tone and facial features clearly being non-white
I said care!!!
They both look a lot like chimps or maybe bamboons.
puro 56% americano....
>defending dick size to a bunch of internet strangers
no one cares about the size of your imaginary dick
>race is just a social construct, its not real!
>but we need special programs and protections for these certain races
>w-wait, no, you can't identify as black, you're white!