VERY good news the US will be minority white by 2045
VERY good news the US will be minority white by 2045
He makes a good point, but first we need to somehow get rid of a lot of useless, violent, rural white trash. Any ideas?
Never stop beating the country into the ground
Another nonsensical statement.
>He makes a good point,
There is no point. It reads like he's mentally handicapped.
Fucking russian bots stop attacking him
>w h y
Cool. Name a wealthy non-white country without oil. Not so fast Argentina...
Pathetic little pricks like this have to hide. They could never actually articulate why things would be better in any way. The high kike IQ is obviously a lie.
Darkies don't have to obey whites or Jews when they have an overwhelming majority. Jews are not going to teach the Darkies to hate themselves like they have taught whites. If they did that, whites might notice something was wrong with the world.
Chinese and other Asians have not been taught self hatred and have high intelligence. They can pass laws that allow unlimited Asian immigration. White Self Haters won't stand up to this because they will continue to be shamed for the victorious actions of dead white men. A few calls of racist and a couple public executions of whites who stand up to the Asian hoards and the White Self Haters will commit suicide.
Currently, the White Self Hater thinks he will be spared by the morally superior darkies. He doesn't realize that the darkies are afraid of what White Cops will do to them if they step out of line.
>better prepared for the global era.
Not even hiding it anymore.
Translation: in order to install globalist new world order whites need to die.
Also, nice link, OP, you fag.
The black population will still be at 13 percent though in 2050.
What, are suddenly non-whites going to start putting up homes in Kentucky and Kansas and Oklahoma? Non-whites are only interested in city centers with high populations, semi-segregated neighborhoods, and lots of companies/services/attractions. Ain't no black people in my neighborhood thinking the open range, small town life.
t. black guy in Portland, OR.
I honestly don't know if it's even worth living in the middle of bumfuck wherever just to avoid people. Like what's the point of being a person without others to socialise?
Kill all Jews
Funny how that date keeps getting pushed back. When I was in high school it was 2012, guess we had to reschedule that one.
we already are
The comments are great.
This. If race doesn't exist, like the left claims, why would it matter what the racial makeup of a country is?
This is nothing more than hate speech against whites.
No way! I cant believe a jew would love a white minority!
Japanese are white.
I mean eventually they will when the cities get shitted up enough, beaners do it.
> gooks are white
What fucking reality do these fucking retards live in? What le diverse country is worth living in?
>Culturally richer
>Forgets the studies showung social bankrupcy
At least we have different foods right?