Corvids will evolve! Join my cult, Zoroaster's Avian Light (ZAL)

Part 1 out of 2

Mankind will go extinct. There is a high probability certain species of birds, like corvids, will evolve towards greater sophistication.

A. Intelligence

The intellect of corvids, especially New Caledonian Crows, rivals Great Apes, even with a relatively smaller brain.

Interestingly, with New Caledonian Crows we see the existence of meta-tool use, where they can use a tool to modify another tool or save it for reuse, something seen only among humans, chimps, and orangutans. There is also evidence that they transmit local designs via making negative impressions of its shape on a leaf, which may be indicative of a culture. They also show incremental improvements to their tool designs over time. Furthermore, many species of birds are very good at finding solutions to novel problems, or novel solutions to an old one!

This is an example of convergent evolution, and birds and mammals diverged ~300 million years ago from a common ancestor. As noted, even with small brains, though a high encephalization quotient (EQ), the intellect of corvids like magpies and crows rivals greater apes, and while they may lack convoluted, folded cortical structures, I hypothesize their dorsal ventricular ridge (DVR) has more optimized, robust neuronal circuits that rival our cortex. The neocortex of humans is reminiscent of six distinct layers of plywood whereas the DVR of birds is like cloves of a garlic bulb.

B. Genome

Also, the genome of birds are more condensed, and they have approximately 1 billion base pairs with fewer repeat sequences and larger deletion events in which DNA has been expunged over time, perhaps so they can regulate their genes more rapidly to meet requirements of flight. In contrast, humans have a genome of 3 billion base pairs with more repeat sequences. Again, like the brain example, more clutter in our case. On an unrelated note, their lungs are also more efficient than ours.


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Other urls found in this thread: Island/Easter Island 1.htm

Part 2 out of 2

C. Less Mentally Disturbed, also tying into less Sexually Charged

As Jane Goodall noted, chimps have a tendency to do crazy stuff like cannibalism and rape whereas with most species of birds this extreme stuff is not really seen. The ovaries of their cochlea only grows during mating season, and 90% of bird species are socially monogamous, leading to a more stable way of life. Consider how in our primate brains sex/promiscuity and violence are closely correlated whereas this does not seem to be the case with birds.

I hypothesize the default-mode network of most bird species would give less problems than ours. A lot of the issues with primates stems from psychosexual issues intersecting with the clutter of our minds, perhaps largely due to the hierarchical, cortical columns in our brains rather than the more refined cloves of a garlic bulb in the birds.

D. Conclusion

A lot of this is fact but also speculation of future evolutionary trajectories. I just thought it was interesting to bring up these recent thoughts because I feel 1) it can lead people to become disillusioned by the human drama. I do not want kids after reading about stuff like My Lai Massacres and how similar events have occurred frequently in human history. I leave the future to birds who possess great symbolic significance while also a certain biological elegance, 2) to realize that there are certain biological facts about humans that can lead to instability or problems, 3) to appreciate birds more via bird-watching and contemplate their uniqueness, 4) to promote the extinction of mankind for the sake of the amazing crows.

I sacrifice myself to the transcendence of magpies, crows, ravens, and other corvids.

Already happened

Bird people killed the Dinosaurs

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Just like the inbred Pharaohs of old

How the bird people actually looked is not like what they depicted themselves as.

Fuck you and you shit, birds are dinosaur niggers and I refuse to conform to your cult. Birds are cunt like you.


But you get to wear cool crow costumes like the one in Bloodborne.

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I have these crows that hang out in a tree behind my house. I feed them about every day. They're my buddies.

They're pretty smart, and you sound like a good person. God speed.

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Thanks. When it's really cold and the weather is bad they come and see me, I give them bacon fat.

Corvids are fucking awesome. I keep wanting to learn how to train the ones thast live near me but never really commit to reading up on it. At some point I'll build a sweet birdhouse for em and figure out how to train them to notify me of wandering crackheads (Crows can learn a vocabulary). I'd love it if I could teach them to say "Fuck-off" to tresspassers

corvid stronk and smart!

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Crows are cool. I'd be okay with leaving the world to them.

Birds are dinosaurs, fucko.

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How about provisions for language development? Are crows particularly articulate for birds to begin with?

Also, I for one welcome our corvid overlords.

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Let me smash

Yes. All birds are. Passerines in general and corvids in particular. They can transmit complex information across generations, which is a major achievement and a huge step towards culture and memetic evolution (no, not that kind of memes you autists.)

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Parrots can talk..

the priesthood rises, Dahnald.....


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We ain't talking parrots here, matey. It's about crows. (and corvids in general)

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Ravens can talk, I'm not sure about crows. Maybe to a lesser extent.

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Birds evolved from Reptiles.

Everything is related to reptiles except fish and insects.

Therefore silicone is superior.
Not agreeing nor disagreeing.

ahoy bucko me sides be long as the broadside of a ship

>dinosaurs, or at least their kin, will again inherit the earth
lulzy enough to be likely desu.

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where did you get this picture of me

lol you're that fag that was posting about how much it sucks to be Persian on /his/ aren't you?

Shadowmoon valley was right all along!

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I'd prefer a super race of varanids. They already almost took over the oceans in the Late Dinosaur Age.

What is the actual POINT of a cult like this if this evolution will take millions of years, and these species will do it with or without your subservience? Even if this future you describe turns out to be a FACT, there exists absolutely no reason to live your life any differently because of this.

calm down lemon

>chimps have a tendency to do crazy stuff like cannibalism and rape whereas with most species of birds this extreme stuff is not really seen
Are you kidding? Carnivorous and omnivorous birds engage in cannibalism all the time.

Hail Roac, son of Carc!

the purpose would be develop methods to preserve our own lessons, advice, and teachings for them later on with knowledge that indeed such a form of life would eventually develop in our stead, obviously. i think there will be plenty of artifacts for them to garner knowledge from with or without specific aims to that end though

caw i say

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My nigga.


>becoming two subspecies best tailored for individual geographic regions before recombining into a superbird that can best tolerate the whole geography
mfw mankind's evolutionary history from shitrat -> now gets made a mockery of

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Are you guys all fucking retarded?

*whistles* me me pickle pee

>he knows the sekrit code

pee pee pump a rump!!!

all hail surfin bird

Crows have dialects.

that's bullshit but i believe it


my ancestors :')

pls explain

They knew the science of aviation in ancient times.



The Jews seek to suppress knowledge of our ancient technology.

Further very compelling proof that the Nazca line builders had come from homelands in the Mediterranean is provided by a huge inscription, in Phoenician writing, spelt out by stone heaps. The site where it is found is at Palpa Mountain, about 9-miles (14.5-kilometres) NNW of where the main body of Nazca desert geometry commences. The huge inscription is described in archaeological literature as 300-metres long and 20 metres wide and says:

Dr Winters transliteration:
Come down [into the earth] and spread this. Strain and pacify the water [in the area]
Come and spread [within this region]. Grace. Go out [among the land] and become strong.

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wait, hollow earth?

No, it's spherical and the ancients knew this, the inch encoded the diameter for navigation purposes, The kikes invented the metric system to try and cover over our system of measurements. You can read the links I provided and learn that all the ancient stone monuments were built by whites and have encoded information. Island/Easter Island 1.htm

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Only when the raven swallows thy heart can it be converted into the transcendent light. Towers of Silence are cooler than the pyramids.

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