Can anyone here drop some redpills on China? Not only politically but also culturally. What is their endgame? How do they view Europe and the USA, Japan, and the rest of the world? Is their government actually interested in world dominance or is everything they do in their own national interest?
Can anyone here drop some redpills on China? Not only politically but also culturally. What is their endgame...
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Would world dominane not be in their national interest? If a country can control global trade so they get the best deals, they win the game.
I guess it would go hand in hand now that i think about it
China was invaded by every major power in the last two hundred years. They hate everyone
China has no endgame and they know it. Every single time in recorded history when ever china was a "united nation" and starting to do good they went straight back to civil war and city states.
The country is hold together by the KP literally killing everyone that steps a inch away from the party line while at the same time watering the party line down more and more. Xi as lifelong party head and president finally is the last nail in the coffin.
That shithole will go south soon and very very fast.
You're saying a civil war is imminent? And that XI is the last line of defense against it?
Xi as eternal leader is the spark taking it from internal tension to civil war is very very likely to happen.
All the kept them from chimping out was there was all 8 years (?) a new "king" to yell at...
At the same time the KP lost a lot of their influence, corruption is running wild, chinese turbo capitalism on steroids is a recipe for disaster...
Civil war would make them stronger. From destruction there is creation. They can probably become a more militant fascist nation once they take out the CCP.
Xi was a mistake. His aggressive stance wasn't necessary. China could've continued to eat up everything around them economically until no one would ever oppose them. Now, Xi is President for life and everyone in Asia have seen their worst fears come true.
The secret beginning of the Communist Party of China.
China? Our last hope to not live among 76 genders people, niggerism and all sort of shit.
I guess that explains why they are all running here. How do we ship them back to where they belong?
The complete stupidity of Mao Zedong.
The Chinese were actually fucked up long before communism though.
There's no taking out the CCP nor is there any sense of unity or anything.
The CCP is the only coherence in this entire construct take it out and you have about 30+ new nations within days of what used to be china. There's already no way to deal with at least 12 different "independence insurgencies" they have right now beside crushing it over and over again with the army.
Hi, I'm a black person who is very triggered by some of the things I've read here. Like legitimately, I'm mortally wounded by the absolutely vile things I've read here. My feelings are hurt, I feel sad, and an assortment of other emotions that probably haven't even been discovered by science yet. I have a few Jewish friends as well, and they're even more upset than I am. I'm legitimately concerned that he may commit suicide after what he's read here. I don't want to lose my best friend. It's just not fair.
And it's all the fault of you nutbars here on Sup Forums. I thought that a minimally moderated, anonymous internet message board would have a bit more class than this, but it would seem I've been sorely mistaken. As a black person, I feel so hurt and betrayed by a community that I thought I could trust...
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and cry and drown my sorrow binging on something other than fried chicken and watermelon, because I don't eat fried food and the watermelon isn't very juicy or flavorful this time of year.
>Ways That Are Dark: The Truth About China
Why are the modern Chinese so fucked up? Was it because of communism? No, they were always fucked up.
If they have insurgencies already what would trigger a full scale civil war?
That's pretty interesting. If a civil war were to happen against would the US actually support a communist party this time or would the government take it's chance at a new government?
An example of Chinese "culture". Survival cannibalism has been a part of every culture, but the Chinese are the only ones to practice epicurean cannibalism (i.e. eating people for fun and cuisine).
More about Chinese cannibalism.
They're running literally anywhere that is out of the direct influence sphere of the CCP.
They flood into Hong Kong, Macau, etc, they migrate in masses to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand. Everyone who can tries to bring at least one ocean between them and the CCP going to Africa, South America, no fucks given just get out.
And everyone who has the money and connections goes for Europe or north America...
BTW are there any good books and/or documentaries that accurately explain China's current political climate and culture and/or history?
How the Chinese race came to be.
The Chinese themselves were slaves during their final dynasty, the same one that conquered Tibet. The PRC's occupation over Tibet is fucking illegal.
Saved. Learned a lot from these, thanks Ameribro.
At least this pasta isn't too stale. Have a (You)
The Chinese have no soul. Also, they are genociding their ethnic uigher minority because they're Muslim. On the one hand, I don't approve of genocide.on the other hand, I make an exception for Muslims.
Pic related. It's a 11/10 uigher qt3.14
>If they have insurgencies already what would trigger a full scale civil war?
There're many options...
>many of the smaller independence movements get their shit together and unite for one large uprising
>a putsch in the CCP fractioning the only unifying party into interest groups
>the power gap left once the CCP spirals out of control (it's already just hanging on it's military might)
>one of their newly rich founds his own private army because he don't want to give the party their cut
>religions groups go nuts at each other
>If a civil war were to happen against would the US actually support a communist party this time or would the government take it's chance at a new government?
Who does the US owe the most money? Yeah... they will pretty much go there and buy their stuff back for less than 1cent per 1000 dollar owed.
To them, China is and always was the pinnacle of human civilization. Western superiority is just an embarrassing anomaly in the thousands years history of the middle kingdom.
Make no mistake they are the enemy
China has a HUGE gender imbalance thanks to the one-child policy and Chinese couples preferring sons over daughters because of $$$. Sex-selective abortions are common in China.
They are going for whites next. I live in Vancouver and they are everywhere pumping out children left and right. They only people that outbreed here them are probably jungle chinks.
They are addicted to gambling.
Their culture is about who has the most shit, just like niggers.
They have no creativity at all. They can steal people's shit and make it better but they could never create anything of their own (much like Japan).
They see Europe and the US as people who are easy to manipulate and use for their own ends.
Most of the country is dirt poor and the mindset hasn't changed even within the big cities.
If manufacturing were to move out of China tomorrow, that country would be in a civil war by next week.
Rockefellers /Chase bank were all up in China too.
It's going to mean a lot of men China will send to war because they can't find them any meaningful jobs or pussy.
Old and dated.
Xinjiang Tibet Manchuria "freedom" fighters when
Maybe 白左. But in all seriousness, you were fools to let them in. At least more than you needed for dry cleaners.
>1 year ago
That will happen sooner or later. As soon as the CCP gives up one more bit of their power and they have to one way or another.
They can't keep building ghost cities for million of people every year to prop up their GDP and economical growth...
3000 years ago Chinese were white, but now they are niggers because those white men married too many nigger wives.
Chinese history in a nutshell.
They're incompetent monkeys at war. Here's how their last war went
>Be China
>See Vietnam get curbstomped by Western World and Japan for several decades
>Vietnam sends its main army to pacify the Cambodians
>UN has sanctioned them, crippling their economy and leaving them with no real allies
>Literal sitting duck of a nation who is on the verge of absolute decimation
>China decides to strike
>Send in their main army to strike Vietnam
>China's main army ended up getting repelled by Vietnamese militias.
>Vietnam ends up getting a higher kdr despite being inferior in numbers and equipment.
Some more details about the significant role of the white race in ancient China.
The history that the Chinese don't want you to know.
everyone wants to rule the world.
The truth about the Terracotta Army.
yellows are universially short
The Chinese history of suffering.
The Chinese history of dying in massive numbers.
The Chinese history of warfare.
China's end game? Control the world or at least control Asia/East Asia. As most Asians they view other cultures/civilisations as inferior. Chinese culture and mentality is focused on their supposed superiority ''The Middle Kingdon'' n shiet. They hate the Japs for a reason, they envy the Americans and probably view the Russians as useful puppets (who have 'stolen' rightful Chinese clay - the Amur region/Eastern Siberia). There is however, one thing that is according to me very positive in their foreign policy. They support autocratic anti-liberal regimes (Assad for example) and regional stability in places like Central Asia.
The truth about Chinese intelligence.
The truth about doing business with the Chinese.
They are communists using the engine of capitalism to help implement communism.
They are obsessed with white culture.
The truth about China's "war on pollution".
Chinese pollution.
I've only met very polite, funny and intelligent Chinamen.
But pol taught they're basically savages, so I'll stick to that
Last one.
Life has improved for most people though, who would revolt against that? Not like there's generals around who would want to commit a coup, right?
I like china, and i buy many chinese products also the people are nice. See nothing wrong with these angels.
ty for this, s a v e d
improved is a very lose word.
Going from haiti tier shit to just cambodia tier shit isn't that much of a step up.
They are not interested in world domination
They only want Taiwan
I have firsthand experience with this one in the Air Force. The intellectual property theft is ridiculous. Thing is, it's still ~~made in China~~. They effectively trace our designs but have no idea how to make the concepts work. So they have what one could swear looks like an F-35, but is actually just a flying can disguised as an F-35.
Read this believe me.
>Turbo-Jews on Steroids
The problem with these is you are thinking about the goals of China through a white man's lense which is arguably more of a violent, irrational and domineering kind. The Chinese has never wanted world domination. They were content on sitting on the 3 most valuable river systems in the world, taking over the desert and mountains in the West to solidify their position and using soft power to make the world their tributary. This worked for thousands of years and us, the eternal Anglo got our ships.
Ignore the blatant blind stereotypes that specific amerimutts have on the chinese. They're either false or grossly exaggerated for effect. It seems Americans are realising China is a real threat and so actively slander it to reduce its power over the world. I, for one, welcome our Chinese overlords.
Democracy means letting the absolute dumbest of the dumb, and the most easily influenced, have an effect in matters that only experts have the ability to manage. Lack of democracy in China means that the opinions of Tibetans, Uyghurs, malcontents, and idealists can be ignored while a small elite cabal of wealthy nepotists make unilateral decisions which everyone knows results in the total paper tiger that is the Chinese infrastructure and economy. Sure, you could say they are being realistic in suppressing Muslim etc. voices within China, and in fact it has largely resulted in MUCH more social stability than in Britain, but they are still the ideological enemy of the West. What Western countries haven't mastered is a way to unilaterally take necessary measures for social stability (banning Islamist rallies, etc.) without caving to democratic pressure. It may not be a balance that can be attained, unfortunately, and democracy of course becomes much more difficult to manage the more diverse and multifarious the population is. China is heading for the inevitable bloody revolution, which it has seen a hundred times throughout history, once the unsustainable economy slows and people are in hard times again.
more like insects desu
My grandpa always said "the chinese are the jews of the orient."
Man that dude knew how to racist.
I make business with china expat and they are the most reliable immigrants ever, even better than a south Italian.
the chinks are in for a hard landing. i give them 6 more years till things start heading south.
i always find it weird when i have moments I realise that there are asian people who think they are better than non-asian people, lol.
How can those small people with their child-like bodies and ugly faces, tiny dicks, annoying as fuck languages and accents think they're anything but inferior?
they seem to be the dumbest fucks i ever encounter both on the road and even walking along foot paths and at work.
I pummel through gooks on a daily basis, i see them approaching me from afar standing in a line & thinking i'm going to move out of their way.. or maybe they don't see me & then I just pummel through their tiny bodies. Sometimes I hear them say sorry afterwards, but I don't even give a fuck and continue my superior stride.
Fucking peons.
Interesting... Thanks for these.
Why is China going to finally enforce the One China policy and take back Taiwan from the capitalists KMT pigs?
t. chink shill
Found another chink shill...
They want to rule the world like anyone else. God will rain on their parade though, with fire.
The Chinese are a racial seed originating in Centauri. Their progenitors are the prototypical 'little green men' which have been poison welled by CIA media. The Centauri primarily used sound-based technology as opposed to the light-based beamships of most spacefaring races who are pozzed by reptilian technology. They were in the second wave of aliens who created humanoid races on earth, and they did so for research rather than labor or incarnation. They came in the Late jurassic, ~150mya, on a large landmass northeast of the tethys ocean which has since become Asia after colliding with the eastern remnants of gondwanaland during the war which destroyed pre-Atlantean civilization. Lyran colonies had been established in gondwanaland long before that in the late carboniferous period ~300mya (which they of course caused.) Because of their centauri creators, the asian races primarily think in resonant rather than constructive terms. This is apparent in their tonal language but it runs much deeper. They are predisposed toward memetic groupthink, which allowed the Centauri researchers to more easily set up experiments at scale.
>racial pride and urge to conquer increasing
something spooked Xi and the top end of leadership enough to push them into strengthening the control of the central gov't both politically and socially. This process has been ongoing for several years.
My guess is they're worried about unrest due to the absolute shitbird the chinese economy is. We'll see what happens
source: leafs know when it's time to fall from the tree
Probably this. i want to believe and all that but the Chinese are not exactly the greatest race to ever walk this planet. Their entire history is one of crushing failure wrapped up in pretty lies. They do persevere well, I'll give them that. And they're N1 on the team kill leaderboard for the rest of human history probably. Good old based Mao and all godly ornithological wisdom. But yeah they're probably doomed long run, pic related.
Nothing in the universe is infinite. Even souls are finite. There’s only so much soul to be divided among mankind. China has so many “””people””” that there aren’t enough souls for everyone. In fact, the vast majority of Chinese don’t have a soul at all. That is why the Chinese are so susceptible to sudden deaths and mass genocides by famine, disease, disaster, and enslavement. They’re literally a counterfeit people whose lives have no value. They’re the fake watches and illegal DVDs of the human race. They’re not even eligible for heaven or hell or reincarnation.
Wasn't one billion chinese back then though, population was about 550-600 million, so like 8.5% of the population died because they destroyed natural pest controls.
Wow are you me? I do this everyday in Melbourne. I pushed over this chinese bitch the other day who was in my way and none of her male chinese friends said or did anything. Such a pathetic race.
They are also the worst for walking around while looking at their phones. Shoulder checking chinks daily.
we were kings, there a some indo-europeans still living in xinjiang today
Bullshit, Western opinion polls in China always show that the Chinese people have more support for their government than Westerners do, and overall are more hopeful for the future:
The Chinese expect a bright future in-spite of corruption, and love Xi Jinping.
Can confirm. Taught hundreds of Chinese students at US university. They cheat. They also drive super nice cars.
It's going to be Jews (us) vs China.
So you either have degeneracy, niggers and hope the NWO plan includes you or you eat your dog and die of cancer at 40 with a portrait of Xi's son in your view.
Expend their own people to undermine western competitiveness under their theory of “human capitol.” By expend I mean work to death, child labor, no morals, etc. They further want to create a digital concentration camp where Good-goys get to live and everyone else is exterminated. Look up: “citizen score China.”
Pro tip to the US government... well, I'm sure they know this... but China is the REAL russian collusion.
Sesame Credit
I'm in Adelaide
I was walking through the CBD yesterday carrying something hard and heavy in my hand & I was loving it! I knew every single person walking into my path was getting hurt from the heavy object smashing against their hands/sides.
I'm 6'3 and built, they are fucking children compared to me. It's not smart to expect a unit to move out of your way when you're an inferior subhuman.
I literally always see them ahead of time too & watch them approach alongside their friends that are all blocking my path. I suppose their inferiority must impact their external perspectives. Their tiny child sized brains can't comprehend much beyond their tiny little bubbles they live in.
Some Indian guy cut me off a few days ago too, walked directly in front of me while I was mid step, so I pushed him aside also and continued my stride without even turning my head to look or acknowledge him as being anything but in my way.
I'm not even doing it with the intention of being racist or targeting people specific to their race, it's just always asians or indians who are stupid as fuck and don't know how to walk on foot paths or have any sort of common decency or respect to any other humans.
I fucking always see them slowly walking diagonally closer to my path too for some reason, I have no idea why. They are fucking retarded as fuck.
I treat people how they treat me & walking in a line with your friends blocking my path is disrespectful and fucking rude and I get great satisfaction smashing through them
Even funnier in China town when they're carrying full shopping bags & expecting me to get out of their way, I've smashed into plenty of shopping bags & probably fucked up some of their contents if they have things like eggs in them