


Attached: vlcsnap2018031618h11m20s427.png (1280x720, 505K)

Is she the first multigendered human being? Will all humans look like "her" in the future?

And it's beautiful.

I would pay an incredibly large sum of money to go at this creatura’s face with a sledgehammer

She should go live in Mexico they don't have any scary guns there,very safe,great food and great people,she's gonna love it trust me.

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i'm a victim of circumstance.

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And that's OK

I would pay an incredibly large sum of money to cum at this creatura’s face

I would pay a small sum of money for a hate fuck

ey gringo, the pistolas, hand them over

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The fact that someone like her was chosen for this role is no accident. You've got the strong female LGBT minority and you've got her white soyboy ally. No accident at all.

...Dios mio...

Curly suffered so much, he doesn't need to be compared to that goblin.

and here’s why that’s problematic

Easily the most annoying of those smug kids looking to get famous from this tragedy

You can't debunk any of her arguments.

lol she even went as far as getting a shirt version of the most common bag, just so she can be neutral and "gray"

America was a fucking mistake.

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el goblino de americanas...

user posted this and it's HORRIFYING

Not a good idea, how long before a black student is shot and killed by a pussy ass teacher?

she's super cute. it's a shame Sup Forums can't appreciate a shaved head.

Not soon enough

why can't they interview an actual student from the school?

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>just so she can be neutral and "gray"

maldito buzzcunt duende

Sup Forums-induced dementia.

>oh no, this girl wants to prevent needless child deaths
>better kill her to show the right is non-violent

Yes our grandchildren will all be bald no gender beings that pray to the one world government every morning and evening.

to not wear neither female or male attire

Liberal teachers have already shot at students to prove that it's not safe to arm teachers.

She is an actual student, dipshit.

if she had any intelligence she would read and understand the 2nd amendment




threads about how this board has become r/pol get deleted within five minutes.

threads at are straight up "lol lookit this outrageous brown person" now qualify as discussing television and film.

and nobody can figure out when this board completely went off a cliff.

wondered this too
there were hundreds of kids at that school, so why was the media focusing on these well spoken cherrypicked anti gun advocates?
And normies wonder why conspiracy theories come up about it

Doesn't it says that you have the right to have guns and to become american just for being born there?

sheʻs so qt and intelligent
yet dumb Sup Forumstards will still slander her

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>need mah gunz but not muh foreskins or muh chilluns

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maybe brown persons should stop being so outrageous


lmao BASED swaglord

>prioritising student lives over paper
Really???? ;)

>hating the face of progress THIS much

>everything that I disagree with is a Sup Forums extremist opinion

>how long before a black student is shot and killed by a pussy ass teacher?

Implying a white teacher is supposed to be a fucking gorilla wrangler at the zoo,niggers don't belong in a school,shitskin.

Mi Señor siempre vigilante y piadoso...



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>mention Sup Forums
>autismos trip over each other to defend it
But not Sup Forums, right?

She most likely will end up with a guy whom Sup Forums considers the superior human, a Jew.


She's not fucking intelligent at all. She is completely uneducated and uninformed on the subject of gun control and gun rights, and she has never made a solid argument.


Nice nips desu.

>mods actually doing their job

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>This thread was moved to


Attached: AAAWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.gif (497x491, 338K)

>that Sup Forums mod that constantly moves threads to other boards
better than deleting them I guess.

>sorry sir, your daughter had to die because cleetus and billybob need their murdersticks, and taking them away would hurt their fee-fees

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Stomp her head in

>it's stupid
americans aren't listening to this idiot are they?

ah yes, the non-violent right

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ironic post

>el goblino
How white is it?

Stomp her head in

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Mods are actually moving shit now? wtf is happening

about 56%

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Fuck it, digits decide what porn I draw of her

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stomp her head in

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common sense we can all agree on

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STFU!!! Let the leftist disarm themselves so it will be easier later. These leftist are begging to be made sitting ducks.

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I need an actual source on that pic. I call bullshit on most if not all of those "attacks"


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>This is the future face of America - and that's OK

>fake news is bad unless it comes from us

Did he won?


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"if the teacher dies, should a good student pick up the weapon and shoot?"

Yes? unless you want to get shot

really made me think

She didn't make any argument

Weight gain :3c

She really is /ourgal/

Turning in my guys now lads! Hope you all join me!

>you should get rid of your guns to thwart the plot by the american government to take your guns
why would someone with a kekistani flag lie to me?????

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u stopid i no like kid defend self shekels and such i'm 14 + vagina + mutt gib global audience to wipe my ass with the constitution

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Every one of these is a lie

just look at all that stupid machinery

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this is gold

>cleetus and billybob with their ar15s and moonshine are immune to drone strikes and JDAMs

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What is the Viet Cong and Taliban

nothing to worried about then, surely?

Your new ruler.

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so is it legit confirmed that she's being coached by the same deep state that tries attacking le alt right?

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