The only way to save the Welsh is for a free and independant Wales without le 40% London making decisions.
Freedom for the ethnic Welsh!
Independant Wales
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what a racist picture hiding the black man under the bridge like that.
It's a hate crime
Why are the Welsh so cucked anyway? When was the last time they rebelled against London like 1000 years ago?
with your command of the english language you might as well. abersywyth is nice.
I approve this message.
We haven't rebelled since the 15th century because that was when the Anglos stopped treating us like shit. Before then, we constantly fought tooth and nail for independence, and won most of the time against overwhelming odds. Be it by conventional warfare or rebellion. We became equal to Anglos after the Wars of the Roses as a Welshman called Harri Tudur defeated Richard III and usurped his throne, becoming Henry VII of the House of Tudor. When Henry was king, he basically emancipated the Welsh, putting us on an equal footing with Anglos. With no blatant oppression going on, there was no reason to rebel. If Ireland was treated equally, they would not have rebelled at all and would still be part of the UK.
Also our language is thriving, being the most widely spoken Celtic language.
>A bunch of poor inbred sheep shaggers think independence is a good thing.
Go ahead, do it. I will enjoy watching your country quickly devolve into a third world country due to the fact that everything in Wales, even your language programs, are funded using the English Economy.
Lay me down on some Welsh culture Welshmen. When I think Welsh the only thing that come to mine are Richard Burton and Henry Vaughn and mountains.
How poor was Ireland prior to independence? How is it doing now? It has a higher quality of life than the UK. We have a similar population to Ireland and are, in fact, sitting on more resources.
>muh subsidisation
You subsidise our economy because you DESTROYED our economy. You fund our language because you CAUSED the decline of our language.
haha yeah buddy, Ireland is looking great
>You DESTROYED our economy
>By introducing the wool and lamb industry to Wales which has lasted for a hundred years that we still need to have subsidized because it produces less than most rural counties.
Go ahead, argue for Welsh Coal and Oil or Gas. I will love to see how you can argue for literally tearing your country apart to gather these resources and find out they're still more expensive for any trading partners to buy and just ruin Wales more.
We didn't cause the decline of anything mate, We're just better than you. It's the English's innate sense of fairness that kept you existing
>Also our language is thriving,
Funny spelling of "less in decline than Irish/Scottish Gaelic and Breton"
Welsh culture has a heavy emphasis on bardic tradition. I recommend reading the Mabinogion if you want to learn more about Welsh culture. Arthurian legends are all Welsh in origin. King Arthur has been uprooted from Welsh culture by the Anglo and made a generic Medieval-themed fable. The legend of Arthur is very personal to us.
A big part of our culture is the language.
>wool and lamb industry
>seriously thinks that this is an Anglo gift to us
We have sheep, daft bastard.
Countries don't even need natural resources to be successful. That is an idiotic concept. The UK's economy is a service economy. We also have a trade surplus.
You did. I'm not blaming YOU, because Northern England is as much a victim of de-industrialisation as us, but your shitty London government is responsible. Kids who are in organised crime and drug abuse would be working down the mines a hundred years ago.
It's actually undergoing an increase in speakers.
It’s a nice place here, culture depends on where you live.
South Wales is a really liberal area, normally voted for commie labour but luckily my constituency are based tories. Mid - North wales is a lot more welsh speaking and English hating
South Wales isn't liberal. Cardiff is. The rest of South Wales has the retarded voter syndrome, where right-wing xenophobic people vote leftist parties because they're poor. Funny how Labour-voters rag on Margaret Thatcher when most mines were shut down by the Labour government.
I know many people who dislike immigration and want their taxes lowered but won’t vote conservative because ‘Muh Labour’. They’re the only demographic less autistic than Plaid voters
Let me make this very simple. As a Yorkshireman.
My county has been ten times more productive, relevant and important than your inbred little peninsula.
You parasites quite honestly, disgust me to no fucking end. Your posts show how much of a disgusting filth sodden leech the Welsh are.
You claim King Arthur was welsh? No, He was Cornish you inbred fuckwit.
You claim you have sheep? Yes, you do, you also have Pigs.
And they're both Yorkshire breeds that were brought down during the Industrial revolution when Yorkshire was one of the great powerhouses of Britain.
Know your fucking place you leek sucking Sister-fucker.
More*** lmao
I vote Plaid over Tories. Both are multiculturalist, at least Plaid is wholly dedicated to the preservation of Welsh culture, the pursuit of which would undoubtedly require a dwindling of immigration.
>ten times more productive
Embarrassing lack of knowledge. Cardiff was the biggest coal port in the world in the late 19th century.
I've been up Norf and you can't capitalise on le inbred meme.
The brunt of mythology surrounding Arthur was written in Welsh by Welshmen in the Welsh language. Cornish and Welsh people are the same, just separated by the Bristol Channel.
You suck up lots of tax money too.
You also are infested by Pakis who rape your girls. "Based Norff", nah, fuck off, I've been to Bradford and Leeds.
>Literally We Wuz Arthur meme by the Welsh.
Arthur was penned by a Welshman, but the Cornish are not Welsh at all, considering they were Britons, Which the Welsh were not, and the Cornish speak an entirely different Celtic group language to the Welsh, who speak a bastard Gaelic due to Irish raiders.
But please, do tell me how being a coal Port suddenly makes you bigger than the LITERAL CENTER OF WOOL PRODUCTION IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD.
Fuck off back to your white haired Wife you pathetic moortrodding cunt.
You're given your pity-coin already, if you want to reject it, that's fine by me.
>wool production
Cool. Wool can power transport across the world and fuel the entire British Empire. Cool.
>entirely different Celtic group language
Embarrassing. Both speak Brythonic rather than Goidelic. As a Welsh speaker, I can understand about 80% of Cornish. The words are extremely similar.
You have expressed your laughable ignorance of all of which you speak in a very hateful and arrogant manner.
Shouldn't you be wiping Paki cum from your sister's arsehole, you pathetic soyboy.
Holy fuck burger can you read something for once other than your 56% ancestry results
>considering they were Britons
Another complete ignorance. We are Britons as well.
This poster is extremely relevant. We can either dictate our own economy and have the chance of economic growth, or we can just have an economy wholly dictated by a government that hardly cares for us, relying on handouts rather than genuine economic stimulation.
>Image literally proves my point how Welsh is a bastardized language of Brythonic and Goidelic.
>He thinks Brythonic and Goidelic celtic languages were super different
>He thinks Celtic languages were dramatically different even when Roman accounts claim the Different between the Pictish raiders they encountered and fucking Arcadians was so fucking similar they could understand each other practically.
Try again at the pronouncations of what you just fucking displayed.
>We were Britons.
Not very surprising considering most of fucking England was also Britons.
>Government hardly cares for us
>But it gives us handouts.
I get it; you're just a fucking Celtaboo.
It's far easier to give us handouts and shut us up than invest in long-term economic growth and stability.
If you are referring to the brief Irish colonisation of Wales, that also took place in Cornwall. In Wales, the Irish were basically genocided by Cunedda.
I fail to see why you're talking about Picts. We are talking about the West Brythonic people of Wales and Cornwall.
We retained our Brythonic culture along with the Cornish while the rest of Brythonic Britain surrendered to Anglo-Saxon culture and colonisation.
Please stop posting, it makes my brain hurt with all the ignorance.
You're fucking vile. I don't want rape enablers attached to my country, and you're an ignorant pleb who can't tell the difference between an Anglo-Saxon and a Norman. I hope all Welsh aren't like you, I was rather fond of your nation as a place of myth and legend, the true British, but you're making me think maybe that has all dwindled to some measly minded little peasants, the bards are truly dead if all you can do is wish young English kids rape and torture.
The Welsh are a useless band of wide hipped swarthy singers and dramatists without Saxon guidance.
Because the Celtic family branches are not very wide apart.
You didn't "Keep" your Brythonic culture at all, as literally nothing of ancient Welsh culture remains, even the language is a bastard mix of Celtic influences as seen by your own fucking pictures.
This is why I consider you a parasite. You try and create yourself a special snowflake, even going so far as to try and downplay England.
Just like the Irish and the Scots. But you refuse to admit we support all your little culture projects with OUR coin.
You want to be independent, find, Tell your government, Because you actually have the privilege of having your own little government, to stop accepting English money.
Until then, Know your fucking place you leech.
Want to see English reveal themselves as the seething kikes that they are? Mention Welsh or Scottish independence. Like watching a bunch of kikes fighting to keep their wealth. Truly an eye opener.
I'd love to cut off the fat that is Wales and Scotland. I want an independent England.
Especially if we can make them pay their debts.
I don't wish young English girls rape and torture. Every time this shit is uncovered in England, it upsets me. As such, I am infuriated that Englishmen do nothing about it.
Didn't think that when we were supporting your uprisings against the Normans with manpower and arms, did you? We stuck our neck out for you against the Normans, so much so they invaded us, only for them to be kicked out.
>nothing of ancient Welsh culture remains
Cultures develop.
Then you should be happy about the future Welsh independence. We both benefit. I don't see why you're triggered by the prospect of us leaving.
Again, Northern England is heavily parasitical. You are treated like shit by your Southern masters. Even worse than us, because you are of the same nation, and it's excusable somehow therefore.
This. They hate us but still want to be in the same country, because we're all they've got. They lost India, Ireland, America, all of their empire. They want to LARP as imperialists even today, they still have that colonial attitude towards us, yet wonder why we start speaking Welsh when they enter a pub, vandalise their property in our country and are just in general hostile to them.
>pay debts
Give us the wealth London received from our industries, all the wealth that never returned to Wales. Two of my great grandparents died in mines so greedy Anglokikes can get bennies.
We will fight you on the streets of Hereford you godless heathens
t. bored Herefordian
Is it true Welsh girls have the fattest tits in the animal kingdom?
>English companies invest in Wales
Literally sounding like Niggers now you disgusting moorkikes.
t. corporatist knob-jockey
>English companies "invest in Wales" by pulling all the profits to London
Pathetic how you're defending it, since your shit county was hit just as hard as we were by it. I actually like Yorkshiremen in general.
>I know. I will ignore the rise of the British middle class and how the Industrial revolution was a cultural evolution that showed investment into thousands of projects by business owners across Britain.
But hey, We can happily go through every welsh town ever and dismantle every Carnegie Library and other such Philanthropist projects if you want to play the little Socialist fuckwit.
>"I know we fucked your economy by preferring to buy our shit from Poland on the cheap instead of in Wales even though we won't do anything to further recover your economy after de-industrialisation's apocalyptic effect on your economy other than send bennies over and keep you quiet, but look, we built libraries"
Our independence is mutually beneficial. You want to be just England? Go ahead.
Says the ignorant Welsh cunt, that like Scottish Nationalist cunts, havent got it in their thick skulls that the UK market is what keeps their countries afloat.
>Wales products things too expensive
>So we buy from somewhere else.
Cry me a river not everything is a socialist dystopia you little fuckwit.
Laughing at this Northerner trying to take the piss out of Wales and Scotland. Jog on, you Mank twat.
>Posts an image proving Wales and Scotland leech more off of England because of higher rates of Welfare and Federal jobs.
>Welsh economy
Don't make me laugh, kiddo.
We are doing shit. We are poorer than Poland. "Oh no! How could that be when we give you handouts! It's almost like handouts aren't a viable substitute for an actual functioning economy that we completely destroyed!"
De-industrialisation has caused horrible damage to the economies of Wales, Scotland and Northern England. Even Peter Hitchens states this vehemently. Your subsidies are literally you just throwing money at unemployed people in the hopes that they will suddenly become prosperous.
Tell that to your Northern mates, you know, the ones who spit on Margaret Thatcher's name.
>hates having to "prop up" (pacify) our economies
>triggered at our independence
What is the deal with you? It's hardly your business if we want to be independent anyway.
>We haven't rebelled since the 15th century
Learn your own history lad.
Except we aren't seething. The likes are you independence cunts that despite getting home rule, you shits have all say in English laws but England has none to yours.
And when you daft cunts get bailed out every time by the UK market, you vote for retards like you that can't government worth a shit.
As far as we seethe it's because we fight as unionists, because when we were an empire Wales prospered alongside Scotland with England.
Now that we aren't one, you insular cunts breed and balk bullshit like the shit your arse farts out.
I want you to leave, and I want you to pay for the money we wasted on you, you socialist parasites. If you spit in the face of our friendship, I want to spit in yours and watch you rot.
>implying I don't know about the Merthyr Rising
That was a class uprising, not a nationalist one, although it was fuelled and is looked upon today with nationalist fervour.
What friendship exactly? You constantly ridicule us while let Pakis rape your young girls.
Don't blame us because London doesn't understand how to actually restore an economy. I never asked for your handouts.
Well, let's see.
Despite Cardiff having Paki problems too, you seem to think you're better than us while being a welfare state.
And yes, you did ask for our handouts, with all your petty culture programs.
My point is that you are not us. The Southerners (Normans). We are the only thing that matters. You are a Northern pillock like your Lowland ‘Scottish’ (Anglo) brethren and those beady Britons out west.
Let's not forget our friends Julian Cayo Evans and the FWA. Fe godwn ni eto!
Oh come on, don't you lot start. As if we haven't had enough of this shit from the scots. Wales were supposed to be our mates.
Which is a typical book from the bat shit, out of touch, far up their arse, glue sniffing, insular Nat book that many of us reject. Thank fuck for that these shitholes are less in population.
>He thinks as a Southerner he's a Norman.
>He thinks the Normans were prosperous for Britain ever
There are almost no descendants of actual Normans in England you fuckwit.
go fuck yourself bong cunts.
OI! Theres a lotta old welsh families over here in the states m8. Trust us. Fuck the queen. and we promise not to take your fucking butter knife.
>Paki problems
Not mass rape on an industrial scale. The only racial conflict in Cardiff is white guys harassing non-whites because they have nothing better to do.
>you did ask for our handouts
Nope, Joel Barnett started this shit. None of us are content with it.
This. Southerners view you as trash. Lick their arses all you want, they still view you as their whipping boy.
Fe godwn ni eto.
You are the same as Lowland Scots - genetically, culturally, and politically. Yet here you are trying to pretend you’re as relevant as us. You are not. Stop trying.
Diolch ffrind, can't beat a bit of Dafydd Iwan.
>95% white according to the 2011 census
How do I move here?
I don't want to be insulting or anything, user; that's not my intention here, but Wales doesn't have a strong-enough economy to support itself. I just don't think it would work. I'm 1/4 Welsh and think it's a nice idea, but it's just not realistic.
And don't give me that crap. We lost our mines in Yorkshire and still recovered to be a powerhouse. Where the fuck is your lot's excuse? You nationalist prices never get your arse out and work a good man's work and get bailout after bailout by us. We invest in your infrastructure as we unionists do, and all you do is grieve and moan like the twats you are. Good Welshman don't deserve crap what a like you.
was a bunch on Guernsey. Well until your fucking queen decided she liked the look of that land and took it. shipped a mess of families to fucking Australia. Some survived and escaped to the states, but we never forgot. Fuck the Queen. Fuck England.
Fuck off yourself Burger. You are in a bigger shithole than us.
not really. havent seen a nigger in years. Jobs are still plentiful if your not a cunt, and I still have enough free time to call you bastards out. Fuck off until its time to beg for our help again you two faced assholes.
>Especially if we can make them pay their debts.
Cofiwch dryweryn! Wales owes England nothing but revenge.
I like burgers. Lovely people. I'm not leaving here though. My ancestors were born here and died here, and I will do the same.
>still recovered
I believe you.
We don't have a strong enough economy because we are shackled to Westminster, which does nothing with its control over our economy worthwhile. Ireland was poor as fuck prior to independence.
Dafydd Iwan is life.
It would be difficult to move here unless you go to Cardiff. We're really poor. We're whiter than you as a percentage, but it's a severe downgrade from your current economic situation. Parts are poorer than Poland.
>Wales doesn't have a strong-enough economy to support itself. I just don't think it would work. I'm 1/4 Welsh and think it's a nice idea, but it's just not realistic.
There are over 100 other independent countries in the world that are smaller than Wales. In fact, of the top 10 wealthiest countries in terms of GDP per capita, 9 have a population of less than 5 million, and 7 of those have a smaller population than Wales.
And all this says nothing of the fact that the economy of Wales has historically been exploited and under-invested by English occupying state.
If anything Wales can't afford not to be independent.
Except the hangouts was for you to reinvest in infrastructure. The job of fixing your country is with the devolved Welsh assembly.
I swear, how retarded are you plaidnats that you can't sift through your own shit to see straight. You are as dumb as the Scot nats.
yeah I get it. Id like to visit my ancestors land one day. hopefully its not full of muslims and sharia law. Goddamn Anglo cunts. Meantime I can keep my new home secure. what are you drinking mate? Ill pour a glass of jim beam for ya.
I was born in Wales and I agree with this
see!? Freudian slip. Fuckers just wanna hang you all and take your land. Goddam English fucks. Dont be fooled Wales. Never trust those Assholes.
Ireland is still poor as fuck it had to be bailed out by us in 2008. It's a tax haven country and its citizens are worse off. Their choice and all.
Compared to Yorkshire's problems, Wales is down to the Welsh assembly and their handling of their devolved powers. If you want actual investment, centralizing back powers is the answer.
But then you will say colonialism colonialism.
>invest in our infrastructure
Like the motorway between North Wales and South Wales that exists. Or the functioning health system.
The Assembly should have complete authority or it is useless. Nothing but lip service to us, really. Welsh people want even further devolution.
I cannot fathom how you Angloids hate us and want us to leave, but get tremendously butthurt when we ourselves express our desire for independence.
Honestly, it's best if you all just fuck off and let us discuss the fate of our own country.
I'm prone to the JB myself, boyo.
>Dont be fooled Wales. Never trust those Assholes
Never will.
NO it owes us for every hand out they failed to use to invest in their infrastructure outside of Cardiff.
Now this burger is trolling real bad.
>Ireland is still poor as fuck
It's not as rich as the city of London (which essentially drags the entirety of England and the UK up economically), but Ireland still has an economy that functions at a basic level.
It would be far better for both us and you if we broke off. It's a win-win.
Wales has been historically underfunded and under-invested in comparison with other areas of the UK because of the unfairness in the Barnett formula. You can't just keep blaming the Welsh Assembly, a 20 year old institution for chronic long-term lack of investment spanning decades.
No the assembly should not have more powers if it can't run it with the powers they have and the powers they do have is more than enough to fix your infrastructure which is something you lot fail to do every time.
We don't hate you. I as a unionist don't hate you. We support you by our taxes funding the NHS and your infrastructure as it is the right thing to do. But every time you insular plaidnats, ignorant to basic economics, come up with your independence at all costs nonsense, you piss and spit on pur face and then go "Why so mad?" Blaming us for the shit you spew.
Except I can when the Barnet formula actually gives them more spending than England. When it was even said the formula would be discontinued, Wales members alongside Scots asked it not to.
So clearly it's their fucking assembly who can't country run things.
No, you need to fight London, not flee from it.
You may like Wales (or not, maybe just tolerate us), but we are despised by most English people.
Ultimately it shouldn't be your decision, but ours. England is a nation in itself. Fly your own flag, we'll fly ours.
Cutting ourselves off from that cesspit is best.
You are not despised by English people. You may by Londoners and their ilk but not us unionists and not us Northerners. We simply say that Cardiff has to answer for why they do not invest out to Wales as it should.
And the flag I fly is of the union, that without Wales, Without Scotland, and without England. Britain would not be.
Come on, Wales!
A nation without an army is no nation but a joke.
How could you face the British army at this day and age? If you are different keep the difference, but don't go around balkanise the Island. It will do no one any good.
Per head the Barnett formula gave Wales less spending than England.
>When it was even said the formula would be discontinued, Wales members alongside Scots asked it not to
Wut, the Welsh Government called for it to be scrapped.
But that is only an illusion. Even if you were able to do it, London would continue there and growing at the rate it has been growing, with all the power that it has, it would swallow you nonetheless, independent or not.
You truly need to fight it. You and all the other Brits.
yeah I guess I am.
well have your land stolen and family killed. See whether or not your still bitter less than two hundred years later. I mean fuck man what the fuck!? Sending us to Australia didnt kill us all. Those crimes will be remembered. If I ever get the chance I will revenge my family on your royal family.
Anyway lads, thanks for the discussion but I gotta get some sleep. Hope to see some more Cymru threads. An hour ahead of you all in Swedenstan.
Nos da.
It's not even running at the basic level. It just traded the UK for the EU and can't even run under their rules. You would be in the same boat without the safety net you lot rely on time and time again.
Why should we face London with an army? We can do things democratically now.
The British Army is becoming an increasing joke. It will be a complete husk over the next decade.
In a free and voluntary union, it isn't up to you whether or not I should fly the British flag. If I want to leave you should respect my decision, regardless of if you agree with it or not.
Nos da, fy mrawd.
Not if we have a thing called a "border".
You know nothing of me burger or my family clan and history. As far as I'm concerned, you can rot.
I respect your decision should you leave, but on same flag of tongue that applies to you plaidnats and Scotnats. Should Wales stay, it stays by having that shared United history. Something none of you nationalists respect.
well there you go mate. Cmon and relax m8 we all having a drink here. Story time lads. Bottles going AROUND the group Irish dont hold everyone up.All right user shoot.
And just because you don't fly the Union Jack, as is your right not To, does not mean those that do are less Welsh for it. It also doesn't make you less British by history of the flag and what it did for the prosperity of all our countries in the union.
The only reason Celtic countries want to seperate from England is so they can be even bigger faggots than the English. They have no great vision for an alternative future, just reflexive anti-anglo policies.
Yeah it has nothing to do with the preservation of our heritage or anything.
Yet invariablely, the scots and irish vote for commies and thirld-world settlement more ardently than the english. The pretense of protecting your culture is laughable. Your original celtic culture and language has been gone centuries, and all that remains is what could be confused for a region of England.