>Matt Damon is moving his family to Australia — in part because the liberal star’s fed up with President Trump.

>Damon, 47, reportedly has purchased a property in Byron Bay, New South Wales, according to Sydney’s Sunday Telegraph. The home’s next door to a place owned by Chris Hemsworth — with whom Damon recently appeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.”

>A source exclusively tells Page Six: “Matt’s telling friends and colleagues in Hollywood that he’s moving the family to Australia” because the activist actor disagrees with Trump’s policies. The president’s frequently butted heads with liberal Hollywood A-listers including Meryl Streep. The source added, “Matt’s saying the move will not impact his work — as he will travel to wherever his projects are shooting. He’s also telling friends he wants to have a safe place to raise his kids.” Damon has four children with wife Luciana Barroso.

We don't need anymore liberal dipshits who are poor actors here in Australia, Fuck off, we are full. (Though if you are a White South African Farmer we got plenty of arid land you can turn into farmland so I guess you are welcome)

Link to article: pagesix.com/2018/03/15/matt-damon-moving-family-to-australia-because-of-trump/

Archive link: archive.is/qdEAi

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Ha ha. Enjoy our trash.

Ages ago the bongs had to send their scum to Australia. Now our scum goes there voluntarily.

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a Renaissance man like Damon will do a lot to embiggen the lives in a rural backwater like Australia

After they finish destroying California we will send the rest.

I just love the fact he is going to shift to one of the most exclusive suburbs in Australia just to get away from someone who if he didn't obsess over would have absolutely no power over him, the guy is a gigantic fucking pussy.

Trump's policies don't affect life of that privileged entitled overrated Celebrity

What did you expect? He went from one white area to another. Expect him to lobby for your most libshit politicians to let in more brown people once he establishes himself there.

Destroys America with liberal shit, runs away when liberal shit starts to bite them in the ass.

The worlds going to shit quick boys im wondering if ill get recalled to the Army sometime soon.

Now Australia can truly understand how much every other state in the US hates it when Californians move in.

>Totally moving to Ausfalia becuz Blumpfhgf
>Totally not because literally nothing works in Commiefornia now, not even for the rich cunts
>Totally not because he wants to have gay sex with Chris and Bros 24/7 Surf&Turf Barbi

With a bit of luck his dipshit children will play with a funnel web spider or a redback and get themselves seriously injured and he will fuck off to some other place.

>safe place to raise his kids

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>man who is upset with Trump's America moves to an even more white nation

Really made me think.

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I hope everyone he loves including himself of course dies from Stralian critter overload. Ever since it was revealed he had Finnic ancestry my life has been a living hell because this commie turdburglar was a quasi-representative of my kind.

how often do you have to fight for survival with the local fauna?

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Is it fair to say nothing of value was lost? He's really not that valuable or important of a person. You can have Australia.

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Will he renounce citizenship? If he does can we bar him from the US?

I’m assuming Byron Bay is super diverse like liberals like him demand the west to be

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Liberal hollywood actors are the wrecking balls Jews use to destroy Western civilization.


Why not move to Canada? Oh yeah because it's a frozen shithole

good riddance to bad rubbish. kangaroo prison island has always been a dumping ground for the world's most putrid vagrants, so this pompous little shit head will fit right in.

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Libshits never vow to move to Mexico.

>Hates trump cuz he a racis Natzi
>Moves to upper class white neighborhood in one of the whitest countries in the world because he wants a safe place to raise his kids.

How unaware can these people really be? If he wants his kids to be safe fram racis batads why doesn't he go to Pakistan or Kenya or something, what a fucking retard.

Last time I was in Byron Bay (About 6 years ago) it was full of middle aged white people and young rich white people, hardly a nigger, dune coon or poo in loo in site unless they happened to be working service jobs.

Wow rude

>>Hates trump cuz he a racis Natzi


>cockily shitposting about how great Australia is
>Getting hollywooded
You deserve this

Straya and NZ. They must really think they will be safe from the cataclysm there.

Haha. Don't let the door hit you! Hey Ausfailia, can you take Piers Morgan next? He's already toured the rest of the colonies, it's your turn.

fake and gay
fuck you op
sage stop shitting up the board with this trash

Haha sounds about right. I might even gain a tiny bit of respect for one of these faggots if they moved to Mexico and even lived in a castle. But nope, they go to the very places they publicly virtue signal against.

Probably as often as you train bears.

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Have any of these cunts ever addressed why they move to places that are whiter than the country they are leaving due to the Trump administration's clamping down on non white immigration?

He realises that we practically hang off of every word of Papa Trump right?

When this whole issue of tariffs popped up everyone over here was outraged and calling for an end to ties with the US, and then Trump 'conveniently' remembered to broker a deal with Australia in exchange for undisclosed sec security arrangement.

America sneezes, we offer the handkerchief [spoiler]and kiss you on the forehead[/spoiler]

Byron is fast turning into a shit hole mate don’t worry. It got popular, hippies, backpackers and lefties flocked there en masses and the rest is history.

White flight. But they're liberals, so they think it's not racist.

FAKE NEWS google matt damon he just confirmed fake

Matt is getting out before Hollywood’s #MeToo turns into claims and examples of rampant pedophilia and child murder that shall follow him no matter where he relocated to.

Fuck Damon. He’s a cunt who is about to get fucked by the very kikes who paid him handsomely to be a star. And yet he wants to blame Trump for his poor life decisions.

Hes running before the weinstein movement discovers his involvement.

>white flight!

I love (((their))) hypocrisy

This is what Californians do throughout the country. They fucked up their shitty state, so now they're going after states like Colorado to turn it into a leftist shithole

They don't even go to Singapore or Japan, they remain in the extremely cloistered sections of the white West

>Matt is getting out before Hollywood’s #MeToo turns into claims and examples of rampant pedophilia and child murder that shall follow him no matter where he relocated to.
Kek that'll never happen. Weinstein was a sacrificial lamb so other rapists and pedos like Schneider and Geffen get away clean.
That's why low-hanging fruit like Louis and Aziz are getting named, this was by design. Let it go off the rails so public support erodes and pedowood lives another day

>not renouncing citizenship
>literally a publicity stunt

Fucking Matt Damondi thought he was smart

>In other news, the Vietnamese population of Australia has declined rapidly due to unknown circumstances.

>He says this to a Russian bear trained to shill on Sup Forums

greatest friend

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You nailed it. Why doesn't he move to Haiti? It's a paradise.

>They fucked up their shitty state, so now they're going after states like Colorado to turn it into a leftist shithole

Texas too. Austin has always been leftist but it's becoming more militant leftist thanks to the Calicucks.