What now pervs?
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if you weren't a tourist you would know Sup Forums is against (((porn)))
all porn should be banned and pornographers shot by firing squad
>what now
the jews buy a politician off and declare porn beneficial?!
i'm happy for the teens.
i'm already ruined by porn.
Who in the hell needs actual porn in movie format or even on redtube? 4 minutes in adultgif and I'm spent.
Good. There needs to be less porn.
Take away porn and get rid of abortion and no-fault divorce and most problems in common life would go away overnight.
most porn whores kill themselves anyway. It's like, natural selection always wins
Now I'll have to buy my BLACKED and cuckold porn from the local porn shop!
Ye-yes mr. devil sir as you command
Good. It's horrible for everyone.
"Godsch bleshh thech Unitesh Statesh of Americhach. Thank yousch very musch" [denture clanking]
Sex in marriage is a good thing, by the way.
Make it illegal to pay “performers” as that is prostitution. End the profit to save society.
Good, porn is degenerate.
No, now you'll have to go out and suck nigger dick like you've always wanted to.
As a child, I found myself asking the question: If it's illegal to pay a woman to have sex with you, how is it legal to pay two or more people to have sex with each other? Later, I just accepted it as truth.. but seriously it's pretty much prostitution.
Porn has so much money involved in it it's not even funny and I have immense doubts this attack is sincere in any way. Most porn moguls also happen to partake and/or organize in the largest prostitution rings and allegedly also in child prostitution rings. They are also, even discounting for Sup Forums's memetic approach to this, mostly influential jews with ties to the media. If anything this might merely be an attempt to receive more money from pornographic activities.
*well meme’d sir.
Please don't post gay men in the thread.
Jews ow the porn industry. So... how is this a bad thing?
Can you feel it?
We really do need this. Porn is far too readily available.
Explain to me why this is a bad thing, newfag.
>tfw in-ironically "electing" (kek) a septuagenarian autist a one's king sperger
Ban Jews and you won't even need to.
They make all the free shit.
>but deviantart
Lefties and kikes all around.
wtf I love satan now
I can’t even fathom the damage already done to the current generation.
This is dangerous, since you now introduce a slippery slope of what is considered unacceptable data. They could lump graphic content along with porn content, this is where it starts.
Quit watching porn and cut down my wanking. i now have a strong urge to go out and fuck a living human being. Porn is bad for you. i don't need the government or studies to tell me that.
>believes anti-white gay jewish professor from the 1960's
Not surprising in this case honestly. You people are notoriously low IQ. (its a proven fact)
>ISP bans porn
>get cheap VPN
Like they did when the Government tried to ban GMO's in consumable products.
Very nice thanks for sharing.
It's not porn itself that's the problem. Its the internet in general. What one would get from instant gratification from digital titty, they will instead get from shitposting or social media degeneracy.
The internet has allowed people to fill their lives with the mental equivalent of fast food. That's the problem. And you all know I'm right.
Digits confirm.
I think they should regulate fully automatic porn clips.
THey need a mandatory waiting period, and a age verification system. All memes aside, porn is too easily available to young kids these days.
When I was going up sex was between a boy and his catholic priest.
true, look on the back of grain products and chocolate.
>check back of nutrition label for sugar
>"partially produced with genetic engineering"
Natural Valley bar I bought from a few weeks back
Now how about hentai, yaoi, ecchi, loli, and other bits of japanese anime porn? Have jews fucked with them for profit?
Porn is degenerate filth.
The porn industry is run by kikes and is a corrupting influence.
It degrades white women and fucks with one's brain chemistry.
Find a good traditional Christian white woman, get married and make babies. My mrs. needs sex twice per night minimum. We have two kids and want at least 4.
I'm against the state legislating what we can and can't view online as long as it's consensual and not kiddy fiddling or other evil practices, in which case the death penalty should be enforced. (Not in UK, though we only have the death penalty for high treason, cowardice in battle and arson in Her Majesty's dockyards)
>implying the jews aren't trying to ban pornography as a precedent for banning other content in the future
you Sup Forumstards are so easy to play
This is the latest threat? This shit, which has been around forever and on the internet for like 15 years, is the LATEST threat?
Porn is a victimless crime. I don't care what people do in the privacy of their home, it doesn't affect me.
>no jobs
>no houses
>niggers everywhere
>now can't even jack off
Buy 'em some guns and recruit for the coming race war.
Yes it has gotten so bad in the school system the teacher's don't even know how to deal with this problem. So much sexual abuse is going on at a younger and younger age, because they are wanting to replicate what they are seeing on their phones.
Porn is so bad Satan wants to ban it
banning porn to justify banning what after?! muh slippery slope. I'm an accelerationist anyway.
>implying that's to their benefit anyway
relax user, your 1488 GBs of porn should last you through the summer.
gas yourself in that house rat
Yeah the women in that industry are just peachy. no victimes there haha! also having your brain preyed upon using your most basic instinct is def normal too. eat shit lolbert
A teenager's access to porn is between him and his parents. The state has no business meddling.
>self described anti-statist has no issue with statist means of control
Nobody is controlling mejust because I watch tits and pussy on a screen.
>mfw I was younger I witnessed a church go from bible preaching to having sing alongs, womens days, and letting children do whatever they wanted
>o noes, not genetically modified organisms
literally why?
As much as pol hates porn if these laws go through they'll be struck down in the courts immediately.
with some good hentai I can go for a good 4-6 hours in a single session
>when you make your own smut
I needed practice drawing anyway
>not even Lucifer likes porn
Not even Lucifer wants to be seen associating with kikes. Amazing.
Oyvey antisemite
Because GMO's are built to destroy surrounding crops; while simultaneously shilled by world banks that own 90% of Earth's farms.
Why not just buy everything from China? Theorists say the products are carcinogenic... But; experts agree everything from there is cheaper; and EPA never said anything bad about them in the last decade!
>t. cuck
Good. Which government is doing that? It'd be very unlikely for a Government with Western values to do that.
>freedom is slavery
vices being "freedom" only started with Hume
I make my own rule34 stuff, now what?
Good. Prons is crap anyway
Though I'm sure this conflicts with the US's constitution somehow
UK. So you're right
It would be in the US minors are treated as niggers with virtually no rights. Its fucking hilarious- nothing in the constitution authorizes that reality.
im ok with this
also trips of truth
war on porn will be as successful as:
the war on drugs
the war on poverty
the war on terror
Less people using any of those is still better than nothing
definitely should restrict minors access to porn
but doing it with the internet is almost impossible unless you take away all the freedoms and anonymity so the solution is worse than the problem
2nd post best post, we'll just ignore the satan trips
>Satan made a beast so monstrous even he can't control it
Kill yourself retarded Christian faggot
I wouldn't be half the man I am today without porn, how will society run without it flowing through their young lads?
>Less people using any of those is still better than nothing
the war on drugs led to increased drug use, stronger drugs, and increased violent crime related to drugs
the war on poverty led to systematic poverty
and the war on terror has led to not just increased, but normalized terror attacks, aka part and parcel
Alright Satan, but does this mean camwhores are forced to kill themselves? Or will the solo girls be sent to rehabilitation camps?
Are they trying to reverse their subversion?
Kek has spoken!!!
Good. Ban all Jewish forms of degeneracy.
Camwhores are different, there is a layer of human interaction involved. We could probably get away with just flogging them... on cam
Imagine being this new
Pol is against all Jewish degeneracy
Read the image, Vargonite. It's corroborated by non-kike sources. It's the truth. Snowniggers drank semen.
>be satan
>evil and degeneracy is your bread
>post this
>take away porn
>leave feminism, alimony, child support, etc.
truly devilish
>When I was going up sex was between a boy and his catholic priest.