Anyone wish Trudeau was fucked to death?

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I do, but then again he did help me to push myself out of that liberal shithole so I owe him something

Extend that to all of Canada

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he's not evil, fucking moron though. This is an expected outcome from having the liberal establishment make a snowboard instructor the figurehead of their party.

He would probably welcome being fucked to death as an apology for Canada being mean to fags 30 years ago or something.

Fuck off, nigger. Go get Trump to nuke Toronto and Vancouver while you're at it.

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>homosexual tendencies detected

I don't get the hate against this guy. I quite like him.

You're brown, aren't ya?

nah I like my timmies and I own a labrador

whats the story OP?

Let me guess Ontario ? Quebec?

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No, I unironically like the guy

>he drinks Tim Horton's
Fuck off shill

You mean extend that to the USA and their orange orangutan of a president.

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No, because he would enjoy that

It'd be a pretty interesting story, so yes.


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Dont really care. Not a great guy and kind of a pussy, but not terrible either. And at least he's not a fucking retard like that Trump idiot. Funny thing is pussy boy Trudeau would still kick the shit out of Trump in a fist fight. How some people unironically think trump is a good president is an absolute mindfuck.

No. I don't want him to win.


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Lol quebec. If theres two place where the guy is truly hated its alberta and quebec srs.

No it's funny seeing leafs be cucked

i want to see trudeau bottom in an interracial gay porno

You are extremely wrong on king trump being a terrible king but are strangely right on Trudeau probably being the toughest male politician on earth.
He's also the biggest faggot.

>pushed yourself out of a liberal shithole
>and into a literal shithole

He took our Uranium that bastard. Thanks Obama/Hillary

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It's even funnier watching the US be fucked in the ass by a giant orange full-of-shit draft dodging narcissist for his own personal gain.

We're doing just fine, champ.

i didn't vote for him the first time, but if marijuana legalization goes through in a timely manner without any bullshit from him or his party, i will vote for him next time

even though I cringe when I see him, and blush with sympathy pain whenever he talks, or walks, or does pretty much anything... if he puts through the legislation that increases personal freedoms then he's doing a good job

Attached: trudeau-superman.gif (263x250, 2.81M) traitor pos. it!

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ours too.

Puppet of CIA. But strings were cut. Guess by whom?

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no why would you want him to die with pleasure?
he needs to die in a non-gay manner

No...because then he would win

Yes, by Trump.

>the guy is truly hated its alberta
You've got that right. I wish we could separate, or become a State. He is simply one of the worst people for the position. A crack head would do a better job.

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That would have happened under the HArper government, but feel free to put the blame on Turdhole.

Yes, if I can volunteer as the executioner

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Went to the mall today and got myself a Large double double and a foot long meatball sub with extra cheese mmmmm

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>When your PM is somebody you would see in Walmart at midnight.

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No i dont wish death upon anyone

walmart closes at 11 tho

Not here.

no shit

How the fuck did this guy become the canadian president or whatever?

I'm a little confused by your question, do you want to see him fucked to death by women or by men or both or by transgendereds? You're really vague.

Pointless, Canada would just elect the next guy with a "sell low, get high" economic plan.

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>Canadian president

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High Provost

>that increases personal freedoms
>muh weed

51st state. Your beer sucks. We just don't give a fuck. What's north of US? Maple syrup and snow. Should we call him a puppet? Or Queens bitch?

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No. That's exactly what he'd want.



Checked and kek’d. Not bad for a leaf

calm down mutt before I give you a cut with my skate to seal your fate. Don't reply to me or I'll break your knee with my hockey puck you suck you fucking Ameicuck.

If by freedom playing video games in your moms basement all day high. But I'll get arrested if I said there are only two genders (xx)(xy) and all terrorists are muslims. But smoking pot Freereeedom.

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I replied to you now what? We have freedom fries you have putin

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What an assbackwards opinion. Its obvious you don't know shit about canadian politics.

I hope Trudeau gets an entire Nigerian tribe ran up his ass one day

no, he's great

people actually used to get arrested for having weed. In fact, they still do. But the other stuff you're posting about, getting arrested for talking about genders or muslims, doesn't actually happen

You should love him as LGBT.

sorry we just don't care about Canada. Now go back to your igloo. Oh you don't have Canadian car company..... skidoos for you then.

If only...

fuck off and die, faggot

People still lose their government jobs for it though.

freedom fries
jewish lies
spics & tyrones may steal my phones but mutts will never harm me

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Everyone ignore this idiot. He doesn't represent us or what we think

Don't turn your back on me I WON'T BE IGNOOOOORED

No, just out of office.

Well that meme is retarded. It’s not Trump’s hair you faggots are always saying is orange.

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they are only fired with cause, fined, and sued for damages

I stayed home and made myself a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a glass of black coffee

it's not really an issue that actually affects people. Maybe the two or three guys that were trolling while they were at work.

I'd love it if freedom of speech meant that you could literally say anything that you want, but it doesn't mean that here and it doesn't mean that in america. Voting libertarian is great ideologically, but when a major party is willing to take big strides on a personal freedom issue that actually affects people then they get my vote

not explicitely but now that you mention it I would surely like to see the Webm

Ever been to toronto? Im not sure if the 'people' there are real, they all seem like sheep running around in circles from their home to their workplace and back. It's as if they've all been programmed by the government to work and pay taxes, buy meaingless consumer junk at shitty stores while endlessly repeating liberal slogans. They have that dazed look and seem souless. If the liberal leaders told all of them to kill themselves tommorow they probably would. but yeah these NPC drones have the most voting power in this country.

>peanut butter and banana sandwich

If you fuck him to death, he wins.

Due to his lifestyle, he will undoubtedly have built up a high tolerance level as regards passive sodomy, so the job had best be done by non-human agencies, such as lions or elephants.

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Been there, it wierds me out desu; smells of piss and something that sets my instincts on edge like its a massive trap.

AHH, thats what it is! Its like your walking into the lair of some sort of hive-mind monster; I guess I keep expecting everyone to turn into cannibal mutant thralls and tentacles shoot out of manholes/houses to drag the unwary away to be enthralled/devoured.

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This image is the exact reason why i fucking hate anime. Like what the fuck is even happening in this picture? Anime just seems like a big cluster fuck of random gay storylines that seem mildly interesting until you realize it's full of weird ass fag shit like this

You dont eat PBB on a daily basis? fucking soyboy bud

literally consumer.jpg thanks for serving (((them))) like a good goy

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Amerifats fuckin btfo by based Canadian rapper

No, only because he might actually enjoy something like that.

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you're in the wrong place to complain about anime.

His father was Prime Minister and is looked on favourably by aging Lefties

I hope you die in a fire


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probably himself