
Quick rundown please

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He was right a lot of the time. I'd play cards with the guy.


Here's the rundown:

Disgruntled NEET thinks technology will be the downfall of man. Lives in a cabin in the woods and sends bombs through the mail because, again, is disgruntled NEET.

>leftism is bad
>conservatives are bad but not as bad
>industrial revolution was gay

>technology is a tool
>leftists are retards who can barley use tools
>as soon as they can use a new tool the co-opt it into promoting leftism
>we therefore need to be warry of tools/technology and leftists

He got tortured at Harvard and went crazy. End fo story.

Humanity and technology are incompatible at a fundamental level and if you care about the human race or human autonomy the only option is to completely destroy industrialized society.

>Quick rundown please
We're fucked and these are the End Times.

What defines him as a "terrorist" and "mass murderer"? Possibly a terrorist because he's an enemy of the system at hand and he realizes this by waging war on society itself?

The literal embodiment of "tfw too intelligent"

There's some good parts in his manifesto though.

wew there mr history buff

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>durrr he's a disgruntled neet and bleh bleh bleh and he's wrong because he's a disgruntled neet, unlike me i'm such a fucking chad bro
shut the fuck up you little faggot. god you're annoying.

How did this begin? Signed up for a experiment?

MKUltra's greatest hits

Terrorism is the use of violence against civilians, often on a mass scale, sometimes with explosives, motivated by political or religious inclinations.
A mass murderer is just someone who’s committed homicide against multiple people.
Kaczynski fits both of those (sent bombs that killed three people, in order to advance anarcho-primitivism) regardless of how right he might be when it comes to ideology.

A Sup Forums poster before Sup Forums.


Didn't he have a phd in mathematics?

Technology is inherently oppressive because it creates and enables new forms of oppressions
Say a thousand years ago, you might not have had a nice sword and armor, but you could use farming utensils and defend yourself. Nowadays, because guns exist, you need one to exert the right of self-defense. Many countries take that away, which simply wouldn't be possible without technology.
Or the right to privacy. Not too long ago, it wouldn't be a political issue, you wanted privacy, you stayed in a room alone. Risks were eavesdroppers and peepers. Now, thanks to technology, it's possible to be recorded, filmed and much more without consent, or even knowledge.
Ted saw technology as something inherently prejudicial to people, and with the trend only to get worse.
As technological developments can't be foreseen, there's no way to preemptively safeguard from them. It isn't possible to solve technology's problems with technology, the only way is to fo away with it entirely. And the sooner the better, since as society grows increasingly more dependant on technology, a return to a pre-technology society will only become more painful

>what did he mean by this

he has valid points but he is also dumb. It is not his place to say that technology is corrupting. We do not know the next step to evolution and life. We are the only beings seek answers to such questions. Ted’s heart was in the right place but his brain was on MKUltra.

Not quite. He was trying really hard not to sound racist or anti-semitic.


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>mfw when this is reasonable
>mfw I agree with the unabomber

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MkUltra CIA. He lived in a shack but got his book published? I smell deepstate

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do you really think a guy that got his phd in Mathematics at the age of 23 is not as smart as you are? wow you must be all bleeps and bloops in your brain

The truth hurts

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literally the blue-print for modern society
the man was insanely brilliant

>tfw you will never have the brain power of ted
why live

As me? Why did you bring me into the equation? It is not me challenging the unknown and claiming that technology and human history was a big mistake. I don’t see myself smarter than him but I wouldn’t even try to give concrete answers to the questions he is asking. All we know is thaylt we do not know and testing and trying is the only way to know. Technology could be or downfall or the things that makes us gods or takes us to the next step.

>phd in mathematica gives you the ability to decode the very meaning of life and sentience
Yeah no

Cool stuff, thanks guys

This is a good summary of Ted's thought.

man writes a 33 page, dense, single-spaced document that is carefully put together.

> muh quick run down

that's like asking for a quick run down of particle physics or james joyce's ulysses, or how we got to the current federal defecit in the united states. no such "quick" rundown can exist.

either read the whole document and form a coherent opinion or kindly fuck off.

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>Technology could be or downfall or the things that makes us gods or takes us to the next step.
Who do you mean by "us"? Either full AI or genetically engeneered post-humans will obviously have less in common with humans than we have with neanderthals. A product of the system, not you or your children.