If god doesn't exist

How can you explain this chess piece being called BISHOP?

>Atheists BTFO once again.

Attached: bishop-chess.jpg (2453x1962, 1.76M)

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>Russian hiding behind a Proxy spamming shitposting on Sup Forums

Looks like a pale kermit the frog getting butt raped and screaming at the sky. Sage.

God doesn't exist, but god does and his name is Francis. The Church moves us around like pieces on the chessboard.

if we wuzn't kangz how come there's a black chesspiece called a kang?
>racists btfo

We call it officer. Checkmate

Attached: QtB.gif (480x260, 1.17M)

I just noticed you could use the bishop as some sort of paper holder.

Attached: 1502467080844.png (600x682, 429K)

Attached: 61fNCYSvdqL._UL1209_.jpg (735x1209, 81K)

All the pieces represent the subjects in a medieval royal court.


I can't unsee that. Thanks for the laugh dude.

Shut up nerd

Attached: queen takes bishop.jpg (600x352, 62K)

lmao i didnt even read the thread


Chess is a shit tier game.

I chuckled


Attached: 1520813913747.png (645x729, 35K)

Attached: ripley.gif (350x242, 1.71M)

>How can you explain this chess piece being called BISHOP?
It called "le fou" in French. "insane" "crazy"...

its an elephant, praise ganeesh