Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn?

Both a threat to Rothschild's

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>both communists
>dey a threat to rothschilds tho!!!1
fuck off retard.

bongs, what are the chances of corbyn's party becoming majority incumbant?

Sanders a threat to the Rothschilds?

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>builds roads

Both a threat to people that like eating food

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They're both Social Democrats, you fool. Get your tongue out of Rockerfellers arsehole

Corbyn is on the record praising Chavez Venezuela for Christ sakes...if you want to go on a forced crash diet and have starvation branded illegal as a cause of death, then he's your guy Britfags

>Rothschilds are communist even though they got their wealth through capitalism and would be killed in a communist revolution

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This doesn't mean who wants to follow the EXACT path of Chavez

Step 1: go back to plebbit
Step 2: neck yourself

not an argument, snowflake

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You faggots deserve to be wiped off of the face of the Earth.

The Rothschilds love communism. Marx was a cousin of the Rothschilds. It gives them more state centralization of their banking power. Here's a quote perfectly describing Bernie Sanders from Mein Kampf:

>Soon the Jew became the leader of the battle against himself. I am speaking figuratively when I say “against himself” because the “great master of lies” always succeeds in making himself seem innocent and throwing the blame on others. Since he had the audacity to lead the masses himself, it never occurred to the people that this could be the most legendary fraud of all time...

>Without being aware of it, the laborer is put to work for the very power that he believes he is fighting against. He is led to believe he is acting against capitalism, and therefore he is easily made to fight for capitalism. The cry is heard against international capital, but the real target is the national economy. The current economy must be destroyed so that the international stock exchange can replace it on the corpse-strewn battlefield, with Jewish financial world interests.

>To achieve his goal, the Jew proceeds as follows: he creeps up on the workers in order to win their confidence, pretending to have compassion for their poverty and circumstances or even anger at their miserable lot in life. He is careful to study all the real or even their imagined problems. Then he arouses the desire for change. With infinite shrewdness, he stirs up the urge for social justice, an innate desire that is sleeping within every Aryan. Once the fire is burning, the Jew turns it into hatred toward those more fortunate and puts the stamp of a very special World-Concept on the battle; he builds a philosophy designed to correct social injustice. He founds the Marxist doctrine.

Why do you think "evil capitalists" sided with communists in WW2? Because they're too sides of the same coin. Why do you think the Communist Manifesto has an entire chapter dedicated to establishing a central bank?

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How are they a threat when they both
want to open the floodgates to immigrants?
>On Foreign Policy, Bernie Sanders is Just Another Tool of the American War Machine
>Corbyn's Brexit betrayal: Labour leader to snub millions of voters by refusing to limit migration and kill off dream of striking trade deals
>Corbyn's MPs 'plotting deal to keep UK under EU rule forever’

Strange that ol Bern's brother is a politician in England

That seem weird to Sup Forums??

>>They're both Social Democrats

Bernie Sanders volunteered at a Stalinist kibbutz in Israel in the 60s, and he ran as a presidential elector in the Socialist Workers Party in the 80s.

Corbyn is an old Soviet asset.

>Corbyn praises Venezuela and Maduro, who has launched a brutal repression of any criticism of his rule

>Corbyn praising Venezuela and Chavez back in 2013

>Corbyn praises Castro

>Corbyn met with communist spy during the cold war
>The Corbyn Files: Former Soviet spy makes shock claims that ‘Jeremy Corbyn was our asset…he had been recruited’ and was ‘a paid collaborator’
>Jeremy Corbyn willingly supplied communist regime in bid to ’undermine democracy’

They're both "crypto"-communists. Sanders knows what he's doing, Corbyn is probably just a useful idiot.

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>Jeremy Corbyn caught on video calling Muslim hate preacher 'honoured citizen' and inviting him to 'tea on the terrace' at the House of Commons

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