Expectation vs Reality

How people in the year 1900 thought Paris would be in the year 2000

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And now how it really is

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It wasnt a bad guess. if you just swap planes flying over people with trucks driving into people its pretty close

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From this

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to that

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Its not that far off tbqh, if population didnt rise so much maybe we would have lots of private jets and helis.
these 2 are retarted tho. Also in the left corner ther is a women wearing a hijab? Pretty fucking accuate minus they knew fuck all about flight at the time.


forgot image

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a world without jews

That was the modernist optimism.
That history and progress were hand by hand, reality is other , good times never last for long and a peacefull future without suffering it's nothing but meme

Pretty close

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the future of France is to become a Muslim shithole. i just hope the few smart white Frenchmen here on Sup Forums will somehow escape that shithole ASAP. in 2022, ISIS will have access to the French nuclear launch codes, 300 nukes ready for Jihad! all i know is that Germany will take back Elsass-Lothringen after the new La Reconquista is finished and all Goatfuckers are EXTERMINATED. (might as well take all France and give autonomy to the surviving White French)


>>The novel, a political satire, imagines a situation in which a Muslim party upholding traditionalist and patriarchal values leads the 2022 vote in France and is able to form a government with the support of France's Islamo-Leftist Socialist Party. The book drew an unusual amount of attention because, by a macabre coincidence, it was released on the day of the Charlie Hebdo shooting.[7]

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I can't wait until those piece of shit frogs finally get their arrogant faces shut up forever by the mudslimes. Only european country I'm happy about getting genocided. Julius Caesar should've holocausted all gaul filth


Well when a continent is gang-raped in the arse things like this happen

this. the dumbfuck Frenchies will get what they deserve for voting a granny banging Rothschild banker.

and i still think Germany will take Elsass back once the Mudslimes in France are over 50% of the population.

und der Maas bis, an die Memel, und der Etsch, bis an der Belt!

I'm a Frank btw

Germany will take Elsass Lothringen (were I live) to flood the last remnants of germanic people with refugees.

>germanic people

you're the world gypsy capital now, frogface

Serioursly, you've turned one of the most beautiful and prosperous regions of the world into an unbearable shithole

If the immigrants were Japanese they would've assimilated.

niggers are low iq and cant build a society, which is why they are easily enslaved by any other race with higher technology

May I remind you about your million rapist refugees and the fact that you will not be white in 1 generation?
I'm not a gypsie, my grandfathers fought for Germany during the WWI and WWII.
And honestly I prefer being French for the moment because we are still less cucked than you.


there is even a video with all the failed predictions from 1900 that OP posted.

what? no you are not. your government doesnt even release numbers of your percentages.

>we are still less cucked than you.

reality says bonjour. it's really sad....

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>my grandfathers fought for Germany during the WWI and WWII.

i wish all Frenchmen were like your grandfathers. their sacrifice will not be forgotten.


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Replace the planes with jetpacks

You'll have 2065

The average Frenchman is not a cuck as much as the average modern german man.( though I'm ethnically germanic)
Even Varg told it in on of his video.


Moreover we have nationalists movements such as les Identitaires, and many others. We don't worship refugees and foreigners as much as modern germany, we even have a strong nationalist political party, Le FN.
The average german person would rather kill his mother than being called a rascist

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>Even Varg
opinion discarded

Fucking lol

How far we have fallen, too distracted by our screens and drugged up to care or even notice

My great grandfather fought in the Imperial army on the Russian front during WWI, my grandfather in the SS.
On my mother side (French), Indochina and Algeria war.
But hey, the anglos said we were surrender coward monkeys, so it must be true

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>still less cucked
come on now
I remember French soft porn running on German television and it would always have mixed couples lmao

the planes and jetpacks would both be replaced by magic carpets like those in Aladdin. since we all know France will become Northern Algeria, and ISIS will have 300 nukes available left from the French.

also there is not a single foreigner in our current government

not a single minister has foreign roots

Can you say the same, eater of snails?

there's at least 4 black men in that picture, so its accurate

>Porn is reality

Meanwhile in Germany.
Do you realize that while you were writing thousands of german women were getting inseminated by refugees.
And you dare to maintain that you're not a cuck?

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i hope you will be a soldier too, fighting for the liberation of France during the new La Reconquista against the camel jockeys!

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These are actually weird aerial balaclavas seen from behind

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Have you ever been to France? I'm a fucking American and even I was shocked by how few whites I saw.

Surrendering in WW2 was unironically the right choice
Why should you have thrown away more lives for the world of today?

please, brother, do I really have to bring up your national football team?

I will not be a disappointment to my ancestors. If I die, it's on the battlefield.
Remember that it's the only way to be invited to Odin's banquet with the warriors who share your blood.

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France is still whiter than America overall
Although Paris is indeed Detroit tier

>Comparing a football team to the entire demise of a nation and a race.

I thought you were smarter than that

Countryside is white. Paris was always a degenerate hive of scum and villainy.

That's the thing man. Its not just Paris! Smaller cities or even beautiful little towns, see the kids going to/.from school; overwhelmingly niggers or arabs.

>caring about a bunch of overpaid niggers running around a field
>caring about sportsball

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Now, how people in 1932 KNEW what Paris would be in the 21th century

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No, the Germans knew and tried to help.

They just got the date wrong; it didn't take 100 years, rather about 50-60.

>nanomachine powered self-gravitational inducing carpets, sold by MuhammedTec Enterprises in the name of Allah

Incidentally for the Hans in this thread what does "Bernegerung" mean? I can read all of that except that word, never seen it before. Danke.

What's your point then? Immigrants are an integral part of your culture, yet you're claiming that we're somehow off worse?

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it's "Vernegerung" aka "niggerasation"

Don't be so negative. We've made great strides. No one wants to fly around in a god damn car all the time anyway.

The caricature came from Weimar Germany, so it cannot be considered Nazi "fearmongering" propaganda. It shows that it was common knowledge among "redpilled" people back in the day that there was a high probability that Europe would be blacked sometime in the future. It they could see Europe today, they would be shocked, but not surprised.

goddamn that's spooky

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>that pic
Hahahahaha these fucking morons literally thought they were gonna ride in a mechanical bird

That's a nice building you've got there, very scenic. Surely very old and valuable...

Be a shame if some niggers were just to happen there, wouldn't it?

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They predicted the screens.

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Wow this is France? Thought it was some kinda Somalia

and we got this instead. Its all so tiresome.

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This bitch. Looking for that bbc

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>macadam in the streets

Pick one

No chance. Niggers are not interested by culture

It doesnt seem to different I mean there are already many blacks with white women, the only thing lacking is the flying devices, so overall its pretty accurate in my opinion.

You're the xth retard itt seeing blacks where there are only white people with pilot balaclavas
It shows how poisoined our minds are compared to "innocent" people a century ago

French have always been getting themselves occupied by foreigners. Nothing new.

why even bother? your shekel miesters are flushing shekels up the chimmney with this sad jaded attempt to D&C the white race.

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Nah, any nation between 15th century and 20th one were bound to be conquered by the west due to industrial revolution,superior organizational structure and technology that was on the edge.

>year 1900
Fake. Planes with propellers weren't used until WW2.

well played

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rolling in their graves

the fate whites chose.

In a way, it's good that future never happened, France would have their very own 9/11's on a daily basis by planes of peace.

Are you dumb or yes?

Like they're the only ones...

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>Countryside is white
