just found out my gf hooked up with a black guy all last summer
everytime i kiss her i think about the fact that there was a black cock in her mouth
what do
just found out my gf hooked up with a black guy all last summer
everytime i kiss her i think about the fact that there was a black cock in her mouth
what do
Why are you even still with her?
Inform her about what generally most guys think about racemixing, how it is disgusting etc. This means her circle of friends will be informed of how it can ruin relationships and their appearance in the eyes of others.
Break up with her and tell her that she burnt the caol and she needs to pay the toll
So having 50 sexual partners and having being cummed on in every orifice is ok.
But 1 black person, and it is off limits.
Whites truely are a degenerate race.
find her black stallion and ask him to do the same to you, since he probably did shoot in her butt
If you don't know what to do, there's nothing that can be done to help you.
Drop her. Let her know, let her friends know, so they'll all stop. It takes 7 years for cells to be replaced fully in the human body.
Three countries, three totally different responses.
Every time you fuck her she probably thinks about the pleasure of a black cock in her tight cunt that the present experience does not even approach. Are you a fat or skinny fat sit around and do nothing neet? Because if you aren't exactly a catch yourself then I'm wondering why she moved from muscle man who can toss her ass around the bedroom and make her cum to loser who shares his poor me stories on Sup Forums.
Neither is okay.
How do you know she debased herself last summer? Did she tell you or is it rumer?
Probably pretty much this.
>what do
Start looking for another girlfriend. It's easier when you already have one; women can smell it on you. Don't be afraid to hit on women at the same venue as your gf, it can still work for you.
Stop kissing her. Doggy style from here on out.
Since you're on your way out anyway, start trying some kinky or slightly rough stuff. Worst case she says no, but you might be surprised.
Maybe you should stop thinking about nigger dicks and make white children.
Carry on as normal, then tinder up. Fuck an Asian bird and tell her after. Wait to you see her little face crumple. It's white woman kryptonite. Then you can move on. Without her, obviously.
Look. Do you care about her?
If you say: you did something in your past, and I will punish you for it.
She will be devastated for it.
Will you go through with it?
I would. Trim the weak from society.
Only the string will survive
link.... ?
She has bits of African DNA floating all around her now. Children won't be white.
This is probably a LARP so in which case, good job, I replied. But if you're serious - drop her. Immediately.
Just fucking leave you spineless sack of shit.
get revenge by hooking up with a black guy yourself
women go insane when their bf cheats with a guy, more than with another girl
Whaat?!? Naniii?!?
'Black cock the problem? Black cock the answer!'
Perfect leafpost.
how else to show her how it feels?
>She has bits of African DNA floating all around her now. Children won't be white.
Why are you still kissing her?KYS
Hehe commit to the bit. You can't get him pregnant and leave him though
You get revenge by going latina actually.
Asians are laughable but have a latina goddess under your arm and white girls WILL squirm with jealousy even if they're into black.
source: PNW lurker
This is actually good advice.
viable advice
just forget her and move on. At least you weren't married to the bitch.
Interesting. Nice to know yank ho triggers. Thanks
true, but you have to make it another guy at least. enrages more
make her do a blowjob and ask if Tyrones was bigger than yours
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And to think I ate pussy where that big black cock had been and kissed the lips that sucked him off time and time again.
Women are disposables anymore.
Don't even bother busting another mutt on her.
Just cut all ties with her.
As long as they're white, it's all right.
Beat her. As my grandparents say, only glass can't be fixed with beatings. And beat the nigger. You can also pay some other nigger (preferably with AIDS) to rape him.
She swallowed nigger milk.
Children won't be white.
Get AIDS nigro!
Best advice. Try and get her to lick your asshole on the way out. That wold be fucking epic .
post pic of her (you can mask some of her face if you want)
I would trash her, but it depends on how you handle this thing
how about none of that ? why would we have to chose between plague and cholera ?
i was grossed out with my ex when i found out she had kissed an indian guy before
couldn't ever look at that filthy fucking sub human bitch again the same, disgusting. that's no different from picking up a random fresh turd off the floor and eating it.
>swims up
>latches onto bait
Why the fuck are you still with her?!
microchimerism only happens if the girls gets PREGNANT and bears a MALE fetus
google this shit
I see your point but neither is really acceptable. It would be too many threads if guys complained about the amount of sexual partners their woman had.
Stop kissing her cuck boy. Start looking for a non coal burner, meantime if you blow your semen into her mouth enough times she might stop tasting like nigger ... 10 times per load her deposited so you need to aim for 10 000
>start looking for another girlfriend
Basically the only acceptable part of your whole post. The whole "get her to do degenerate shit" is a slippery slope because he himself will become a degenerate if he likes what she does, and he will either stay with her for the sake of perverted shit or find another woman and turn her degenerate as well.
The best advice is to honestly look for another girlfriend while denying her sex and make excuses. Tired, headache, etc. It's passive-aggressive as fuck but it messes with their heads hardcore. Plus if she can't take it and cheats on you, you can basically hold that over her head forever and any guy she's with will know she's a cheater.
promotes advancement
>what do
It's pretty fucking obvious you absolute fucking retard. You ask her to hook up with him again but this time you film it like the good cuck yo uare
sorry user
anyway, take a few blood tests just in case
Ask your rabbi.
She had a niggers COCK in her MOUTH, cuck
destroy fuck her?
>what do
Post pics of your girlfriend from Canada.
Shut up French nigger with your Jewish science.
He doesn't know if she had an abortion. Or how many. And everyone knows sluts are masculine in many regards, so even if it happens on a large scale due to pregnancy, it happens on a small scale just like that.
>Only the string will survive
Let's just hope it's not a banjo string.
What's it like being a cuck?
I see what you did there.
kys mutt