Rich people are now paying to be killed

Rich people are now paying to be killed.


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This is thinning of the herd

Why oh why would someone want to be an early adapter for this?

That or the deepstate can get them to keep them from being arrested by Sessions. Not sure which is better. I guess with his method at least he knows when it will happen.

finally a trick to kill these rich dumbfucking Pedo Jews

fake news

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Least this one is more effective than the fucking guy drinking rough water and saying it's good for ya

>live forever
>except when the power goes out

That's a nice source OP, fuckin congrats.

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Put this on Sup Forums, they'll all be dead in a week thinking they'll wake up next to Megumin or whoever

X-files did it!

Holy shit. Is this the final solution to the weeb problem?

your pc hardrive doesn't format itself when power goes out.

He is the founder, it’s a false showing of “good faith”.

Anyone dumb enough to go through with this is retarded, I fully support this scheme.

It's not like he gonna be killed soon, when he is dying at old age they going to kill him before he die and decompose.

This is some Satanic 'Metropolis' crap

>mfw technocrat soyboys are literally killing themselves for sci-fi LARPing

things really do work themselves out

do people not realize they'll only be making a copy of your brain and that you'll still be dying?

It's the best time to invest goy!

How can we convince niggers and Reddit soy cucks to do this?

we /wired/ now

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No, they already have the consciousness uploading ready to deploy, 100% bug-free. They're waiting for the pedo elites to sign up and get killed so they can upload them and make them serve eternal life sentences.

One less of (((them))). Where’s the problem?

What an idiot. I guess he’s never had an out of body experience. Not that they are very common. But I guess he’s also never been extremely wasted on drugs and/or alcohol. Your’re still there even though it doesn’t come out because your brain is so impaired. The brain is a storage and processing device as well as a conduit or a receiver but if you think your mind is your brain you probably deserve to pay $10k to have somebody embalm it and kill you

then the incitation "kill yourself" is not appliable anymore amirite?

After that guy killed himsef the other day I’ve decided to stop using it. His parents did not deserve that.

fuck Sam Altman. ever see that NYT interview he did. what a fucking prick.

Ycombinator btfo


>Um sorry about that, but the data was corrupted
>We will work out the bugs eventually

that kid was not at his best mental health
that's what nihilism does to you

He probably found out that he has some kind of terminal illness and decided this way at least something useful might come from his death.

Uh no I think he just really thinks its gonna work and wants to be in on it because he's a retarded silicon valley guy

This should really be tested on criminals or on the third world first.

Imagine if he actually gets uploaded, but the data gets hit by a virus and has to be deleted.

Don't get the appeal. Let's say there was a death free way to do this and I create a copy of myself. When I die I don't suddenly become that copy. I'll be dead and some creature that believes they're me will "live" on.

Same here. That little faggot might have done some good in the end after all

t.b.h I'd do the same if it ment I could also choose to get another body

Meatspace gets so tedious sometimes but disconnection might be permanent without a net to sling shot back and forth.

Astral is basically ADHD mixed with schizophrenia and dreams

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even if it were a trick it'd be just smart jews getting offed by even smarter jews whom take their place to patch this loop

I just love how they put KILLED in caps.

Its more likely that he is fucking retarded

wow it's almost like they're trying to direct the mindless media consumer drones by using words like MURDER or KILL to trigger them into shock and dissaproval.

The only downside here is trust.

There's nothing stopping those guys from killing him, then flush his brain down the toilet and say the procedure failed instead of even attempting it

Natural selection.

We need more of this.

Holy fuck, my exact image of the future is actually becoming real. We're all going to have our consciousness uploaded to a super computer and we will literally live forever.

Yes that, or a digital hellscape from which you cannot leave.

Like here.

>you'll live to see immortal cyber Jews that can enslave the goyim for all of eternity

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>Like here.
No, it's one thing to have a body to fall back to, it's whole another to be "unshackled". There are upsides to having a body as there are downsides in the end it's all about situation and circumstances.

The only hellscape is your mind and the demons are the Id, Ego and Superego

What kind of faggot color coordinates backpack and shoes?

upload him and poor water on the machine.


plz take me, i'll be cyber goim

>He was raised Jewish and is gay.

its the future goyim, dont get left behind!

beat me to it

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Transhumanism stands against everything Judaism represents believe it or not yet their religion is the most compatible, right behind christian mixed buddhism.

Besides once you think about it. Our flesh bodies are already technology, clocks assembled by chance rather than control. Or maybe just less control and more chance?
Why would a jew alter him/himself? He's already the chosen.

Why would a Christian alter himself? He/she would because

What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them."
Matthew 15:11

"“Watch and pray so that you will not enter into temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"
Matthew 26:41

Why would a buddhist alter him/herself?
Enlightenment and the sorts or the prospect of it.

Why would an atheist alter themselves?
Isn't it obvious? Evolution.

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>You WON'T live to see roaming street gangs of cyberpunks that constantly carry out attacks on mega Jew mind server fortresses, living only off hacked amazon food orders rerouted from delivery drones and traveling the massive cyberYID dystopia, hacking and blowing up towering mega Jew brain server fortress skyscrapers one by one.

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i would definitely sign up for this. 100%. i don't want to die, but not because i'm worried about some kind of afterlife, because i want to see what happens to society and the world in the future. in my version of this, there's access to what's going on in the world for the uploaded consciousnesses, web access or some type of internet or everyone rather than everything.

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Nah, every single one of these businesses is essentially just tissue preservation.

They all require that the person be dead. In Nectomes case, they require that you die IN their facility because their process involved embalming the patient while they are still alive (But under anesthesia), which necessarily causes death.

While the news on them is that they have a REALLY good system in terms of preserving tissue, they make absolutely no promises about the future. These companies are really selling hope to rich people, nothing else. The idea that people in the future are going to want to spend enormous resources in order to revive or upload the minds of ancient rich people is absurd.

Chances are the company will go out of business and donate the corpses to medical science or something before then anyway lol.

its real retards

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>upload the minds of ancient rich people is absurd.
Why not?
There's plenty of frozen cavemen dug up by archeologists. What if in 10k years or someone stumbles upon some left over tissue and reassamble the magneto-electric resonance which the consciousness is comprised of?

Sure it's probably gonna be some rich snob who won't hold any valuable knowledge but at least it'll prove our species was trying to give nature the middle finger... in the good sense of that last sentence


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> pay Jews money
> don't get to go to Heaven because your soul is forever trapped inside of a machine

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*a challenger appears*

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>trapped inside of a machine
You're describing everyone whose currently alived at the moment.

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So did they skip animal testing and went straight to human testing?

Frozen cavemen are neat and their tissues can be well preserved in the sense that we can distinguish the different parts and make determinations about them, but you could not revive a frozen cave man because the cold would have caused massive tissue damage due to the crystallization of water crystals destroying cells.

Anyway their technology at Nectome is much more advanced that just freezing, but I just don't see it working out for people who take that route. Either the technology is too far off for Nectomes procedure to matter (Even with their technology, the tissues won't last forever) or there will be a lack of interest in reviving people who had been preserved in what they will probably see as a haphazard and shoddy way.

Is it theoretically possible though? Yeah fuck it, sure. I just think it's very unlikely that Nectome is going to be leading anyone to future digital immortality.

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10k seems awfully cheap

>I just think it's very unlikely that Nectome is going to be leading anyone to future digital immortality.
Hey, you never know. Stranger things have happened before even though the probability was next to none.

Plus didn't most old religions like (((christianity)))) have verses in them that the "dead will rise to be judged" by their spaghetti lord or something?

They wont "kill you" till your almost dead, its hospice for elites.

>destroy power grids and generators
>the eternal cyber jew is slain forever

>Plus didn't most old religions like (((christianity)))) have verses in them that the "dead will rise to be judged" by their spaghetti lord or something?

Yes, but if I recall, resurrection for judgement coincides with the end of the world.

What if the "power grid" was the Sun itself?
Is the Sun alive?

>gets executed by IDF tactical drone squad

Spoiler, we live on a Dyson Sphere

Nice, I hope he does it tomorrow

It will take at leas 100 years before humans can achieve a type 1 civilization. With globalism and the population explosion of low IQ shitskins, it is doubtful that a type 1 will ever be achieved.

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>coincides with the end of the world.
Or maybe the end of old humanity and thus the "ancient world" of life, death, and many other childish concepts.

Honestly if timetravel is achievable by future humanity then nothing would've stopped them from just erasing religion from ever coming to be because it can hinder science e.g Islam, Dark Ages christianity etc.

Maybe they either created specific religions or merged/altered existing ones into the ones we have today to prepare humanity via memetics?

Or maybe they just exist because we're trying to copy the inevitable future, thus the serpent bites its tail because everything is always repeating?

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So... the Earth's core is a mini-sun that matter "flowed" around the engulf it thus producing a planet? That's actually believable.

But why are some Suns left naked?

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It's already been written about

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Can someone explain?

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>not shedding your physical form to become a powerful AI and e-waifu


hi ledit. when are you going to get the fuck out?

In the episode of Scooby Doo The bad guy is mascarading as Gene Simmions (Chaim Witz) of Kiss who is notoriously greedy and has been subversive since the 1970's.
To unmask a Jew as a Jew is kind of redundant.

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Fuck off faggot nigger memeflag cancer


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i would want someone to put me out of my misery if i was ever seen wearing those shoes

t. /fa/

>The idea is that someday in the future scientists will scan your bricked brain and turn it into a computer simulation.
>future scientists
Thank God they encourage only people with terminal illnesses to do it, but it sounds as much of a meme as cryogenic heads, maybe one day though...


100k wouldnt add up to the lawyer fees

or you'll just end up creating a collective consciousness because you're too identical even more than twins. Hence why having more than one clone(for a body) would probably be outlawed or seen as taboo

So how does this work exactly?

>billionaire, had my fun, bored with life
>why not do crazy shit like being digitally uploaded
>sign up for the waiting list, get digitally uploaded
>no physical presence, only my thoughts
>time to dive into some digital hentai and vidya
>instantly receive data instructions
>lose all agency, thoughts are converted to processing
>1% of process left to contemplate my enslavement
>50 years later, virus appears and deletes me
>go to hell for committing suicide, it's even worse

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YESSIREE, this shit looked like GREAT fun
sign me the fuck up for existential crises at the bottom of the ocean.

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