Its clear that the vegan agenda seeks to introduce as much soy and oxytocin as humanly possible into society as to believe that niggers, chickens, humans, and giraffes, all deserve equal rights. However, what is the verdict on keto/tkd/ckd diets that reject the sweet food in favor of fats?

Here's what we know:
>women like cake
>faggots like cake
>cake has sugar
>keto = no sugar

I think its time for a real discussion on where ketosis exists on a political continuum, well Sup Forums?

Attached: Blood-Ketones.jpg (900x600, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

enjoy your gout


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Is this seriously just a stupid attempt to make us join your nutrition advice cult by literally adding "jews and niggers" mid sentance?

I tried it and got fatter, on top of that I would get exhausted easily while working out.

Fuck keto

Well, judging from that greentexted "reasoning" you posted, It is clear that you are retarded and any discussion with you is pointless.
Also, Sage.

you're suppose to count calories as well retard

>user hasn't read Ray Peat

theres also a getting used to it phase you probably didn't take into account

med student here.
ketosis is the most effective weight management technique (Atkins).

The problem: its so easy to lose discipline and fall off the wagon, after 5 days you start feeling a little sick as your body adjusts.
If you make it after 2 weeks you start feeling good.

Legit dumbass.

ooh look, another idiot who thought keto meant high protein, low fat ....
>aka rabbit starvation

I agree, I find the difficulty to be social situations where you can't drink or eat regular people food though. That and always having to cook.

My diet for the last 10 years has been red meat, green beans, beer, and rice. I've never felt more alive.

Keto works and is delicious just sucks having to buy fresh vegetables ever 2 days

Ketosis is the closest thing to magic on earth. Can you commit to anything? Commit to this.

I think it's certainly better than a high carb diet.

If you load up on PUFA's, it's going to fuck you up in the long run. There are also vitamin and mineral needs that need to be considered. You don't want to end up like Jimmy Moore who can't eat a fucking leaf of lettuce without saying it spikes his blood sugar.

Also, for other anons, keto means you need to restrict protein too. Too much will throw you out of ketosis.

And thyroid.

50-60% of your calories are supposed to come from fat and you have to stay at 20-50g of carbs per day depending on your body.
Not easy to do plus it gives you bad breath. Best to not eat a fuckton of sugar and carbs anyway, moderate exercise and a balanced diet. Eat for the body you want, not the body you have.

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How is Ketogenic diet different from the Atkins diet?

This is very true. I enjoy what I enjoy. Nothing beats a large steak, some italian fried green beans, and some buttered rice. Top it all off with a pitcher of beer. It does help that i'm trying to maintain a 250+ lb body. I still eat almost zero sugar. (I know beer has sugar)

can confirm, no headaches and high energy

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the government recommended diet is the trick, keto is right.
Here's an assessment. Best researched book on human nutrition ever written. I watched the author call a bunch of nutritionists pseudoscientists to their faces.

It's another tedious demonisation of a macronutrient

Keto is more restrictive. Atkins you start at 20g/day of carbs, then 40g, then increase up to your "tolerance point". Keto requires low carb, protein restriction, and high fat in a 4:1 fat/carb-protein ratio.

I like cake user, am I faggot?

Atkins allows a few more carbs, I do believe.

Nigger breath oxygen, stop breathing or you're a nigger.

>OP logic


I'm down 35 lbs on it

Alcohol is converted to sugar of course but so what, if you eat sensibly and burn the calories you're golden.
Ever see what olympic athletes eat? Lots of shit like McDonalds and sugar but burning 5000 calories a day affords them the luxury.

I grew up actually poor. I never developed the taste for cake. I don't eat candy, pie, or chocolate. I always decline whenever offered. I drink my coffee black, and do not drink soda or energy drinks. Beer is all of the sugar you need.

holy shit you're down to 35 pounds? Areyou a midget?

I usualy take a french dip sandwich for lunch with hashbrowns (potatos + peppers) and have steak for dinner. It's not even that expensive if you buy half a cow at a time.

Unfortunately there are retards who claim you can eat as much as you want on keto as long as you don't exceed your daily carb budget.

>If you load up on PUFA's, it's going to fuck you up in the long run.
>There are also vitamin and mineral needs that need to be considered.
>keto means you need to restrict protein too. Too much will throw you out of ketosis.
what the fuck? source

i've been on keto for fucking nine months now and i've never ever heard this before


Do you put the au juis in a thermos or something? Thats a fancy lunch.

Ketone rhymes with thetan, Coincidence?

sounds like a fucking cult to me user. How do you morons seriously think fruit is bad for you? I'll stick to my 'eat whatever the fuck I want' diet.

>>user believes Ray Peat

lmao ice cream nigger

probably a fat ass faggot.

There are some pathways for the body to convert protein to carbs. They're pretty limited and in most people are only used to generate essential carbs should you go to zero dietary carbs. There may be some people for whom these pathways are more active than in others, leading them to generate enough carbs to knock them out of ketosis if they eat a lot of protein. They're unlikely to be a large percentage of the population but it's not heavily studied.

No, marinade the prime rib in it.

Fruit is not bad for you at all, and I would never turn anyone away from it. I just don't like it. Also, i'm not on the keto diet, just stating that you don't have to eat a certain way as long as you keep your sugar intake down.

I am 5'9 and 241 lbs. Yes. I am shooting for bear mode however.


Burger over-reaction to the problem of soda and fast food.

yep, currently eating whole bag of cadbury eggs while browsing Sup Forums

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but fruit has shit tons of carbs in it, fatkins diet says apples are unhealthy.

It also has important vitamins in it. You can get apples at cub cheaper than vitamins at GNC.

>posts best candy of the year in a keto thread
That's kind of mean man

1 apple has 25 grams of sugar in it, fatkins limits you to 20 grams a day, lol when you can't even eat a whole apple.

been proven taking vitamin supplements actually shortens your lifespan and its rare you need them all.

He has good stuff on fatty acids and thyroid health. I think people take his recommendations too far sometimes, i.e. the ice cream.

Some amino acids are glucogenic. If your body isn't getting enough fat or carbs, or if you eat too much protein, it will turn them into glucose.

Got to wonder how anyone can stay at 20g of carbs. What do you eat? Pure fiber with a pound of lard?

You're supposed to increase to 40, and then up to tolerance after a few weeks. It's not meant to be permanently 20g/day.

You kids are absolutely fucking retarded
Nu Sup Forums is shit. Google that claim. Look at the original study and read. You stupid fucks. How are you all this so suddenly stupid? Is taking the redpill?

I’ve tried keto and felt good for a while when on it. I noticed a drop in sex drive going no carb which was shit. Also, going keto dumps a lot of electrolytes which can induce deficiencies. Im now in the intermittent fasting camp now. I eat between 12 noon and 8 pm. Works.

look, a retard

i was 202 lbs in november of last year and quit drinking all alcohol, began eating the things i normally eat only once a day (< 2000 calories, very low sugar intake) recently picked up a job where i'm on my feet all day. picking steel parts for a company that builds cooling towers, and currently weigh 177 lbs. i'm 5'10 and 23 years old.

Have you looked at the guide? I think not.

it's multiple studies, especially for women. look at google scholar or pubmed.

i don't know what guide you're talking about, i'm talking about your incredibly retarded post where you said

>Got to wonder how anyone can stay at 20g of carbs. What do you eat? Pure fiber with a pound of lard?

40 grams, so about the amount of sugar in one slice of watermelon?

Your fatkins diet sounds so fucking retarded dude.

proven to reduce lifespan and your shitposting makes no difference

At least we found the retard with your post

>There are also vitamin and mineral needs that need to be considered.

Funny, people who subsist on cheetos, soda pop and fast food never consider this. Crazy old world.

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your kind was born to eat grain, now drink your soy

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Bullshit. Specific vitamins are bad to supplement. Others are proven effective. You tards spout headlines as fact because it supports your world view. I'm not going to hold your hand on this one. Dig deeper or don't

first of all, it's really easy to eat less than 20g of sugar a day if you are literate and have access to the internet. i encourage you to use to find foods that fit that criteria.

second of all, fiber is a type of carb.

Celiac disease sure helps people stay thin


A ton of broccoli,Lettuce of all types, basically as many greens as you want. Have every tried to eat 20g carb of kale? That is like 10lbs.

that doesn't count towards your carb count as fiber isn't digestible.

that's crazy

when I started, I had a friend who worked at zaxbys who got me chicken for free
so every single day I would eat 3 grilled chicken breasts and 10 wings with ranch dressing, followed by a spinach salad with caesar dressing

I wonder if I kept that up if I would get kicked out of keto

you should avoid broccoli I had read as its high in carbs for a vegetable

This, pretty much. Wise former-colleague used to say "Eat half-right, and exercise", and he's damn right.

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all you need to do to be healthy is less food more exercise, more protein less carbs

that's all cucks

But you can't eat fruit if you limit your carbs like that. a Banana has up to 35 grams, an apple has up to 31 grams, a pear has up to 35 grams, a peach has up to 21 grams, literally any fruit you can look up will have a shit ton of sugar in it.

is that total or net

Women and fags love stuffing their fat estrogen bodies with empty (((carbs))). It's common sense that the White Man lives mainly on proteins from fresh fish and chicken and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and romaine lettuce. Only niggers enjoy breads and other such peasant foods.

Just ranked in ascending order

I like cake too

>serving size

get a fucking kitchen scale and standardized units, you preindustrial dimwits

doesn't answer the question

Attached: Deduct-half-sugar-alcohol-for-net-carbs.png (927x768, 146K)

You can’t get that much calories from fat without getting way too much omega 6

You’re basically killing yourselves to lose weight

>fresh fish and chicken

that's what my tranny friend eats almost exclusively to stay skinny and trapmode lel

Enjoy dying from consuming no potassium or calories lol

The PUFA's will fuck your metabolism over time, brah. You can still lose weight on low-carb without being in ketosis, especially at first when the water weight goes.

It's also terrible for your mental health, but it's very superficial and transient, only gets worse after you're out of ketosis for a while.
If you want to try, expect to find yourself extremely pissed about trivial things. I know it's Sup Forums, but I'm talking next level pissed and next level trivial

this. we have too much sugar in our diets.

cut sugar, and have a balanced diet of about half carbs, with the rest split between protein and fat.

like I said, you need balance. eating too much protein causes gout, a problem faced by aristocrats in history.

>I think people take his recommendations too far sometimes, i.e. the ice cream
It's literally just milk, cream, egg yolk, sugar and some flavor like vanilla extract. If Peat is right about sugar not being bad for you, then there's literally nothing wrong with eating ice cream (homemade, or made with good ingredients).

Not sure, believe its net.

No. That is wrong. 4g per 100g. You have to subtract the fiber from the carb count. I've lost 140 lbs on keto/lc and more importantly I've kept it off for 6 years.

actually niggers eat less sweets than soyboys.

Has worked well for me

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that's only because they can't afford expensive swiss chocolate that I like to but often.

I think it's mainly the fat and sugar at the same time. He's said that dairy fat can cause weight gain if you eat too many, even though sat fats are good fats. I gained 18 lbs over a winter when I was eating it for a snack before bed. My mood was great though.