>Stephen Hawking would have been killed in nazi germany
>Stephen Hawking would have been killed in nazi germany
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if he was so smart why couldn't he walk?
It wouldn't have made any difference to the world.
prebby good
And nothing of value would have been lost
Einstein too retard
We would have lost the smartest man on earth.
seriously sometimes I wonder if people take these threads seriously
No he would not have.
Discouraged from breeding maybe. But he wouldve been put to great use as Hitler valued geniuses a lot.
he wouldn't have survived his sickness in those times, so he couldn't have made his achivement back then either way
I'd sacrifice one stephen hawking to nix one million shitskins. But Nazi Germany didn't really kill people, so the whole topic is moot.
Good the nigger never invented anything and his theories on blackholes were wrong.
And? Aside from discovering that black holes emit radiation he didn't really do much. A meme scientist. No wonder he was considered the "smartest man on Earth", humanity has degenerated to such a point that literal con merchants are hailed to the heavens for doing jack shit.
not even true. he had three healthy aryan kids, so it wasn't a genetic issue that could harm the volk. bloke would probly have been given an ss rank and been put in charge of top projects.
nothing of value would have been lost, he didn't invent anything.
why do Sup Forumsacks envy an intelligent person?
Nazi Germany didnt kill the phyiscally disabled ya retard
Good, in my opinion. Nobody should give a single shit about Steven hawking, period. Crying about space is for fucking losers. What would Stevie be able to do for his neighbor? What would Stevie teach his children? Would Stevie have resisted the marxist wave of anti-intellectualism and anti-traditionalism that is poison to societies and cultures? I think not. Who gives a fuck if he understood some theoretical problems about inconsequential shit happening millions of light years away? He couldn't stop the post-modernist poisoning of our universities and academia. He didn't put up even a modicum of resistance to the leftist rejection of logic as "oppression of minorities" and "imperialist constructs". Stupid boomerfag logic is what drives cuckservatives to mourn for this atheist shitsack.
Rot in Pieces, Atheist scumbag Steven "pretty stars making weird lights so far away that we're actually seeing thousands of years in the past, that's more important to me than whether or not the next generation gets the same opportunity to be an academic as me." Hawkings.
If he was so smart, why didn't he find a cure for ALS?
what problems did he solve
So what? Not like he did much more than shilling anyways. Fucking talking about how we're all going to be toast in 150 years if we don't colonize other planets. Either a retard or something... (((else)))
meme scientist
btw, this is what the average Belgian man looks like. fucking disgusting
He didn't really do much except talk about space and shit himself. I could do that and my IQ is only 138. It's like drowning while describing the water.
still whiter than an average white amerimutt
Keeping your country pure is more important that musings on "black holes an sheit"
He created a formula to genetically engineer a Jew-nigger hybrid race.
Physicist checking in. Killing Hawking wouldn't have been much of a loss actually. His ideas and theories are completely based on fundamental research, meaning humanity MIGHT benefit from this in 100-300 years. Thus, enough time for someone else to come up with the same ideas. In the current year, Hawking has just taken up tax money to fund is stuff without any benefit whatsoever. And I say this as someone who also works on fundamental research, "wasting" tax money. His ideas however are even more unlikely to be relevant than the stuff I'm working on. That's like thinking Astro-Biology might actually be relevant in the next 50 years.
We didn't really need to know about black holes. Someone else would have figured it out and not looked so hideous doing it.
He literally just sat around theorizing shit none of which was proven.
Nice oxymoron.
bcos i am manlet mutt with tiny shmekel
Oh, look, another jew playing D&C to try to distract from us talking about why his "Hitler would have killed X" argument didn't work.
Gas yourself.
We wouldn't know about black holes!!!
Oh wait, he was wrong and he literally didn't accomplish anything at all.
hawking often acted as a globalist mouthpiece actually, but he was just a man of his time with no real insight or wisdom beyond the field of pure mathematics.
Stephen Hawking was such a clown. I'll never forget one thing:
>reading his "brief history of time" bollocks as a teenager
>there's a part that goes liek:
>if u turn a card liek 360° it doesn't look the same
>if u turn it liek 720° it looks the same as be4
>liek WOAHH am i rite
>complete mindfuck, morty
>be me, studying physx
>come to that exact part of the 360° not the same, 720° is the same quantum mechanics bullshit
>can't exactly remember what is was, something with wave functions whatnot
>my god, is that some trivial garbage, fuck stephen hawking, he is such a populist cunt making trivial shit look complicated to normies
He was an utter asswipe, fuck him.
Wouldn't matter.
And the holocaust never happend.
What did he do that effected humans?
I'm mostly thinking you should go and be Jewish somewhere else.
>talk about space
>can't go up stairs
>can't go to space or he will die
Hawking was great.
had more white children than you will.
Can you question nazi germany without being a jew? Serious question.
So he combined two problems into one?
Romans killed archemedes
Name one thing that retard did.
He would not have been euthanized if that's what you're suggesting.
There were many National Socialist leaders that were crippled or paralyzed for many reasons, such as injury in war, polio, hereditary diseases, etc.
Some severely retarded or criminally insane people were euthanized. These mostly happened towards the end of the war when the Germans were starving and they couldn't spare resources for criminal schizos and people so retarded they don't even know they're alive.
>March 24 1933, International Jewry declared war on Germany.
>October 17, 1933 Einstein left Germany for the USA.
Hitler permitted self declared enemies of the state to freely leave and live their lives elsewhere.
I have 2 daughters.
They wouldn't have had to kill him, he would have just died due to 1930's level medical technology.
Easier to kill.
No you can't you fucking kike.
It was onset as an adult and affected his body, not his brain. If he was a useful scientist, he would have been kept around.
Otherwise, who gives a shit?
ya and? what did he really do for humanity
Please list his accomplishments that humanity would not have survived without
everything he ever did was THEORETICAL
My theories are sound because you can't prove me wrong. Yet, we will never ever ever test them in 10 life times
gee, sounds like he was a waste of oxygen to me
smartest man on earth huh
what did he accomplish?
I don't think so.
The Reich was actually a welfare state that took very good care of it's most vulnerable people. They had free food and care for people who couldn't provide for themselves. Being disabled was never grounds for incarceration or euthanasia in The Reich. But, the insane were often sterilized, as they should be.
Absolutely nothing but waste air.
he was just a retard put on a wheelchair to gain sympathy while someone else typed bullshit lines about the universe into his microsoft Sam chair
idk, idc
Thanks, you got alot across there.
It's a bate thread so people post edgy replies, i really doubt most of em think the way they post
Stephen Hawking is primarily famous because of ALS, he was a decent theoretical physicist, but this is not the reason why he is "well known" - the reason is that his disease. If he had been healthy, no one would know whom he was.
Would he have been gassed? probably. But what is more interesting is the cultural difference, a celebration of diseases and elevating the sick to a martyr status. Or - as is the case for Nazi-Germany, viewing diseases as an "evil", and "mercy" killing the diseased if it's incureable.
good. fuck that arrogant overhyped shill for atheism. and fuck you too for asking stupid questions.
Hawking inspired me to become disabled.
Is that a bad thing? Besides, he wouldn’t have been killed. The propaganda associated with eugenics in NatSoc Germany was just saying that the state shouldn’t be the ones paying to keep cripples alive. Nobody in the US should have ever been offended by this since that’s literally the way things are over here. Individual families are the ones who pay for it. Insurance doesn’t cover it and we don’t have socialized medicine. Those ads were very unpopular in Germany anyways.
> a celebration of diseases and elevating the sick
Does anyone find it weird that pol both believes and supports the Jewish propaganda used to demonize the 3rd Reich?
>Does anyone find it weird that pol both believes-
Okay for the retards that are asking
> If he was a badass why didn't he figure how to cure his ALS
First you are stupid. His job was to be a physiscist and an astronomer. Meaning that he dealty with the stars. Probably you got confused physician and physiscist
>What did he accomplish
You must be a retard or a delousional nazi. Stephen Hawking discovered how black holes work and hawking radiation. Also he is one of the smartest scientists in the world.
Whiter than you, moehommad!
He wouldnt have lived as long without germany's research in medicine either, whats your point?
She's too hot I need to take her clothes off before she catches fire
Stupid Nazi, that picture isn't realistic.
There's no tub of Pepsi.
Idk his point, but mine is Anschluss Österreichs.
Sorry, I meant Anschluß
she spends most of her work hours undressed as far as i can tell
good for your future dusky sons in law. hawking had two daughters and a son.
Fine with that.
The analog Tay
To bad he wasn’t in nazi germany. He’s the king of theory. So am I.
If Stephen Hawking truly was of high intellect, he wouldn't have succumbed to mental retardation a few days ago.
Name one thing Stephen Hawking contributed to society.
You can tell by the shape she has boobs that already sag and will soon be torpedoes. However, I am intrigued by the pale skin and thong outline by her hips. Overall, I, like most people, read your comment but found the attention grabbing female you posted to be more exciting. Have an impolite sage.
>lol let's kill extremely intelligent people with something to contribute because they have a physical disability
>wtf we need to exterminate the blacks they're lowering the average IQ!