Liberals used to praise this guy

Now he's a Russian spy?



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Liberals used to blast the deep state too, now they're all buddy-buddy.

they only praised him when he was leaking about crooked Republicans. Once he started leaking about crooked Democrats he became public enemy #1 and a Russian asset.

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Living in

>One of the most bizarre aspects of Russiagate is the magical transformation of intelligence agency heads into paragons of truth-telling – a trick performed not by reactionary apologists for domestic spying, as one would expect, but by people who consider themselves liberals. There is something genuinely absurd about a former director of the FBI – which along with the CIA and NSA has long been one of the gravest threats to democracy in America – solemnly warning of the threat to democracy posed by Russian meddling in the election.

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Because they hijacked the CIA and FBI

>Liberals used to blast the deep state too, now they're all buddy-buddy.

ya back when alex jones would larp as a left wing libertarian saying dubya was a nazi

liberals think what the media wants them to think.


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>they hijacked the CIA and FBI

Exactly, Obama and Biden were against domestic spying until the idiots that couldn't figure out what phonies they were elected them:

I mean its not like he didnt have a vendetta against the US. did it for the lulz

He has always been an asset to Russia. That's why liberals loved him so much. They love anyone who is anti-American.

You may wish to ignore CNN telling you that you can't read Wikileaks, go there and see all the leaks regarding Russia.


Some of it is quite bad.

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How about right-wingers demonizing Assange, but when he was useful against democrats he became a hero? Has it occurred to you?

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>Everyone who voted for Trump is a right-winger.

false dichotomy.

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I have seen Wikileaks and the actual documents they leak. All too often, there is a massive disconnect between how they spin it and what the documents actually say. It's always been like this, just because liberals find it politically convenient at the moment to dismiss Wikileaks doesn't mean Wikileaks has suddenly stopped being a Russian propaganda outlet.

>Russian spy

No that’s bullshit ,the problem I have with assange/wikileaks is that when his Internet was cut off by the embassy he then went totally silent for months even though his internet was restored ,at no point did he attempt to clear up the rumours about his well-being.

On top of that the insurance files no longer match up with the previous insurance files which means they have potentially been compromised and can no longer be trusted.

He could also verify himself with a pgp key but hasn’t done so ,which means he could be compromised.

Yes, both sides are idiots

>right-wingers demonizing Assange
Which right wingers?

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Because he exposed Hilary and her cronies

You're an idiot, they'll leak almost anything. Some redactions have taken place to potentially spare lives. One of the best examples I can think of, right off the top of my head, damaging to Putin was the Panama papers. Although, I will agree about the over-hyping, but it's nothing compared to what the MSM does nowadays.

>90% of trump voters were leftists
>I never heard nationalists accusing Assange of betrayal
This is how Sup Forums discuss with different opinions.

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Nice try.

He’s mossad

the liberals weren't ready to take the redpill that 99% of them are worse and more corrupt than neocons.
They lashed out and gripped a hold of the first branch the MSM offered them which happened to be 'everyone who has evidence the DNC is corrupt as fuck is muh Russia/muh Putin'

Not sure what that even means.

>99% of them are worse and more corrupt than neocons.

Libya, Syria, Ukraine, expansion of the domestic and international spying programs. They are all in the same bed.

We came, we saw, he died! HAHAHAHAHA!

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>This is how Sup Forums discuss with different opinions.
Can you get out a coherent sentence please.

Wikileaks Theme Song:

he's dead

Everyone in this thread is thinking in a prepared dialectic which is specifically designed to prevent you from understanding the things based Julian is trying to tell you. Julian Assange is such a goddamned good reporter that he found pizzagate before all of us.
We're in the Punished Assange storyline.

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I'm what you Americans would call a liberal - in fact, I'm much farther to the left of anything an American political brain could comprehend.

I never praised him. He's a self-aggrandising faggot who uses other people to get information that he then posts wholesale without any though for the consequences.

Snowden, on the other hand, I have genuine respect for.


The logic test. Will (You) pass it.

How did (You) first become AWARE of Julian Assange?
Is it likely that the British msm is going to run continuos stories, for months on end about a legitimate threat to the establishment?
You wot mate, but the msm said he was a rapist
>not really mate. The msm said he had been accused of rape and the same msm immidiatley stated one if his accusers was a known CIA asset ( how the fuck Channel 4 news could possibly know this???) Thus giving fresh credibility to Assange as the fighter for truth and justice..
Considering up until that point Julian was “hiding” from American justice in a big ass county mansion down in the south of England and was looking increasing implausible a legit threat to the establishment and a lot more like the shill he is.

Does the US government, being the worlds only superpower, have a record of obeying international law?
So why the fuck didn’t the US simply kick down the Ecuadorian embassy door..
Or even at least Put sanctions on Equador?
Let alone all that but does Britain have a long record of not playing ball with America?
>No, except with Gary McKinnon
And that was only after Britain had sent lots of other British citizens to the US, because they US asked for them. McKinnon was made high profile and it had to be seen that Britain would say “no” to America...when in reality it never does.

>Pro tip
Snowden is the same shit