Thinks he's part of the superior race

>thinks he's part of the superior race
>can't put at least 140kg above his head
What's your excuse m8????

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I'm really, really lazy.

Where can I find a good powerlifting gym

I dont know mate, I'm not American. And you mean Olympic lifting?

>almost 2 times my optimum weight
I do not want heart disease

I hire a shitskin to do it

not everything can be measured on the physical scale and if you cant understand that then you're not superior to anything.

I can put an expanding round using 140 grains through someone.. well not through but into.

Pish posh!!!

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Lifting more than 1-2-3-4 plate on the usual lifts is more for vanity than anything else. Get sufficiently strong and then move on to better things while maintaining. You're a nigger if you suggest otherwise.

>muh muscles

No part of my life has ever required that I do such a thing. Perhaps when life requires it, I'll do it. I stay fit and happy by staying active. But I have no need to lift these 'kg' things you're talking about.

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I'm not being a snob lad, Olympic lifting and powerlifting are different sports. Not semantics.

>being strong means you have heart disease

Found the skeleton.

DYEL manlet detected.

Just lol at you when I knock you out cold buddy.

t. Muay thai competitor

I had a back injury working a laboring job when I was 18
I have never been able to deadlift or squat more than 100kg since

>he most likely does squat
>most likely has slow footwork

>lifting 140kgs in military press wouldnt give you heart disease
unless you are the perfect specimen I don’t see how lifting 140kg is healthy given majority would range between 70-90kg. Also it would be imfuckingpossible for 85kg man to lift 140k with his shoulders. Unless he is a heavy lifter and a professional. Your avarage male can not meetthat expactation.

>being a retarded meathead
>over gaining a natural aesthetic look with calesthenics
Your strength thraining won’t mean dick. Low weight high reps (aka bodyweight) will train your body to withstand a disaster better than lifting a fucking bar over your head.


As long as you can carry a 70kg pregnant woman, you're fine already

my leverages are just not that good
i could maybe lock 225 out but it would be embarrassing
crossfit plates? ill take eight of them

Don’t feed me I haven’t had my kombucha and kale protein shake yet.....Barf!!!

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I watch too much Richard and Mortimer to do weightlifting

heavy lifting creates bigger muscles.

You can't be a good fighter without cardio.

Lol if that's actually you in the pic.

Your dfto's need to requal you sloppy wannabe operators with your aao drills.

I don't want a hernia

i'm a fitness newbie, but i got a barbell and some weights a few months ago, and it's the only equipment i can't actually see myself sticking with.
it's a lot funner than i thought it would be, fixing my posture as well.
Right now i just do deadlifts and barbell curls because I don't have a squat rack yet.

That's bro science my mate. More stress to your muscles (by using weights) = more muscle and strength development. That's why I do weighted chin ups these days as 10 - 12 reps with just body weight is not every stressful.

That's a good start mate. Have you read any books or looked up any training programs?


not yet, but yeah i do need a training program, but i have to filter and make my own because i don't have a lot of equipment
oh i also do front-squats

pretty much
if your job or whatever doesn't require you to be physically active but most importantly in top physical condition there's no need to keep "lifting" because it wears your body out faster and you never know for how long you may need it

no this doesn't mean you should become an obese slob basically the other extreme

>inb4 hurr hurr Meathead Chad gets all the chicks
True, but he'll also get arthritis later in life but also many other stuff

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>be me
>110kg standing press for reps
>jealous soyboys wishing they were me
>nigs subhuman staring cuz they weak compare to white men

I cant respect anyone who doesnt train their body. You should all be ashamed of yourselve if you dont lift.

Inb4 id rather read and be smarter blahblah. You can do both faggot.

That's not entirely true, since your body adapts. Ligaments and joints get accustomed over time. There's no point in anything unless you enjoy it.

I'd rather not need knee surgery at the age of 35

I'm fine with 100kg / 220lbs OHP, don't feel the need to get into hardcore strength training again.

When you get all the equipment you need (squat rack and bench) look up catalyst athletics programs (if you want to try oly lifting) or greg nuckols programs (if you want general strength/powerlifting).

pretty sure this is all wrong but can't be bothered to look it up so there.

>That's not entirely true, since your body adapts. Ligaments and joints get accustomed over time.
That's exactly the problem, the body adapts too much. Stop your lifting routine and you'll suffer, depending on how long you've been going and intensity.

DYEL faggot detected. That's not an overhead press.

>thinks he's a real cool dude
>has never made a birdhouse

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If you stop and get weaker, then use your brain and start light to build yourself back up.

It's a fact tho. The more you push your body above it's normality the more you wear it out. HGH, T even if it's not from external sources(like roids) still alters your whole body and how it works. It's the same for both men and women.

>What's your excuse m8

feels great not needing one.

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It's not about the mentality behind it. Infact it will just make things worse.

Imagine you had to stop lifting for 1-2 years then you get back in the gym, you will instinctively reach for the heavier weights you've been accustomed to or just push yourself even more than you can.

Mainly because of how it "feels", not out of logic or ego or anything.

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Only counts if it's lifted from the floor good luck

My reasons I don't do that are 1) there is no scenario where I will ever need to do that, and 2) don't want shoulder impingement. I do bench/incline/landmine presses, rows, and can deadlift your black ass back to the stone age.

I'm a drunk and a stoner
I get out of breath doing 1k around the block

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I'm a fan of including calisthenics in my work outs but ii is just inefficient if you want to produce gains especially "fast". The problem with calisthenics is that there are only that many variations to make the specific exercise harder and the difficulty increments are disgusting. Making adjustments is often a jump of 25% or more.

Get a weight belt goofball. Although I agree you shouldn't do calisthenics alone. Throuw some weights in for, esp for chest and lower back

Sheesh man I'm fucking working on it okay? OHP is only at 70kg and I don't do that clean and jerk shit.

Unironically I cleaned 150kg the other day. Hoping to put the two together at the end of the next training cycle (in 6 weeks)..

i have soyboy cuck arms

Only one arm.

>What's your excuse m8????
Took shrapnel to my right shoulder, severing my supraspinatus tendon. Now that shoulder is almost as gimped as McCain's shoulders. Later, working as security, I took a small pocket knife in my triceps on the same arm while ejecting a guy who was over-served from a club. I can still lift about 54kg in a forward military press, but only if its stabilized sitting on a bench. That's after about 8 years of physical therapy.

Since this is Sup Forums, and you're therefore projecting, what's your excuse little brother?

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I feel good about myself now ty.