During a PTA meeting to make his Pro-Gun point, classroom parents get triggered.
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Everyone is jew brainwashed
>"That's illegal!"
>"That's insane!"
>"We'll call the cops!"
>"We need security!"
>"Stop fearmongering!"
>"Sit down!"
>"Stop! Stop! Please stop!"
>"Call the ISS!"
ok I need off this ride right fucking now
whoever recorded this is a piece of shit beta and they don't need to live, fuck you garbage, fuck you cowardly cunt
>ith illweegal
he is a retard
We're already losing children. If this man is retarded, strap me in to a fucking helmet because I'm pants on head.
>concerned father of 2 goes to PTA
>shows switchblade knife
>threatens nobody with it
>makes argument that anyone can do this
>wants to know what the school and parents will do about it
>people freak out
fuggin based amerikaner
>they miss the point in the aftermath that someone with a gun onsight could of dealt with the situation
>instead they go on facebook and complain the government hasn't taken their rights away.
no one is going to note that the snowflake keeps saying "switchblade" ?
>full automatic knife
>liberal exaggerations
what the fuck is wrong with americans hahaha. Literally the mentality of 16 year old angsty teenager. He was clearly trying to make a point but its just so overly cringa n MERICA
Women and the lesser races are so fucking stupid, it hurts.
What a fat retard
When will Amerifats man up and ban guns? Stop being passive little bitches and letting shit like this happen.
fucking cuck, probably uploaded it to YouTube to try and make the Dad look bad. Dad looks based af and clearly cares more about his children then the Trap who walked away from him.
>be american
>pull knife on a kid in school saying "WUJUGONNADO?" to prove a point about gun control
>”this guy brought a knife to school”
>”that’s insanely illegal!”
Maybe someone should make brining a gun to a school and shooting everyone illegal so it doesn’t happen anymore
Freedom is dangerous.
Slavery is worse.
I choose guns and freedom.
Children don't go to PTA meetings, dumb dumb.
>students last name
You can't make this shit up
>what the fuck is wrong with americans hahaha.
You need a fucking license to buy spoons, your own police arrested parents looking for their own children being groomed by paki gangs. You have no freedom of speech, your government goes out of its way to protect paki pedophiles and at worst give them lighter sentences than you would for saying something bad about islam online
What the fuck is wrong with you cucked little faggot britcucks?
Cuck dad saying it's illegal -- just looked up NY knife laws, nope it's not illegal to CCW a folder. It's not a fucking switchblade.
>why isn't anyone doing anything?
They have zero self awareness.
It's amazing. Remember these are the people who feel they are the owners of truth and should make the rules.
did your palms get sweaty when you saw the knife britbong? heart palpitations? should we call you a doc?
The fag was recording vertically.
That is illegal.
Fucking lobsters. This is exactly why we left your shitty despotic island.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Its not even funny anymore
camera man is everything that is wrong with white males
how do they think they're gonna take everyone's guns if this is their response to seeing a knife?
>implying you don't see more that way because who matters what to the side of a 2 person conversation
>implying you don't watch videos in half screen with Sup Forums up on the other side anyway.
every time
What do you expect from libs? Show them a serious flaw, have all of them get triggered.
It should be
>not going all the way and proving your point by stabbing the cuck filming
You banned guns, and now SJWs and Muslims have you by the balls. Fuck off.
>bring small knife as prop to meeting to help make point
>overwhelmingly make point
lefties in shock
>omg he pulled a switchblade on a kid
>you cannot do that it's illegal
>halp police
But of course. It's (((Long Island))), Jewish princess haven.
you're avoiding my point and the video completely. Why dont you say something about the video? Why are Americans like this? Its like he thinks hes in some sort of movie scene, in front of an audience of the entire american population, thinking his heroic over dramatic actions are going to change the face of your fucked up out of control gun policies. But in reality , hes some messed up over weight trypical part of the American population...why do you guys do this
Hide under the meme flag all you want amerimutt, you'll never be a European
They’re so thick they don’t even get it
>this kid has killed two niggers
>I've only killed a deer
fuck dude, mad jealous.
Exactly, what the fuck are you gonna do?
Common sense has left the building with these limp wrist faggots.
daily reminder
arent switchblades illegal in the usa? was it actually a switchblade?
I don't know how much more I can take
no. but our amerifag fem boy did, he literally ran back to his seat (its in the video btw). What is it now, knife problems AND gun problems LOLOLOL
why does it play nigger music at the end ?
Someone beat up the soyboy narc filming
Implying that your country isn't already run by a bunch of triggered children that do much worse.
just libruls freaking out, it was probably a standard flip blade
>why does it play nigger music at the end ?
his wife's son most likely added it in
Banning guns totally stops intentful murderers doesn't it Britbong?
>fucked up out of control gun policies.
Yeah we need strict gun control like Brazil, Mexico and Honduras (inb4 those countries don’t count because reasons)
rank 88 in gun ownership
6.2 firearms per 100 people
68.43 firearm homicides per 100k people
rank 75 in gun ownership
8 guns per 100 people
18.1 firearm homicides per 100k people
Rank 42 in firearm ownership
15 guns per 100 people
9.97 firearm deaths per 100k people
United States of America
Rank 1 in firearm ownership
88.8 firearms per 100k people
3.2 firearm homicides per 100k people (mostly blacks shooting other blacks)
1:25 clapping intensifies lmao never change americans
You should know, I always thought they were legal, illegal here of course, but I have no idea why other than the nanny state.
Shithouse little dweeb acting like he's the beacon of truth immediately runs away and puts 30 people in between himself and danger while yelling that's illegal and asking why this is allowed and why no one is doing anything.
Communists and liberals are the most disgusting pieces of filth to ever wander the earth.
Not everywhere in the USA.
Didn't look like one, the cameraman was just a faggot
Guy holding the camera is an illegal.
never seen a video of an British adult pulling out a gun on a child infront of an audience of people trying to shutdown knife crime in the U.K, prove me wrong please, becuase thats what this twat is doing
The soyboy who recorded this can fuck off. The father did pull a knife, but he safely presented a folded knife to make a point about safety.
A sharp pencil or a steel pipe hidden down the pants would do a lot of damage in a room like that also, we can't start banning everything, what is needed is better education in the schools and at home. Not laws on top of laws.
>pulled a knife!
>pulled a switchblade!
does it really count as pulling a knife if the fucking blade never comes out?
>(inb4 those countries don’t count because reasons)
Because leftists can only compare to wealthy, mostly homogeneous white countries. They don't think browns are capable of no being violent
i think it was a girl
>you cant do that
What are you gonna do now?
and you will never have rights big guy
Pretty sure it's just a flick knife and those are even legal to carry around over here.
Really made me think
Black males are the only race where the leading cause of death is homicide (mostly caused by other black males)
White males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #3 homicide 7.6%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.2%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.2%
Black males leading cause of death 2014
15-19 #1 homicide 48.6%
20-24 #1 homicide 47.7%
25-34 #1 homicide 31.9%
Gun deaths, Blacks are 82% homicides (mostly caused by other black males) while White gun related deaths only 19% homicides
U.S. firearm death by type and race
White firearm deaths
77% suicide
19% homicide
Black firearm deaths
14% suicide
82% homicide
Incel womt let the dude make a point
That man is a hero.
I couldn’t even finish the video,if the guy was even listening he’d know he was making a point and had no intention of stabbing everyone.
face it, America has fucked up. Even if all gun control was made illegal, all guns had to be destroyed or returned to Government authorities, there are to many guns in illegal circulation that things like daily shootings, murders with guns and common school shootings will still occur. I can't imagine waking up and being worried that i might be mugged or attacked and held up at gunpoint in my daily british life. I can't believe that this is a normal thought for you guys and you think its ok
Bruv, you cunt watch YouTube withut a tee vee loicence!
I can't believe no one has said it yet
>oi m8, bin that knife!
There's nothing wrong with what he's doing, however there is something with the brain dead in the other end complaining about it. Instead, focus on improving your security or shut the fuck up.
Bloomberg and Soros are throwing billions of dollars into this astroturfing campaign. Of course they are trying to keep as much of the money as possible in the tribe.
this brit would be that faggot filming it shitting his pants screaming "THATS ILLEGAL! CALL SECURITY!"
I cannot stand people who cower in fear and want the authorities to handle everything for them i.e. your government at the moment
>Citing four separate studies between 1988-2004, the assessment from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council says crime victims who use guns in self-defense have consistently lower injury rates than victims who use other strategies to protect themselves (other strategies include stalling, calling the police or using weapons such as knives or baseball bats).
>Hemenway finds more reliable an annual federal government research project, called the National Crime Victimization Survey, which yields estimates in the neighborhood of 100,000 defensive gun uses per year. Making various reasonable-sounding adjustments, other social scientists have suggested that perhaps a figure somewhere between 250,000 and 370,000 might be more accurate.
>Upon interviewing convicted felons, these researchers found that
>74% indicated that burglars avoided occupied dwellings, due to fears of being shot
>57% said that most criminals feared armed citizens more than the police
>40% of the felons had been deterred from committing a particular crime, because they believed that the potential victim was armed
I want a civil war, take this country back from the normies
you could always move to a bad neighborhood and pray for a *hmpf* self defense situation.
>nothing wrong with that he's doing
jesus christ Are you the guy in the video or something you fucking pleb
Don't post here again, we look bad as it is ffs.
The man, whose name was not released, apparently disagreed with 17-year-old senior Jade Pinkenberg
What town is this? Faggotville?
t.Anglo Immigrant
Lol he's even debunking his own view point
"This is why we need security"
And what does security have? Weapons to defend themselfs with.
>When memes come to life.
A room full of pussies. They need as ass whooping.
That's what they gonna do when someone shows up with a knife.
And then they won't be doing it because they will be dead
faggot with the camera or twat with a knife. What a shit hole
>expecting lefties to be intellectualy honest and not try to twist things to tske a delusional moral highground and shut down debate