The post that destroyed Sup Forums

> The post that destroyed Sup Forums

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Jews are using blacks to oppress whites
t. 152

Yeah, pretty much.

what about us?

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not a real country

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Ashkenazi jews have an average IQ of 115 due to their verbal capacity rather than their emotional or spacial IQ.


based belgian bro

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And Von Neuman, Feynman, Einstein, Schrodinger, Oppenheimer, Bohr and almost all relevant scientists of the 20th century were white right ?

Jews be jewing. They don't have higher IQs.
They have no morals regarding the treatment of goys. They will pull every trick, including rigging IQ test to their advantage.

They cant fight whitey openly (they'd lose), so they use tyrone "2 pennies" william.

both are right

you're deluded mutt

Indeed they were.

Israel's average IQ: 89.

>posts the 5 Jews who did something useful, not to mention their work was based on the work of the goy.

both jews and blacks have their own countries

fuck you
fuck jews
fuck niggers
fuck gypsies
although i accept that there are exceptions among the jews, niggers and arabs (gypsies need to be killed, ALL of them), with whites the exception is the behavior which constitutes the rules for the other races: egotistic deception, mindless aggression, lack of perceptive acuity
Hitler is a Saint because he valued talent above anything else
t. 139

>violent savages get benefits from the ruling jew class and whites are sandwiched inbetween apes and genocidal dictators
>whites are just like niggers lol

what the fuck dude

Le kike IQ meme

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>yo white niggas just be fukin gangstas homie, dey ain't smart, if dey smart my gramma fucking albert einstein namsayin
>dey dont got morality in treatin' the coloured folks, enslavin and rapin us for so damn long
>dey cant fight us niggaz one on one cuz dey pussy ass niggaz, so they flood our hood wid crack to wipe us out slowly an sheeit

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nigger tier arguments

all that "smarts" is used to trick the goy
it's like a slightly higher ranking monkey controlling other monkeys
ultimately futile, moishe

you demi niggers can't even POO IN LOO.

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i wouldn't be so smart alec, pedro

only 75% are jews. From those 75% only 47% are Ashkenazi - the claimed group with highest IQ in the world.

this is what the average belgian man looks like

Attached: average belgian.png (313x378, 129K)

name one jewish composer or artist.
and I mean classical, don't give me some hollywood zoidberg pedo director

can you pajeet?

If you asked white people, "Do you love black people?" most of them would genuinely say yes. On the flip side, blacks have expressed hatred for whites given this same question reversed, and I'm sure Jews would do the same.

I don't care about race, although I'm a race realist.

I just think that any manipulative capitalists should be recognised to show their power hungry beliefs.

All cultures, ethnicity, and races are under the same capitalist boot, and we should overthrow that

that's not a sentence, pedro

Don't care pajeet, now can you POO IN LOO?

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Whites are so nice that's why everyone hates us :'(

man for people so smart, they have a hard time keeping retards out don't they?

Maybe you're trying to be cheeky, but its true. Whites are capable of extreme political anger but in a neighborly context there's nobody nicer on average.

Look at China where somebody gets run over and everyone ignores them, could you ever imagine that happening in a white area? People would be fighting over who gets to be the hero and help the injured person, that's just how we are.

Wh*te's childlike individualism and technological capability breeds into a self-destructive race.
t. 6000000

>tfw jewish in mother fucking Belgium
breh... your tribe scammed you lmao

Turns out it doesn't matter because eventually you'll catch a bullet, rabbi

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The IQ claims are questionable.
There are more Whites with IQ over 130 then Jews, even if their claims are true. Yet they are over represented in professions that involve a lot of talking and exert a lot of influence.
Media & entertainment, finance, academia, law and psychology are infested with them.

Attached: iq_myth.jpg (1680x1050, 672K)

>le strawman
No one in their right mind posits that jews are oppressive simply because they have a high IQ; jews are oppressive because of completely independent factors, and you would do well to not conflate the two variables.
You don't see us complaining about Asian oppression, do you?