What’s in Huma’s hand?

Is Hillary a robot?..
No, really. What is that?
Pic related could be shopped, maybe?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Digital recorder. She is HumASMR on youtube.



Huma blows fat clouds yo

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She's looking frail now, I really hope she announces her run for 2020

It's a vape bro you wouldn't understand unless you've felt the strength of a thick cloud or blown thick o's

That’s no moon... That’s a space station...

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That ain’t it... close though.

Advanced Tricorder with reanimation/recovery feature.

Attached: medical tricorder.jpg (832x833, 90K)


That looks like a ZOOM H4N recording device to me.

Look at the size of that cunt's mouth. Jesus christ that is disgusting.

Maybe a later edition, I have one and they are awesome machines.

It's a zoom

digital voice recorder you imbecile

huma hasn't died in a "car accident" yet? I'm shocked.

She's getting her midichlorians checked.

It's the new Microsoft Zune coming out this Christmas

Walkee talkee because they're paranoid about using phones

It's a voice recorder.

It activates the snuke in the sniz

It controls Hilldawgs shock sex collar

Someone post the huma/hill naughty photos

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>What’s in Huma’s hand?

i bet it records all kinds of sounds if you wanted

She is the only woman in the world who could take the whole Weiner m8.

what are the odds of Huma working for the pakistani intelligence?
do someone share this sentiment with me?

Remote control for Hillary's meatsuit.

It's a recombombulator, but it's missing it's flux capacitor.

literally this

Attached: DR22WL-large.jpg (256x750, 36K)

loo detector

Nevermind that. What's going on with that mustached poo that has the enormous package? What's he excited about? I thought they only had 3 inchers.

So apparently Hillary fell in the bathtub while visiting India and broke her wrist. She's collapsed THREE TIMES in the past week alone.

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This is comedy gold
Thanks for the kek user

Good, I hope she dies.



Aw man, this ones good. Lol

She clearly slid on some poo like substance

Pooooo Poooooo

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Thanks, you asshole

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She’s sketchy, that’s for sure...

But not exactly... still ain’t the one she’s got

>Hillary for Prison!

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I think it’s a air quality tester (fart detector), and that’s why everyone’s laughing... Hillary’s farts register above the poo background smell of India.


Attached: Zoom H5 Handy Recorder.png (687x594, 151K)


It probably just differentiates between curry and dead baby farts.

Is the real winner. It was his link.

Yeah, well.. he didn’t try hard enough..

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fucking imagine if she were president right now.

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My guess would be a signal jammer. Broadcasts interference frequencies for all microwave communication frequencies like cellular and 802.11x signals

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Ri disso.


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Are Hillary and Huma a fucking dyke couple? They are always dressed like dykes and with each other, and both have sham fake "husbands" who fuck everything that moves EXCEPT their dyke wives.

That's a very clear photo. You can see the pubic hair in her teeth.

I do believe so... and they do seem to coordinate their outfits.. yuck.


why is she still hanging with clinton?

The real question is what are they up to? Obama is traveling around too. Who are their contacts? Where is the money coming from? These are the questions to ask.

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And now they have been... thanks user..

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>what are they up to?
She's busy telling the world how her election was stolen from her.
>she even called it "my election" a day or so ago


we just had this thread the other day and it was answered correctly. digital recorder. and still none of you faggots have made it into a "finally got rid of that pesky ankle monitor" meme

Holy shit, this made me lose it. Never keked so hard.

>ultra-wealthy multi-millionaires and billionaires travel to destinations even normal people go to

Hmmmm, better look into this one

They are dykes in love with each other.

That's the stuff of nightmares.

Make and model? Our bread is superior!.. her gps chip is implanted now... ankle monitor.. ha!.

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Yeah.... you’re late

Oh shit, meme magic Oscar goes to you, bro.

Do you think she wanted to be president because of her health? If she was president millions would be spent to make her healthy again...

Have a Gretzky for effort

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Kek hope she brought extra batteries

what are all these crazy hand held recorders?

Cuz that's how health works.

Get lots of Gretzky’s do ya?

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Likely. She's useless now that she has lost hold of power; Soros and Abu Dhabi have stopped footing the bill accordingly. Her health has noticeably deteriorated—she has effectively broken her leg, toe and wrist in a matter of months. No wonder Huma is holding such a crappy remote control device, Hillary was desperately hoping to commandeer the entire GDP and gain access to advanced CIA tech in an effort to upgrade to a T9000 model.

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