What is your most left wing belief?

Mine is that race does not determine intelligence. Environmental contingencies produce intelligence.

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coincidentally your most left wing belief is also your most stupid belief. very interesting

a border wall is a fucking waste of money that wont do shit to keep beaners out

I support abortion. A man is a cuck if he supports other people's children taking up his future generation's resources.

>"My great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grand son will be starving because this child deserves to live! Probably will end up a nobody but he/she deserves to live!"

Support abortion. Provide birth control. Keep your family away from it. Your future children and generations will thank you for it.


Blacks are people too

Loans with interest are parasitic.

I think that generalizations on the basis of race and gender are intellectually lazy and prefer judgement based on individual merits. There are shitloads of factors to consider. I challenge any white supremacist to live in my majority white but poor community and still stay racist. My job puts me in contact with the bottom rung of society so I might be biased.

>Mine is that race does not determine intelligence.
It does to a large extend and is way less influenced by the environment than most people think.
We literally KNOW that (no guessing) from twin studies.

Worked for literally every country that tried it in the last few decades.

make white abortion illegal then

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>Mine is that race does not determine intelligence
But it does. Most of intelligence is heritable. Regression to the mean and whatnot.

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Outlaw abortion and sterilize all nonwhites


oy vey goyim

> calling multiple people 'them'
They is a SINGULAR noun.

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Too many factors to consider, don't have time to think that shit out in every situation. Pattern recognition + race = racism. It's a fact that the blacks etc. make it WORSE.

That's why I said environmental faggot. If you take a black baby and a white baby and have them raised in the same circumstances they'll turn out largely the same.

Homosexuality isn't that major of a problem. This Christian outlook on it isn't necessarily correct, although it's a fact that they shouldn't be allowed to adopt children. Although with the existence of AIDS it's definitely more of a problem now than ever before.

Hardline Protectionism

They might, but then blackie has kids and whoops they're dumber than he is how did that happen? You can only account for so much. Hell, even rich blacks are convicted more often than poor whites. The poorest "white" state has a lower crime rate than the richest "black" state.

I'm a communist.

Abortion. Nonwhite abortion should be legal and actively encouraged.

The second poorest city of kentucky is also the whitest one.
And the one with the least amount of crime in the entire state.
Genes matter.

>environmental contingency isn’t the cause of differing races.
Imagine being this retarded.

Y most left wing belief is that black people cant accomplish anything without charity from whites.

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if the blackie raises the kid how he was then he will. Literally the only person to ever separate twins conjoined at the head is a black guy

Found the nigger.

My city has the highest crime rate in the state. Basically all white.

Would a nigger use the word contingencies

No, user. No matter how smart you are, your children will always regress to the mean. It's a sad truth but it is the truth. That's why racemixing is poison.

A free market, for profit system is fundamentally at odds with the proper health care of a population.

Actually your stupid theory was tested and proven wrong by twin studies.
If you put a nigger in a white household he will remain dumb, if you put a white kid in a black household he will still be intellectually superior to his black peers. Both kids will have a large correlation in their IQ to their parents.
We KNOW this, why do you deny science so hard that even many leftists agree with it by now?

That certain kind of service, such as school, infrastructures, security, disability services, universal health care and protection of cultural heritage artifacts should be provided to the citizenry by the state for no added cost except that of general taxation. (This does not mean private should not exist)

Which state would be the question then
>inb4 bullshit or mostly white state

A Nigger made President. There is nothing holding Women and or Non Whites back. You can do the same. Get off your lazy motherfucking asses and work for it like he did. No one is giving you SHIT. WORK FOR IT.
Dear Diary, today, OP was a waste of skin. Sage / Thread.

Abortion should be legal, but for eugenic purposes. Right now it's the only thing preventing a boom in the nigger population.

It's a majority white state. But the economic class matters more than race, just like the entire world. Race is a red herring to distract people from the true issue which is class-based.

I am anti-war. Almost none of the wars we've fought have been just, especially recently.

I think prostitution should be legalized

Leave faggots alone, but make trannies go to asylums, and actually enforce public indecency laws so they can't do their disgusting parades.

Helping the poor is probably a good idea, but they need to prove they're actually trying and not just leeching off of the system that's helping people who are trying.

I don't think environmentalism is a left/right issue personally, but it seems to have become one in recent decades, so I'm generally for public parks and holding companies responsible for environmental accidents with heavy fines.

I don't want socialized healthcare because I've seen how shitty it is in foreign countries, but I think our current system is a little too for-profit. I'm not sure how to fix it, but I wish more doctors were studying medicine to help people and not to make a shitload of money. It's good because we get a lot of doctors, and US med school is long and rigorous so they know what they're doing, but I'd wager cancer would be gone by now if it was profitable.

All of that said, fuck niggers, gas the kikes, repeal women's voting rights, recolonize Africa, and exterminate all mudslimes.

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>shitposting on pol
>surprised by denial of basic scientific facts

>What is your most left wing belief?
'free' healthcare and education, for whites only.

you guys are really pushing this lately aren't you

race is compounded environmental contingencies

White man's burden is real, we do have a responsibility to look out for foreigners (just not in our countries).

Source faggot.

The working class needs to have a stable situation in which they can afford to stay content, not because I care about them, but so they stay out of the way of the elites and winners way. Also so they dont chimp out and ruin a good thing, if theyre comfy enough they wont get pissy and do stupid shiy, while those who can better the nation are free to compete.

environmentalism is my most left wing belief, but none of my methods are left wing

How is this a left-wing belief

I don't think there's anyone but kikes that enjoy interest

>Y most left wing belief is that black people cant accomplish anything without charity from whites. Every time you talk to someone on the left about welfare it ultimately comes down to this.


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I support government funded abortion for under priviliged and marginalized people. Maybe even monetarily incentivize it

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>tfw you are an ideologically pure anarchist and do not believe in any left wing beliefs

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I fucked up the timestamp. 4:07.

You fucking leftist get dumber with time.
NOUN plural contingencies.
1A future event or circumstance which is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty.

How can unpredictable future event effect or even affect current race, ethnicity, and or I.Q.?!

Do you fucking mongoloidal Leftist even think before you open those sewer holes you calls mouths? What. The .Fuck.
Have another sage.

race mixing is okay.

Marxists have been trying to push this nonsense for a century now. If you can come up with any evidence to prove this you will be their hero, a millionaire, and on deck for a Nobel Prize.

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>But the economic class matters more than race, just like the entire world
Nope, rich blacks commit more crime than poor whites, but nice try.
My anecdotal evidence evens out yours and my statistic beats your nothing.
Checkmate, tumblr.


See here>inb4 Blog
Then check the academic sources cited there, they all check out.

Considering that the nigger used it wrong?

I believe in free speech.

>There are only two sexes, but every culture has a different socially constructed gender pair based on them

>Calls someone else dumb
>Doesn't know the difference between "effect" and "affect" so he just uses both

It is inconclusive that whites are the master race. People often point to Western nations and say, "But we're the most advanced! Therefore we must be the best", ignoring the fact that the west only really came intro prominence within the last 500 years. There have been eras in history where the greatest civilizations were middle Eastern or asian, and yet you wouldn't call either of them the "master race" today because of how far behind they are. Not to shit on the accomplishments of whites, but it would be foolish to assume your civilization will never be outpaced again

This is why you faggots need to go to college. its a medical term

environmental contingencies (en·vīˑ·rn·menˈ·tl kn·tinˑ·jn·sēz),
n.pl in behavioral medicine, associations that exist between a particular behavior and a consequence. These associations can be adapted to encourage or discourage certain behaviors.

Both apply Einstein.

Universal healthcare.
Free education. For university it would only be degrees that are productive for society that are free from tuition.

In the short term it will cost a lot of money, but eventually the economy will strive and more inventions and innovations would pop out as the population and workforce become more educated and skilled.

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no, they don't

No, effect is a noun which you tried to use as a verb. Affect was correct. Stop trying to discuss IQ until you can speak a single language fluently.

That is why you faggots go to college. To invent new bullshit meanings for existing English language to move the goalposts whenever convenient.

White =/= Western
Whites are the cause of Western civilisation but saying "White" is not synonymous with Western. A nigger or a chink could pass of being 'Western' but its nigh impossible for them to pass of being White. Plus, White or western civilisation is the best right now and thats all that matters and other races or civilisations don't seem to be coming up to surpass us.

Does it count as left-wing if I want to subsidize abortion because I believe in eugenics?

The workers of the world should run the world

Effect being the current IQ of a race, you dumb son of a bitch. Do you even think before you open that pie hole?

I believe there's a role for the public sector in ensuring the equitable distribution of financial resources in accordance with the expectations of the public as expressed through the democratic process.

Also, hardcore pro-choice.

>But we're the most advanced!
Strawman and not even a popular point here
>ignoring the fact that the west only really came intro prominence within the last 500 years.
Pathetically incorrect, it shows your limited historical education as an american.
What you should have done is this:
>lmao nazis, jews have the highest IQ, what now?
Of course the correct response to that is that arab jews are dumb as shit and only the white resembling Ashkenazi subgroup of jews really stands out. In addition to that Methodists are even smarter on average, so sub group of christians > subgroup of jews.
However, most won't think of that even here.
Try to use the shill argument I provided for you next time.

You chose your most left-wing belief to be the one most easily falsified by scientific evidence.

That “debate” was pretty funny, this list fucking sucks.

I don't give a fuck about general overall statistics. I'm not gonna get an even statistical distribution of interpersonal relations in my own life by visiting every city in the USA.

That term has been around literally since the 1930s you blatant autist. It doesn't take a behavioral psychologist to know that two words together can make one term with one definition. Thats like someone making a thread about National Socialism and chimping out over MUH SOCIALISM. kill yourself fag

>How can unpredictable future event [current IQ of a race] or even affect current race, ethnicity, and or I.Q.?!

Why don't you take the time to do the bare minimum research on the subject?

>I don't give a fuck about general overall statistics
In that case you should never make a statement about groups again, because then you will always be wrong as individuals don't matter for larger groups.
And races are larger groups.

>Environmental contingencies
And those determine race.

Exactly. Leftist psychology has been wrong since 1930.

Jeff Bezos makes $250,000+ a minute. He is a liberal.

>i drank alcohol with niggers and now im an expert on demographics


And on
>your most left wing belief?
Government should be partially democratic.

My most left wing opinion is that the average person absolutely should be controlled because they are total idiots. Unfortunately I have found myself among average people so my every action being controlled to serve an unaccountable elite is bad.

OP killed his own thread by being a retard

Even though I believe that blacks have a lower IQ than whites on average I have an issue with that statistic. I assume the poorest whites are very rural and the richest blacks are urban.

If the poorest whites were urban I bet they would commit a similar amount of crime as the richest blacks.

That's just authoritarian and exists on both the right and the left.

Bezos is not a Liberal. He is a True Capitalist who programs idiots to think Lefty, and then uses that to bleed them dry of their Sheckels, then make them think they are broke because of "muh capitalist pigs". The Irony is, that IS why they are broke, BECAUSE HE IS A CAPITALIST BLEEDING THEM DRY.

>lazy stupid people should run the world.
Well that would be nice for me but not so great for the world.

The CBC should be nuked, not merely defunded.
>But OP said *most* left wing belief

Age of consent should be 14 - I'd hate to take a woman who had a mile long of cocks before mine, better have them young and have them as we want. Our ancestors were married and happy back then this way

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>says the guy who generalizes everyone based upon their larger group

Yes but the people promoting the idea that we should all be controlled are currently "left" wing.

Public utilities should be nationalized. Healthcare should be nationalized. We should decrease military spending and increase space spending. We are fundamentally equal regardless of race, sex or sexuality, and should be treated as such. Minimum wage should be dramatically raised, and a wage-cap should be instilled that prevents anyone from earning more than ten times the least-paid workers. Republicans are fucking idiots. Democrats are too conservative. And Sup Forums should be shut down and all stormfags banned from Sup Forums.

then no one would loan anyone anything