In this thread we post masterpieces of construction and laugh at le 56% and their affirmative action.
A Bridge too far
>during the conquest of Dacia.
too soon.
I can't let this stand (both this vile monument to invader conquest and not mentioning our previous victories)
American bridges
>Lasts only days
European bridges
>Lasts decades
>those weak ass trusses
Now this is how you build a truss.
There is this really cool bridge in France
the concrete was not tensioned correctly, screencap this
Only superior European bridges in this thread.
This is holding up pretty well.
I think it had something to do with the fact that this suspended bridge didn't actually had a tower suspending it. The bridge wasn't supposed to be open till 2019 and they were doing stress tests on it, even though it lacked the main structural element, tower and suspension cables
absolutely comfy
>omething to do with the fact that this suspended bridge didn't actually had a tower suspending it. The bridge wasn't supposed to be open till 2019 and they were
Fuck off Burger mutt filth. Burgers are too stupid to build bridges.
On top of that, Burger bridged have to 100X reinforced because they are so fat.
D-dürfen wir mitspielen...?
negro level of architecture compared to everything itt, to be honest pham
Kind of the point - though
>negro level of architecture compared to everything itt, to be honest pham
It was built over 1000 years ago, nigger. Very advanced for the time, but nigger burgers are too stupid to understand concepts like space and time.
I shouldn't laugh; leaf cities are nearly this bad. Why do urban planners have a rectangular grid fetish?
how about 56% of a bridge? see african engineering in action, jackson
Easiest way to distribute property in a high density population and control traffic better.
It took some critical thinking to come up with this solution, but they also could have just put some sheet metal across it.
mutterske infanteriregiment
Holy fucking beautiful, Europe take me back..
>laugh at le 56%
>A post WWII German is lecturing me about racial purity.
where is that?
Bridges built by white men really are a thing of a beauty and an architectural marvel.
Bridges built by Affirmative Action cunts turn people into human accordions.
commies probly infiltrated urbanism too.
Here you go
and where is this ugly piece of crap suburb, comrade? I don't recognize it
best of negro architecture on display
I've always found that one pretty ugly desu. Something like pic related would have been better.
Hopefully Democrats put up a candidate who actually cares about infrastructure and transportation, Trump never had a plan and doesn’t know anything about development/infrastructure.
>the blood
I never said it was great or beautiful. Just that it was easy. Damn snow monkey gobbledygook.
>a generic concrete bridge is artistic
is taht the one they used in harry potter for the train scenes ?
Feel terrible for the driver honestly. Shit way to die on your daily ratrace.
Build in the second century
>1500 years before muttland was even formed
Just accept european superiority and let it happen
I've always thought this bridge was overdesigned and overengineered considering how short it is but considering recent events I can't help but think "Wow, it's not even collapsing or anything".
Not even the oldest bridge there is, bro. There is one a thousand years older.
needless to say this whole thing was funded by a dept of transportation grant
Nobody can comprehend an infinite idea such as time. It is beyond human comprehension.
>Build a bridge in Dublin
>Name it after Irish playwright
>Build it in the shape of a guiness harp
Hello! did you know we're Irish? Did you know you're in IRELAND? Oh you do! Well that is marvellous. Hoho, I've got a leprechaun tattooed on me forehead. We love the craic we do, us Irish that is. You're looking for the pot office so you are? Why it's just 5 minutes riverdance that way, follow the road around and take the first left. Oh that's how we measure foot based movement here, in riverdance, not steps or miles or anything gay like those English.
That one's either Los Angeles or San Francisco. I don't know where this one is.
Why don't the gardens have fences?
>be British
>build a fucking tower shit
>fucking I don't know
it's transmission fliud my dood
also everyone notice that the bridges posted here of stone have arches and the trussed bridges are made of steel. It's because steel is good under tensile strain whereas concrete is strongest under compression (so unless there a shit-ton of rebar thats fuckedz)
Roman Bridge of Chaves (Portugal) - Initiated End of 1st century A.D.
>It was emperor the Cesar Nerva Trajano Augusto Germânico, Dácico, Pontiff, with Potestade Tribune, council 15 times, father of the fatherland; the Aquiflavienses raised this, at their own cost, this bridge.
heres the reason it collapsed
Efficiency, and (((efficiency))).
here's one.
oh my bad, that's actually 56er built, one of the seven modern marvels of the world. Sorry bout blowin all your shit up a few years back, or you might have something worth boasting of also. No hard feelings bro.
wew thats nice
Its a birds eye view of the Sunset District in San Francisco. Every single house there costs more than the GDP of your pathetic city.
This one is near my home.
ne-vuh fughet.
This was a masterpiece but it fell down for some reason.
It's the New River Gorge Bridge.
I still don't get how the road isn't cracking.
That's pretty badass.
Concrete can look ok, like this bascule in Florence OR.
Metal frame, newly set asphalt. It does break eventually.
Tacoma narrows bridge.
We have some pretty cool bridges
>That were built by white men
This is the designer of that bridge, McCullough. Check ou the stash
Damnit forgot pic
Hey! I've driven on that bridge on my way to the Oregon Dunes
Hit it, Kim.
this is my favorite bridge
1882, the were still slaughtering indians
Lol at that frame of mr suicide at the end of the video
In this example we see a rather precarious construction achieved with bits of discard and assorted garbage. Note the effectiveness, and ability to carry pedestrians, while remaining in tact!
i would accept it if you faggot cucks werent flushing it down the toilet. fucking mongrel, fix the bullshit
That's what happens when you put the government in charge of infrastructure, funded through involuntary means.
i forgot my picture -_-
Welp. We now have photographic evidence that even niggers are better at STEM than women.
Posting bongkino.
is that the new bridge in miami?
Small is good too.
thats the hogwarts express, liar
Yessir! Love it up there.
RIP in pieces, old Tay Bridge.
Well hey, they're at the same level as bronze age britain.
>tfw 100s of people died making these bridges just so mussies can look back on them in years to come as relics of conquest
on my dads side, his father was in his 60s when he was born, as was his grandfather.
my great grandfather helped build the clifton bridge in auscunts picture.
i cross it almost every week
la cretura's cant make bridges for shit.
Back when hamburger land was white they managed to make all sorts of cool shit.