>still not believing 9/11 was an inside job

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Israel did it

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I was in the west village at the time and saw the first "plane" hit and it got stuck in the tower. Definitely a drone since it had no windows on it.

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The only people I know who still believe the official story are boomers. You're preaching to the choir here.

Specific Israelis/Sayanim involved in 9/11

Daniel Lewin (AAF11) (Sayeret Matkal captain)
Edmund Glazer (AAF11) (Lewin's seat mate)

Oded Ellner (arrested) (Urban Moving Systems)
Omer Marmari (arrested) (UMS)
Yaron Shmuel (arrested) (UMS)
Paul Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Sivan Kurzberg (arrested) (UMS)
Dominik Suter (UMS boss/owner) (fled to Israel with wife, abandoning UMS offices in NJ and selling house, after one round of FBI questioning; multiple PCs seized by FBI from UMS remain classified)

Dov Zakheim (head of Pentagon, certified practicing rabbi) (formerly of SPC Systems, which specialized in advanced confidential automated/remote milcraft flight technology)
Michael Chertoff (ordered deportation of five arrested UMS Israelis and dropped FBI investigation, after pressure from Jewish state) (initiated surveillance/security state, reaping millions in profit from scanners etc, now owns Chertoff Group, which lobbies for new scanner tech to US Gov)
Larry Silverstein (his role/foreknowledge is exaggerated; he was a billionaire sayanim who looked the other way and was rewarded) (then new owner of WTC)

These names/people are the strings we yank to unravel the Israeli plot that was 9/11. While there were likely some Saudi hijackers aboard the aircraft, they were completely shadowed by Israeli operatives, as seen with the "Israeli art students" in Hollywood FL. Speculation: Some of the identified hijackers were professionally stolen identities used by Sayeret Matkal operatives who casually dressed as Muslims on 9/11.

A very interesting detail: in an official 9/11 FBI report, Anne Lewin, the Jewish wife of Daniel Lewin, confided that when he boarded AAF11 on 9/11, he was wearing a metal "Swatch watch." In 2000, Lewin was photographed wearing this watch at his company office by photog Jason Grow. The watch is a retrodated match for the Hijacker model in the Irony Collection seen on Swatch's website

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first time i've ever seen this video

It's not big enough to be a jet and it has no wings.

Looks like a cruise missile.

this is the one that shows the charges going off

Attached: 1521178055349.webm (1920x1080, 1.04M)

Here we go again with fake info

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Ken O'Keefe has a lot of good videos in regards to it, many got shoah'd this week though along with Ryan Dawson' whole channel etc...

The no planes is disinfo, very interesting at first I must admit but all it does is scare people off and actually make them think you're retarded. Just focus on the dancing israelis - that's enough to wake up America and hopefully the world

why did none of you Israeli files ever bring up the fact that it was a trillion-dollar conspiracy. {youtube.com/watch?v=6H0X-7sDwZE} the people that own those buildings got a massive insurance check at the end of the Crisis by the way Building 7 Security Company CEO transferred multiple times until it ended up to be George Bush's cousin. how all the Enron papers were in that building when it collapsed the prosecutor papers/dot com scandals

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>being this fucking stupid

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Despite what many Americans believe, Israel is not the 51st state of the US. Therefore it couldn’t have been in inside job because Israel is not inside the US

There's an interview with Trump back in 2001 where he states he believed the towers were brought down via charges.

Same guy is now President....

Let that sink in.

does anyone think the dustification theory is real? I just learned about it the other day

That was cleary a cruise missile

I have a question
What did (((they))) do with the 189 passengers of the 'plane' that hit the pentagon?

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urban MOving SyStems incorporAteD

I found this to be an interesting perspective. it's 40 minutes but once I started watching it by the time it was over I wished it was longer. a LOT of shady government financial records disappeared on 9/11.

Architect here. Those aren't charges, they're panes of glass popping out of the aluminum frames as the building's collumns several floors below.

The alluminum frames can handle the initial sagging of the floors, glass cannot - it would shatter, but this glass is laminated and thus just pops out of the frame. The flashes are due to the glass reflecting light as it tumbles.

Notice the glass pops out, somewhat randomly, but centered around two vertical lines. Those are the two columns that had been heated the most due to the now hours long fire.

>That was cleary a cruise missile

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the vast majority of the public don't even believe in the official story what's the official story. which if you have any knowledge the official story is that two planes operated from a cave and Afghanistan took down 3 buildings from the most technologically advanced country on the planet who by the way had massive military drills that day in which the radar had false blips. whose government allowed a foreign agent from Saudi Arabia to come into this country legally
{Legally!!!!!!!!!!} and then the FBI got countless warnings about this guy over and over and over and over again. that he was training to control an aircraft but not to land or take off .

No One Believes the official story youtu.be/Zv7BImVvEyk


Someone get me up the archive of interviews held with the families of those who were killed aboard the hijacked planes ......

Who cares? It was just like what, 2000 fatasses?

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I've never bothered to pay attention to 9/11 truthers, but given how crazy the last 2 years have been I suppose anything is possible, I'll give it a shot.

So, if I understand correctly, shows the collapse of Building 7. And the collapse clearly starts from the base of the building, which is very strange because the upper levels don't show any serious damage. Supposedly the building collapsed because of debris from the main towers, but any falling debris would have fallen from above and should have done substantially more damage to the upper levels (especially in the quantities needed to shatter the structural supports deep inside the building). But most of the windows aren't even broken, so how did the internal support columns get smashed?

Is there any footage of the other side of the building?

where was this footage taken from?

>I hurt myself today

no building has ever, IN HISTORY, collapsed in full free-fall from "being on fire". I've never even seen a controlled demolition that went that smooth.

FUCK OFF with this fake shit... that has been debunked a million times since 2011

Architect that can't spell aluminium?

Sure. (((Big nose)))

>not realizing the US and UK use slightly different words

you do realize we call fags cigarettes and the loo a toilet right?

Those are clearly explosions, you glow in the dark fuck

most incompetent administration in history responsible for the most sophisticated inside job and cover up in history

ok sure

wtc 7 was shoad, but this is a fake video ...

Source? Or even better, why not fuck off back to Plebbit?

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I believe that it WAS an inside job, it can be PROVEN over 20 different ways, but it just doesn't matter, because nobody really cares.

We have lost the ability as a species, civilization, and society, to organize in any way and take any tangible action to do anything about anything.

All we can do is espouse meaningless rhetoric and empty platitudes and stage photo ops, that's all.

>sophisticated cover-up
>most of the country thinks it's bullshit

Pick one.

you kinda suck, man. the truth should always be investigated and researched. if everyone thought like you every criminal on earth would get away with everything forever.

Israel is not inside the USA

it was a joint effort between the US and Israel. It wasn't one or the other. the planes were US military, not passenger planes.

Most of the country is near legitimately retarded prove me wrong

>very strange
What is actually "very strange" that it goes down in basically free fall. And it's also symmetric.
Which is impossible unless it's a controlled demolition in some way.

>We have lost the ability as a species, civilization, and society, to organize in any way and take any tangible action to do anything about anything.

Gee I (((wonder))) why? And furthermore, it is beyond obvious that Israel did 9/11. There is a metric shitton of evidence and it’s not even circumstantial. Nobody seems to care because the average normie is conditioned to treat jews with a double standard and hold them on a pedestal and sympathize for them because of things that never happened

fuck jews. Happy to murder thousands of people and destabilise the world just for a few more shekels

Sup Forums , and most NON-shills out there have converged on a "Israel-did-9-11" version... however... one small thought:
would not all the evidence around Silberstein, Urban moving Systems, Chertoff, etc...
give the "goyim-only-CIA" and the US-Army enormous leverage over Israel - as they could be implicated any time - for the matter that the role of slave and master in the US-Israel relationship has already been reveresed!?!

Actually the difference between the US and UK is pronunciation. Further tuition requires a PayPal donation.

the jewish devil will stop at nothing in the pursuit of profit

Yeah, I don't know if you saw the Grenfell Tower disaster in London last summer. The whole tower block was a blazing inferno for almost 24 hours. Special eco-friendly plastic cladding had been installed on the building which actually had the effect of insulating the fire and making it burn even hotter and faster than a regular building. It was so hot that there was literally nothing left inside, only concrete and twisted metal (pic related). The authorities has real trouble identifying the bodies because there was basically nothing left.

But still the building didn't collapse. In fact it's still standing to this day.

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nice try shlomo

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absolutely validated my point. good bong.

that is the insanity that 9-11 revealed about the world...
the conspirators KNEW they would get away with blowing up three buildings in front of everyone's eyes... what historical pretense could there possibly be that they knew the public is THAT naiv!?!

Maybe but I doubt it. Remember when Ariel Sharon, the psychopath who had an entire Palestinian refugee camp exterminated, was the PM of Israel and despite being a revisionist Zionist from Likud abandoned all the settlements in Gaza along with several in the West Bank and was forced to switch to a centrist political party? Rumor has it that was Israel’s formal apology to the US for 9/11.

What does that even mean? Are you insuinating the US government had something to do with 9/11? It was Saddamn Hussein and Al Quaida. Which is why we had to take him out. Also, Obama got Osama. So.. Check mate.

Don't questions means and methods - question motives and movers.

Cui bono?

9/11 was an unmitigated disaster for the United States and a boon for Israel. We did not do it to ourselves

>Nobody seems to care because the average normie is conditioned to treat jews with a double standard and hold them on a pedestal and sympathize for them because of things that never happened
The jew is fundamentally female

Putin knows who was behind the attacks,

That's why he's always smiling....

"west village"??? is that where the shills are trained?
If the story should be "Pentagon gets hit by an Airplane" why would the conspirators not hit the fucking pentagon with a fucking airplane.
What is so hard to understand about that.

There was of course controlled demolition of the 3 buildings. That does not mean that every shit the Zionist-Disinformation-Turdface Alex Jones is saying is relevant ...

It's the fbi's job to tell you everything was done by sandniggers because they're being paid by the kikes who planned the demolition

Attached: Pentagon - explosion.gif (337x262, 182K)

No, I think you misunderstand me.

I think that if a society ALLOWS every criminal to get away with everything, then that's exactly what they deserve.

Individual humans have stopped caring about everybody else. That's why the society can't do anything. Individuals have no will, and no resolve, and no intent. Therefore society doesn't either.

I'm just saying that there is no fact or piece of evidence that you're ever going to find, no argument you can construct, that is going to "crack the case," and make people care.

The percentage of people in the society who care about anything is too low. Because when 90% of people are happy to be slaves, the other 10% is doomed to share the same fate.

It doesn't matter that your mind is free and your heart is pure and your spirit yearns for truth and freedom, that is all made irrelevant by the fact that nobody cares.

And I'm not saying that's good, it's just true. Everybody has given up on life, dropped out, tuned out. They're just going along to get along, thinking only of their next paycheck, their next meal, their next hedonistic pleasure to entertain them on the way to the grave.

yes, yes, Israel did 9-11, we all agree, but...

GO FUCK yourself with a jackhammer!!!
there were 64 passengers on AA77 ... it takes 3 seconds to check that before posting that mental diarrhea...
and it takes 20 seconds more to google that this video is a FUCKING FAKE

that is a decent video... it accuses "bernard kerik" as a core conspirator, yet fails to mention that this spineless traitor was in Israel 2 weeks before and got a 1/4 million dollar "loan" there...

>most sophisticated inside job
Most of it isn't really sophisticated.
I doubt that actual real planes flew into the buildings, simply because real planes would go kaput flying that fast at such a low altitude and let's pretend it would work, it would be a high risk, which is why no one who wasted a month of time rigging the buildings with explosives would do it.
So it's either some type of drones or simply a media hoax, just like other media hoaxes.
That's the complicated part.
>video trickery, some had to be done real-time (and (((they))) fucked that up), for some others they had like a few hours only
>fly drones into buildings and trigger explosions at just the exact same moment.
Everything else is not impressive at all and it was a very badly done job.

Charges in WTC 7 obviously didn't work. WTC 7 was meant to go down WHILE the other building(s) went down. If it worked out as planned, (((they))) wouldn't have such a big problem. And they even kept the cover story "muh some stuff fell on WTC 7, so it went down (symmetrically and in free fall)", like the retards they are.

Putting explosive charges into 3 buildings - simple
Having a few pansies walk around, learning to fly small planes and making as many people notice them as possible - simple.
Taking over 3 or 4 planes and flying them to some location, killing all passengers - simple

>most sophisticated cover up
top kek
Worst cover up ever
It only worked because people are retarded
So much stuff makes no sense on such a basic level. You don't need to be an architect to figure out that it all looks like controlled demolitions. That tons of people can't call home from 10.000 feet height using their mobile phones. That steel frame buildings don't simply collapse because of office fire. That planes do not go through steel frame buildings. That life is not a road runner cartoon.

The people, who did this, are really retarded.

Although granted, tons of people are also really retarded.

there are actually at least 4 and 1/2 high rise buildings that collapsed from fire.
the three on 9-11 were the only pure steelframe skyscrapers.
then where was the 16 story Plasco building in Tehran, which was most likely also an insurrance scam.
And there was the Delft University building which had a partial collapse.

So, yes, the point still stands, just be carefull when encountering (((debunkers)))

this actually isn't a conspiracy. the owner of that building has stated many times. his reasoning was that it was too badly damaged from falling debris that he gave the go ahead to demo it. it may have already been wired and ready to go because it was to be demoed anyway.

Make no mistake, they would have done it for free or even PAID for it, but what gives them a particularly Jewish thrill is that they set it up in such a way that it made them lots of money.

That's the frosting on the cake.

>What did (((they))) do with the passengers
>Hijack the actual planes
>Fly them to some military location
>Force them to call friends/family for the media (do so at ground level, typical for military retards, no fucking idea what they are doing)
>Execute them
>Bury them somewhere

>high rise buildings that collapsed from fire.
steel frame buildings?
In free fall?

>41 congressman have dual citizenship with Israel

how is this not a conspiracy? do you even know what building 7 contained? you should consider looking into that.

good summery, but...
there were planes, and real hijackers... if they flew, or other pilots (like Daniel Lewin) were flying or it was remote control - is another question.

about wtc7, yes that was a fuck up.
either it should have gone down in the dust cloude, or UA93 or UA23!!! (google that) should have hit it

it was scheduled to be torn down anyway.

I'm gonna definitely need a source on that

did he die?

i don't have the link but the video is on youtube of the building owner talking about it. maybe just try to search for it.

>the owner of that building has stated many times
No, he didn't.
He did this once.
And then denied that he meant it like this afterwards.

>it may have already been wired
top kek
Nothing fishy about that at all.
Also btw. all 3 buildings went down in basically free fall.

So next you shill are going to say that all 3 buildings were rigged already, nothing fishy at all and they just demoed them all because they were badly damaged and they actually wanted to blow them up 2 days later anyway.
>blow up buildings
>collect insurance money because of muh terrorists anyway

FL# Companies
9 Credit Suisse First Boston, Howard Publications, Council of State Governments, American Shipper, Our Planet Mgmt. Institute, Ltd., Hunan Resources & Tech. Institute
8 Credit Suisse First Boston, NYS Court of Claims, Continental Forwarding
7 Credit Suisse First Boston, U.S. Airways
6 Morgan Stanley
5 Morgan Stanley
4 Morgan Stanley
3 World Trade Center Dental, Affiliated Physicians of St. Vincent, Children's Discovery Center
2 JPMorgan Chase, FedEx, DHL
L Borders Books & Music, Daniel Pehr, Inc., Krispy Kreme
C Borders Books & Music, Charles Schwab, Sam Goody, Perfumeria Milano, American Airlines

theyre both accepted forms of the word you stupid piece of shit

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>implying Lucky Larry Silverstein would tell the truth about the biggest insurance fraud/financial fraud coverup in history

how do you cope with being this gullible?

>People actively working in a building that is rigged to be demolished

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News accounts in the weeks that followed reported a notable pattern of trading in the options of United and American Airlines[15] as well as Morgan Stanley and other market activity.[16] An article published in The Journal of Business in 2006 provides statistical evidence of unusual put option market activity days before 9/11:

ever before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded. These investors netted a profit of at least $5 million after the September 11 attacks. Interestingly, the names of the investors remain undisclosed and the $5 million remains unclaimed in the Chicago Exchange account.[18]

No it hasn't sweety :)

the SEC would have logs of who made those transactions. the fact that it went completely ignored proves that the parties involved were entirely above the law

>wtc worth 125 million
>insured for 28x that amount

this should be illegal.

Reminder that Larry Silverstein only spent around $150-300 million of his own money when he got the lease for the WTC. He then demanded double payment for the attacks and ultimately netted around $4.5 billion.
He also had the replacement for WTC 7 designed in April 2000.

follow the money anons. post interesting pics for interest but IT DOES NOT MATTER HOW THE BUILDINGS FELL OR IF THERE WERE PLANES OR THERMITE OR WHATEVER. the people and the money are the key. 0.02

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Where did you get this?

What about missing Pentagons Trillions, to this day - still to be accounted for.

Disbursed from ESQ to money markets.

Where da plane go?

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only WTC 7 had free fall collapse, for 2,3 seconds...
one of the strongest arguments against the official versions. (I am just warning u guys, there are nifty shills out there that will spin the minds of most readers, like the pope of demolition denial "Mike West" from metabunk - he is wrong though...)

the towers collapsed slightly slower than freefall...
still too fast without violating Newtons 3rd law, as the top down collapse is limited by mere inertia of the mass that is supposed to be collapsed...

you all need to study 9-11 seriously, and keep PUSHING the information OUT there, it is our best chance to collapse the Zionist world order in our lifetime

I am aware.

art students who were suspects and released, also many other teams for each building

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Well then you need to explain to me how a plane, that is pretty close to the same height as the Pentagon was able to get down so close to the ground, and smack into its face. I'm not commenting on the validity of that video, but I am saying that someone needs to explain this to me. The plane that allegedly hit the pentagon was just a bit shorter than the height of the building. I fail to understand how on earth the pilot was able to maneuver it in such a way to be able to hit it's face. I could see if it drilled into the roof of the place, but not into its face. It would have to be far too close to the ground to pull that off, I'm actually not even sure it would be possible for an ace pilot to do it, or a computer. And you expect me to believe that some
>Camel nigger did it while only getting trained at how to fly the plane a little bit
was able to pull it off.
Think about it for a moment. I am not saying that the towers were not hit by planes, I was old, and at work, and I remember it happening. But the Pentagon is a different story. Explain to me how a Boeing 757 a 44' tall plane was able to crash into a 71' tall building. That's 27 feet. The poorly trained sand nigger would have to fly a Boeing 757 27' above the ground to be able to hit the target. 27' above the ground in a plane that was 44' tall. I mean, I suppose it could be done, if given enough room to do it (many miles) and the absence of anything that could be in the way (other buildings, fences) I'll wait for your reply.

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*Contractors reap $138bn from Iraq war - Financial Times.

Contrast this to the building costs, it's nothing.