Fuoride Detox- why haven't you started?

Started 2 weeks ago:

>euthymol replacing fluroide toothpaste
>no wash chemicals (shampoo, shower gel etc)
>homegrown veg (allotment)
>spring water
>nascent iodine supplement
>plenty of greens (kale, broccoli etc.)

Dreams up 400%
Apathy gone
Core values hold up when tested

Still to do
>add tamarind to diet
>No plastic exposed food
>Selenium perhaps?

Get that pineal gland woke /pol

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Other urls found in this thread:


I brush my teeth with hot water mixed with iodine and have yet to smell my breath after the day is done, can't say the same for the fluoride paste.
Still, the de-calcification of the pineal is going to need something more drastic, like transcranial magnetic stimulation but focused and amplified

Even halting the build up proceses and adopting mild detoxification recommendations has achieved drastic results for me. Like a filter on things has been lifted...

Dentalfag and researcher here.

Nascent Iodine is the single one most important thing.

The thyroid gland located in the throat is regulation the bodies metabolism.
Long story short, the thyroid sort of uses Iodine as its fuel for doing a lot of things in metabolism.

Fluoride makes the Thyroids iodine get used up in no-time.

Also another thing preventing fluoride uptake is Kalcium, a good source for Kalcium is organic goat cheese or something similiar, basically cheese.

Well that will do wounders for your Testosterone levels as well.

I can tell you deep knowledge on fluoride an go on forever.

But lets just say avoid it, it calcifies the bodies glands.

cheers user, I can do organic goats cheese easy.

I'd love to hear it!

What's the difference between calcification and preventing uptake with calcium?

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Driver was a bunch of issues that pointed to a thyroid problem but NHS being as it is they wanted to push me straight on to SSRIs

So I self medicated on 5-HTP/DPA until coasting and then hit the no-fluoride.

Shit works.

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Here is a tiny scratch on the surface regarding Kalcium. Kalcium prevents a lot of shit to be uptaken, as mention here aluminium, which in its own enhance fluoride poisoning.


Initial research was done on CalciumFluoride CaF, but the fluoride distribued is a completely different kind of fluoride which is 1000 times more toxic and originates from toxic waste from metal industries.
Those toxic fluorides have NOTHING chemically in common with the CalciumFluroide which is a naturally occuring mineral.

Its like comparing different metals with completely different properties.

Anyways the single on source in this subject is to read this book or look it up:

Chris Bryson - The Fluoride Deception.

Also search on Chris Bryson on youtube, he has good interview.


Those medicine are bullshit, I have seen many patients with Thyroid disfunction, I tell them all to take heavy amounts of Nascent Iodine, but most of them dont believe me.

Literally have printed out studies and shown patients, then most do as I say and almost all get well.
And those drugs for Hypothyroidism costs a lot.

have to go user but will come back later


I've dropped deodorant on these grounds

Thanks for the links. reading now.

I'm usually a lurker and mid-age user but this has been so direct a change that I felt I should share.

I make my own toothpaste the old fashioned way, I e just a calcium carbonate vpaste. Enough to buffer the acids from foods and whatnot in you're mouth, and a calcium source.

You can even use marble powder, I just buy a kg of calcium carbonate online from a brewery supp!ier
You can always add a drop of mint oil to the paste if you want the minty taste

I saw 1100ppm written on my little boys toothpaste- needless to say that got binned and replaced with the aloedent stuff- but I'm well up for homebrewed paste- is bicarb recommended?

I must include- the game changer on everything for me was when I started growing my own veg WITHOUT herb/pesticides. The flavour alone was a pleasant shock but how I felt after eating it was truly surprising.

Highly recommended. Sense of achievement working with nature in sustinence helps wellbeing too.

Just a regular calcium carbonate paste will do you can add a spoon of bicarbonate it has the ideal pH but it is very water soluble and hence will taste bad, soapy

Other than bad tasting bicarbonate is very effective and harmless

been washing my hair with bicarb to cut through the gunk on my scalp- it's serious stuff! I almost can't believe it's safe...

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shill test:

Theresa May
white genocide
south africa


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OP ain't wrong

Something tells me you will end up smelling like a hippy if you try this.

Eggs you say?

You have to eat them all!

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dental hygiene advise from a Brit, this is the silliest thing I've ever seen posted on pol

you don't have to tell me what happened but you do need to eat this...

good goy, keep using fluoride, it works...

Attached: UniqueSmiles_SMM_20171101_austin-powers.jpg (1280x960, 168K)

my new musk gets the white girl bright eyed and bushy tailed user...

I'm just starting this.
Can I just eat foods with a lot of iodine? I'm wary of supplements and oils

is Poland Spring decent botled water?

I have no access to spring water. Only lake water

does that cause any staining on your teeth though? I'm sticking with my Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda combo

What's an alternative to deodorant?

no deodorant.

seriously, unless you are busting all day long your body adjusts after a few days and the usual smell is inoffensive

>Poland Spring
>/POLand Spring

Fuck knows I'm a bong mate

I sweat a lot and just get self conscious that my B.O. will label me as the stinky guy at work. Is there something I can rub on my pits to neutralize the smell? I do work in a hospital and do not want patients gagging when I have to work around them.

a kiwi works really well you can also just get natural deodorant with inert ingredients like coconut oil and baking soda

guys for water look into the Berkey filters they make add-on fluoride filters for it as well

Attached: berkey.jpg (355x355, 16K)

This is deleicuous. It's probably made with fluoridated water though lol

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Cool, thanks for the help user.