>you have the right to protest
>You don't have the right not to protest
>the absolute state of American freedom
You have the right to protest
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Hopefully he hires a good kike to sue the fuck out of that school.
its like a kid refusing to go to a pep rally they get in trouble too shut the fuck up moron this kid isn't Martin Luther King
leftists only protest when theres enough social conformity to do so, any actual protest is punished
You're an idiot. The school cannot force you to partake in a political march.
Kill yourself. There's a difference between 'come to the rally for school pride' and 'you must accept the political views we want you to have or you're suspended'.
Until now.
it wasnt a pep rally it was civil disobedience.
>be a jew
>go in the oven
>spend the rest of eternity as a lampshade
leftists actually control the cultural hegemony, through global enterprise and social institutions, but continue to stage public protests in order to perpetuate their image of a struggling movement for Good. any real protests, or Wrongthink, attacking leftist mythos is punished.
look at this fat fuck. he probably refused to go because he couldn't get up from his chair the little piggy
>Be American
>Try to learn
>Get punished for it
I hope he shoots up the school.
"You want a FUCKEN PROTEST!!!! I'll show you a MOTHERFUCKEN PROTEST!!!"
(its just banter kids, DONT shoot up a school)
this is literal fake news
imagine being forced to participate in some tranny loving homo parade? soon.
Was it a public school?
Ohio is a joke. But more importantly, America is a joke.
so source = bait
Not only do they indoctrinate children into being good little liberals but if one of them decides not to be brainwashed they suspend him.
Such things make me so fucking angry.
Makes you kinda think why they want to ban guns so bad.
>it's just liberal schools that are craz-
good for him
sue the school
>go to this Bernie sanders rally or you are suspended
What the actual fuck? The school should have never orchestrated a political rally.
Grade schools are all about forcing kids to do any fucking thing the teaching staff want no matter how insane or ridiculous.
>a pep rally is that same as a political march
>Literally what
>Making it this far without killing yourself for your totalitarian views
But if he was just allowed to have a gun...
a protest isnt the same as a pep rally you fucking retard
Not attending the walkout was a protest and demonstration of his 1st amendment right. He will win this, the school is fucked.
They didn’t. They said if you’re not participating in the walk out you have another option- go sit in study hall. He did neither
Surprised they didn't put him through a struggle session.
How much do you think he'l make off this?
Any decent kids out there should stage their own damn pro 2A walkout. They can't be heavy handed without refilling all sorts of normies
>are our lives worth your guns?
if you have to ask...
You realize this is probably a fake story to go along with the false flag shooting right? If things start looking too crazy to true, relax a wait for things to blow over
not to mention, when the school sanctions (let alone makes mandatory) a protest it makes stops having any meaning.
Fake news.
He was supposed to go to study hall (where teachers were there to monitor students) if he did not want to participate in the walkout. Instead, he refused to leave his classroom and got suspended for not following instructions. Nobody was forcing him to participate in the walkout.
In fact, he chose to stay in the room because he didn't want to appear opposed to gun control
>Your normie looks low. Would you like a top off?
the walk out robbed him of a day of education. Which missing a day of public school probably made him smarter, but these bleeding hearts supposedly believe education is a right.
>forced protests are like pep rallies
Liberals, ladies and gentlemen.
obvious fake news is obvious
Underated. It kinda reminds me of the new shekel wars. Even though they run the Galaxy somehow they are still the rebellion. Almost like some kind of Jewish conspiracy.
>he was forced to walk out of the classroom
>he was not forced to walk out
niggers get presidential medals of freedom for bringing bombs to school and white kids get suspended for attending class
Go suck a bag of nigger dicks, faggot.
Leftists are almost like a fanatical religion.
>Trying to leave school during school hours gets you in trouble
What a deep revelation, faggot
>The day the next school shooter was born
Please tell me this is not from a textbook used by a school
Theres one American in Ohio.
Dark times when someone on Sup Forums has to point out that they're shitposting.
pep rallies are not political
a walkout protesting gun violence is and compelling someone to participate is as unconstitutional as it gets.
This already happens though.
>Shoemaker instead stayed alone in a classroom on his own at Hilliard Davidson High School, which earned him a one day out-of-school suspension
The reason for it was that he 'refused to follow to instructions'
>The school district said it's responsible for students' safety and they can't be left unsupervised
>If you walked out you were with the protest, you were for gun control and anti-gun violence. And if you sat in this pit with all these other people you were pro gun-violence,' he said.
>He said by sitting in his classroom alone he chose a neutral option.
Centrist BTFO.
and that, friends, is why my son goes to catholic school. sure, there is some retarded stuff he needs to deal with, and we are in a pretty conservative diocese, and I'm not catholic, but there aren't feminists there. it's like ii doesn't exist. reasonably good education, not forced to drink the cool aid. worth the price.
>sure, there is some retarded stuff he needs to deal with
Being sexually assaulted by a priest = "retarded stuff"
Should have beat them.
>refuse to participate in political event
>try to leave the school
>School abandoned their duty of care by walking out.
>School forced children to attend a political rally.
>School then tries to push the blame on the kid.
>School probably forced a statement too.
Kid needs to take them to court. They are so in the wrong that money probably wouldn't be enough to settle it.
Based R-Kansas
Neck yourself
But they are pretending it's a spontaneous student protest, and that the kids want guns to be banned. This is an admission that their teachers are forcing them.
>>you have the right to protest
>>You don't have the right not to protest
>>the absolute state of American freedom
Yeah. Thanks to you fucking kikes.
>Jerusalem J. Greer
And you are forced by law to send your kids to these "people"
>Try to find something on story
>Find Jew York Times
>"Scott Shoemaker says some people thought his son was suspended for walking out, and angry comments accumulated, including some that mistook Scott for the principal. He says he also got a couple death threats."
>They actually tried to frame it against gun owners
they'll get suspended for doing that
U can bet it was a kike teacher who reported him
To be clear, they suspended him for counter-protesting. While every one held an anti-gun protest by being lazy, he held a one man pro-gun one by being a good student and staying in class.
Being pro-gun is pro-education.
He wasn’t allowed to continue on with a normal day of school so he was forced to participate.
i know you're just baiting but teachers molest way more kids than priests, statistically
God Straffan Ohio.
Why did the retard sit in class? He obviously wasn’t supposed to be in a class without a teacher
>Didn't want to signal support
>Didn't want to signal opposition
>Gets fucked
God straff sá mẃder.
What is the point of this? I don't care if we call it sexism or prejudice, if you want to claim sexism only goes male > female, then fine, but I was talking about "prejudice" all along so the conversation hasn't changed really
Same with racism. I'll grant you your insane authoritarian destruction of language and I will still be able to explain why your position is wrong in your own retard terminology.
It's strange, they are trying to protest but with no risk of consequences? Shouldn't it make them more powerful that they are breaking some form of rule? Why should a school condone something that could disrupt their goal of teaching students because other's want it so?
Are centrists truly the most oppressed race?
Centrists are either Cowards or transitioning to Right-Wing.
He did it wrong.
>school is responsible for children
>children leave school
>whoops I fell and got hurt
Could have sued the school and got them neet
In a normal day of school, if your teacher becomes unavailable, your class becomes study hall.