/Fsg/ - Fascist General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General- Czech Edition.

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
George Lincoln Rockwell
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile
Julius Evola

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

“A nation lives forever through its concepts, honour, and culture. It is for these reasons that the rulers of nations must judge and act not only on the basis of physical and material interests of the nation but on the basis of the nation's historical honour, of the nation's eternal interests. Thus: not bread at all costs, but honour at all costs.”
― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry that i didn't make an /Fsg/ since the Verdinaso one guys, i had a lot of work.

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Fascist Discord server

I don't like Discord. But i will check it out.

Going to keep bumped with old Ironmarch stuff

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Fuck liberals and socialists.

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I feel you man it's compromised af, use at your own discretion.

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>Thread Theme

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Thanks man.

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you guys are a bunch of pathetic fags lol

Pot calling [something that isn't even] the kettle black

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So, how would we go on developing a style of Fascism fit for the United States of America?

PDF library containing a good amount of necessary reading if anyone is interested
Articles on the site are also pretty good

you're either an edgy teenager or a fat retard.

Get rid of non-European blooded individuals (it can be done without genocide don't worry) and rebuild the state-folk-complex from the ground up.
For shits and giggles we could even include the bill of rights as the founding legal doctrine, though the quartering act for obvious reasons would have to go.

Okay what makes you superior to an edgy teenager/fat retard or whatever else caricature you picture in your head posting this stuff?
What are your questions of the world and solutions to them?

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do your parents just not understand you? is that why you're so butthurt?

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Le epic trole strikes again!!!1

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It's impossible to deport so many, you have to be realistic about this. I know Civic Nationalism is stupid, but there is no other real way.

lol your shitty ideology lead to one of the worst wars in history. It's not trolling to call you retarded.

Give the Africans material incentives and forcefully remove Mexican mestizos. Boom two biggest nonwhites populations dealt with. Any of them worth keeping around can be residents rather than citizens, no marriage no voting no miscegenation and limited property ownership.

Any of them that get uppity can get the bullet or get put to work or get flown over to buttfuck nowhere and dropped off with no material compensation.

Fascism needs to be reformed and be given a new name. The ideas and economics behind it are good but the name is forever ruined thanks to Hitlers autism rampage.

A more identiarian mosleyite leaning fascism could actually take off. But all connections with NatSoc retards need to be severed.

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and what is that you do that makes you so deserving of living here?

Mexico is below us, that would be difficult. I say that ethno-nationalist states should be exclusive to Europe. I guess you instead encourage blacks to return to their "true homeland".

Fuck off kike

More than ideology, and no it didn't lead to the war. Britain's policies of power balance led to the war. When France jumped in to defend Poland the UK decided to come in and knock out Germany to dismantle their economic advancement that had nearly put them lightyears ahead of the British international financiers. It was a desperate struggle for dominance and in the end the allies just ended up letting the east get bulky and strong enough to cause problems for the next half century.

Not being you, fat NEET.

Not really just march them south and post soldiers at the border, coordinate with Mexico to keep their people from ditching the place at least to Murrica.
And any criminal scum Mexico doesn't want coming back? Gulags or gunpowder.

You have to admit, National Socialism, compared to other ideologies, just seems less appealing. It should be exclusive to Germany.

What am I talking to JIDF or something? Knock that retarded idea out of your head.
Read Mein Kampf.
Stalag or Ford. Good audio books exist.


lol you are seriously trying your best to avoid saying germany was violently and rapidly annexing land.

haha wow you got nothing.

Also read Evola
(notes on the third reich v)

I will have to get you a better download for that.

>It should be exclusive to Germany.

It shouldn't exist at all. I'd be happy if we had gotten Mosley or even Mussolini instead of /r9k/ autist Hitler.

Also Hitlerist NatSoc advocates the genocide of all Jews and Slavs.

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Power balance policy.

Gb2 64chan faggot
Fucking Spede dweeb

Jews deserved it, but i can agree that Slavs didn't.

lol my Family actually experienced Hitlerist NatSoc you retarded 56%er.

I can agree that plutocratic Kikes playing puppet master deserved it but certainly not the ones running small shops and the like. Also the slav subhuman garbage was just full retard.

Oh your family was Jewish then. May not have happened for real then but we'll make sure you're accounted for next time.
And next time is coming. Hell, if we disappeared and nothing came about from our Worldview nor philosophies ever again someone else would wake the fuck up and realize there's a sickness to be cured.

hello there Kamerads i had a question your thoughts on

>racemixing ?

should it be allowed but with a balance among races (like only some can) or totally outlawed ? or...? just wanted to hear different opinions

Diaspora colonist Jews need not apply

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What do you think about racism in a fascist society? is it necessary to point out racial enemies like germany and romanian fascists did?

Absolute no no.
Maybe not as extreme, but Racism may have to exist.

Not really my great-grandfather actually died during Operation Barbarossa.
Also you NatSoc retards will accomplish nothing but LARP on the internet. Fascism might have a chance again but swastika shit sure as hell doesn't.

Just get rid of all Negroids. They're racial enemies to all mankind.

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Fuck no, miscegenation ruins the health of the offspring and eliminates whatever unique adaptations the parents had.
Mulattos lose the white's creativity and large brain as well as the bantu negro's savannah survival adaptations (such as the longer legs and higher center of gravity) for example. And if you ever met a mulatto you'd know I'm completely right about that.
It is no laughing matter, and the mulatto race will most likely never catch up within these next few centuries. It will take MANY generations for them to adapt in some meaningful way IF they do.

why not ? personally speaking i think aslong there is a balance between the races it can be allowed for a certain amount of people

You just want an Asian wife, don't you?

idc i just want a good looking and loyal wife do i ask that much ?

>>claims to be fascist
>>cries like babby when vibrant refugees come to create a better future
>>claim they'll be "islamofascist"
pol really is full of rural and suburban regards.

Well, marry a white wife, that is, if you are white.

>not really
Kike faggot.

>my great grandfather served
Good man, too bad his great grandson is a half breed weakling who hates the people who saved and nearly brought the German people rather than the international parasitic kike tribe to extreme amounts of prosperity.
Also the things you've highlighted about your distaste prove you know little. I will give you the benefit of the doubt as far as your kike blood goes, not only is it most likely Turk (Ashkenazim) blood but it is probably only a drop and your kultur-kikel family have yet to realize they've been WE WUZ'ing it up for the last thousand years.
Continue sperging about 'muh larpers' on the net, kike.


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Stop caring about muh polidicks and go find a man of your own race to raise a family with. If you're white have as many children as you and your spouse can handle and RAISE THEM TO BE STRONG.

Oh I misread that, thought that dude was a lady woops

Advice still stands, have many children.

most white girls are whores and not loyal nowadays so idc much about the race honestly

If you're white you keep looking until you find a suitable one you picky little incel shit.

kek sorry user but there is almost no pussy here on Sup Forums especially fascist girls

C'mon man, I'm just trying to leafpost.

Alright, alright
>Vibrant refugees.
It was almost like Trudeau was talking to me!

I'm not mestizo enough to match his cadence.

>Inb4 someone noticed the smoloko watermark and rightfully bitches at me

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They're only good for quotes, other than that, Smoloko is a pretty dumb website.


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>tfw some random burger knows more about gajda and who he was than about 99% of our youth
Hold me lads.

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Even worse, the burgers know because an UZBEK learned who he was and mentioned him to them

He sounds like a pretty cool guy.Apparently, antifa is non existent in your country.

I'm honestly glad you retards actually get censored in Europe. At least that means you won't subvert a good chance at white nationalism like the identitarian movements.

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Stop fighting you two. We can't have outright division. Just respect what the German user believes in.

H'white nationalism, what a joke.
No niggers in my gay bathhouse.

He is Jewish, I have no respect for Jews.

>I can agree that plutocratic Kikes playing puppet master deserved it but certainly not the ones running small shops and the like.
I agree with you.

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>open fascism thread
>half the posts are an IronLARPer spamming infographics and shitting on everyone he disagrees with
welp, these were nice while they lasted

pls kys.

A fucking leaf

Sup Spainbro

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There are some antifa shitters here and there, but they only exist in large cities, so it's okay. Generally, people here are racist and hate modern western shit like trannies and gay prides, so I'm not complaining.

Also, from what I saw from Prague's pride parade, it seemed like half the people there were american expats, american ambassador (who was a kike btw) even led it few years back kek. But I think Trump had him replaced with someone else.

Hey. I've been off for some time but I'm glad to see these threads are still coming up. Thank you Ameribro.

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>american expats, american ambassador
I wonder why...hmmmmm I bet they also held english signs.

The only IronMarch LARPER is Shit that hole side is a joke when you consider that the founder would have been gassed by the Nazis because is a slav lol.

You can expect any logic from these people.


All the plutocratic wall street kikes and media kikes need to go in the oven. But the average jew is harmless. I mean my fucking shoemaker is jewish. What has he ever done that he needs to be gassed?

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>The only IronMarch LARPER
that's what I meant. You can tell these idiots cause all they do is insult people and spam nonsensical shit

"You need to be able to defend yourself to be able to be brave and powerful. And you need to be powerful -physically, martially powerful- in order to be free. And that also explains why every society ever created has been patriarchal in one way or another: because it's men who have that capacity, who are able to compete in that arena. It's men who have been able, historically speaking, to ensure their freedom by force. It's men who are able to defend themselves (and their group), precisely because they can be physically, martially powerful".

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>Shit that hole side is a joke when you consider that the founder would have been gassed by the Nazis because is a slav lol.
You either know nothing about National Socialism or are deliberately lying. Probably the latter.
In the case that you actually believe what you say, I would suggest reading Hitler's Table Talk (Deutscher Titel:Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier) to learn what his actual plans were.

Even in Prague they are nothing. They just bitch on the internet now and organize a music gig for thirty people now and then.

>Czech Edition.
>NOF symbol
Groovy. OP is not faggot. Radola Gajda would be proud. Pic related, just look at that handsome motherfucker. Youngest Czech general and certified commie-killer.

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>Trust me goyim the average Jew is harmless
There is no average Jew. All Jews support the parasitic colonization of the world by their people, whether directly or indirectly.
Including you.
The sins of your forefathers have infected you so deeply that you can scarcely admit you are even a Jew unless you think it will permit you pity or respect from the gentile. That is pathetic.

The day you free yourself from the shackles of the Jewish "race" you belong to is the same day you become a human.

>can't understand what someone is saying
>instead of asking person to explain more clearly decides to whine
Kill yourself

>All the plutocratic wall street kikes and media kikes need to go in the oven. But the average jew is harmless. I mean my fucking shoemaker is jewish. What has he ever done that he needs to be gassed?
I wouldn't even go as far as to preach for their death. They should be deported, ideally, not killed. And of course, the average jew is not part of a fucking shadow government trying to subvert the West, and a shopkeeper isn't the same as a banker. We ought to be nuanced.

One Czech user told me their "headquarters" (which was probably just an apartment lol) got firebombed.

>Hitler's Table Talks

All horsehit. The quote where he says Islam should have been the religion of germans is fake too.

Also you should look up Generalplan Ost and the lovely things the people in charge of the Reichskommissariate said about slavs.

They're all brainlets. They only damage white nationalism my wearing skull masks and shouting edgy shit in public. Yeah real helpful.

Glad to see there are people with an actual brain here.

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Insanity - the trademark of the Anatolian-Germanic mix known as the Ashkenazi, the outlander. Outcast in the days of antiquity from the Semites.

Calm down autismo.