Winston Churchill

What's your take on this man? Based, degenerate cuck, or just a standard shill?

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anti white jew terrorist is what he was. ChuchcucKike

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he was a faggot philo-semite. may he rot in hell

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greatest shabbos ever lived

A national hero, if slightly misguided.
Responsible for killing a bunch of pakis which is a plus in my book desu

Puppet oft the Focus Group.

he was pretty cleaver

i used one of his words of wisedom to beat someone that i hated at work and now she's gone

He said a few things that were mind bending

1. a country trying to tax itself into prosperity is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by the handle
2. You have enemies, good. Means you stood up for something, sometime in your life.
3. I may be a drunk miss, but in the morning i will be sober and you will still be ugly.
(this was after a women insulted him at a dinner party around the table calling him a drunk and a lout. Party got quiet. They all looked at churchill and he said that to her HAHAHAHAHA) awesome.

cuck, fucked the bongs over completely, while still managing to fuck over plenty of others

He was based in his imperial view, massacring sudanese islamists(he participated in the battle of omdurman), pacifying Pakistani tribes, advocating poison gas to subdue pajeets, defending extinction of indians in america, abos in australia,...

That said;

He was a zionistic philosemite through and through.
He was owned and indebted to jewish financers
He was extremely emotional, irrational, impulsive
He was a horrendous strategist, who is to blame for the ww1 gallipoli disaster, ww2 norway expedition failure, and was a constant annoyance during the north african and egyptian campaigns.
He was an unhealthy, ugly, alcoholic
His interbellum gold standard policy was a disaster
He never did anything about post war immigration, though he became a Pm after atlee
He was delusional about the untenable state of the empire. He was with his head still in the 19th century, not seeing it was over.

In general the British empire was an instrument for internatilnal jewry, increased the number of pajeets and africans massively, introduced nationalism, statehood, modern warfare, foreigners immigrating,...and apart from canada, australia and new zealand was entirely useless, mindless prestige. Sure it is cool to btfo of chinks and drugging them, but cui boni? The sassoon family of jewish merchants who built their empire using british soldiers as pawns.

It is cool to read about the subjugation of India, but who profited? Brahma, parsi and jewish merchant elite.

Zulu wars were awesome, but again, wo profited, jewish diamond traders, for whose financial gain 10 000s white Afrikaner settlers were killed

Meanwhile average briton was working like a slave in the mines and on the field, living in slums.

Read evola; the british empire was jewish. I dont like evola because of his esoteric, weird ramblings and extreme unpractical idealism, but his analysis of the british empire is spot on.

>be England
>control 17/20ths of the surface of the Earth
>including absolute sea supremacy
>(could deny seas to any other power)
>world commercial primacy
>sea supremacy gone
>commercial primacy gone
>lose entire empire
>lose independence of homeland
>power and prestige sunk to shit
>killed the nazis tho

A structure built through centuries of war, bloodshed, and high political tradition of choosing always for an enemy him whose defeat would increase the Empire of England - lost through one of two wars in the matter of 50 years. England was victorious in a military sense, but sustained total defeat in political (see also power) sense.

Regarding Churchill; It is for the politician to determine whom to fight, and if he selects as the enemy a unit at whose expense no power can possibly be gained even in a militarily successful war, that politician was incapable. He may be merely stupid, he may be carrying on private parasitic-politics, using the lives of his countrymen to implement his personal antipathies. He may be a distorter, representing an outer force not belonging to the Nation, or even to the Culture. Such a politician may also be a traitor who sells himself for a private economic consideration. But regardless of why a politician chooses for an enemy a unit which was not a real enemy, the fact remains that in so doing he is abdicating the sovereignty of his State and placing it therewith in the service of another State.

Fuark an intelligent burger. Nice post and well put. Whats your ideology and vision on government/state form?

>be Churchill
>fight to keep Britain from becoming a German colony
>less than 50 years after your victory it becomes a Pakistani colony
A good guy, but misguided. Should have worked out a deal with the axis against the Soviets and the Americans. Let Germany take over most of continental Europe except France and you keep your empire. You still have control over fundamental trade routes due to suez canal and you avoid a costly war

Thanks user. I enjoyed your post as well. Haven't got to Evola yet but I have RtT and RAtMW on my shelf. My post is actually copy-pasta from Yockey's Imperium. I felt it was relevant to OP and I couldn't possibly say it any better haha

Regarding ideology and government, still a newfag lurker and relatively new to the far right. I know things I hate (cultural marxism, materialism, hedonism, and all degeneracy) and I know things I like (monarchy, fascism, traditionalism), but not enough to speak as any type of big-brained nigga. Sry if disappoint


A fucking *elite* moron who could give a fuck about his homeland.May he burn in hell.

Drunkard, degenerate. Gravedigger of the empire. The goyim masses love him though because he was good for the Jews.

>1 post by this ID
ok ok


He should have accepted Hitler's peace offers.

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war criminal

based ragazzo

albanians love americans thanks to him.

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Immigration kicked off in 65. As soon as he died.

>sea supremacy gone

I wouldn't say Britain lost sea supremacy in 1918, even in the early 40's the British/Commonwealth merchant navy alone accounted for over 2/3 of the ENTIRE WORLDS shipping tonnage, and the RN was still the largest and most powerful single navy until the USA took over

It probably wouldn't have saved Germany from eventual defeat though

Based as fuck he single handedly destroyed the british empire