If you weren't aware, here's another reason why identitarians such as Martin Sellner and Lauren Southern aren't just photogenic white millennials exercising their free speech - they've got form engaging in dangerous, aggressive activities. Some might call them radicals - I call them terrorists - ones who have repeatedly broken the law.
If you weren't aware...
Other urls found in this thread:
In the Summer of 2017, the Identitarian Movement, of which Sellner is a senior figure, crowdfunded and chartered a boat, the C-Star, to block, harass and slow down rescue ships assisting stricken migrant vessels in the Mediterranean.
During the course of their mission, the core ensemble of 10-12 Identitarian activists had the C-Star interfering with the departure of rescue vessels into the Mediterranean.
The C-Star also fired flares to distract rescue vessels, potentially putting lives at risk as resources were drawn away from stricken boats that may needed assistance.
When their efforts to distract wore thin, the C-Star became aggressive, firing flares at the rescue vessels, endangering their crews.
In waters that can be dangerous and choppy, the C-Star and the Defend Europe Identitarians put others in danger through their selfish recklessness. In fact, they broke down at one stage - and despite their bullshit, the rescue boats offered help.
In a rather hilarious twist of fate, the C-Star was detained under suspicion of people smuggling, first in the Suez Canal for not having a full crew list.
The C-Star was also detained in Cyprus, and a significant portion of the crew found to be... illegal migrants.
More reasons why Laruen wasn't allowed to enter the UK:
>Lauren Southern works directly with Millennial "torpedo the refugees" Woes
>Woes is an advocate of violence against refugees
Pettibone ran a podcast with Tara McCarthy.
McCarthy is also a bloodthirsty little harpy.
>Sellner works with Generation Identity, whose members have attended memorials for SS members
Hmmm why would the UK deny Austrian Identitarians entry? Quote "Two Identitarians who regularly attend a right wing extremist SS memorial service, one of them having a criminal record for illegal possession of explosives"
>Martin Sellner was also connected to the Nazi-LARPing Reconquista Germanica discord server that botted youtube and twitter
German Alt Right Discord tells its member to create tons of social media fake accounts to smear and harras political opponents online. European identitarian Martin Sellner is a leading 'VIP' member.
>Southern and Co. have attempted to stop Doctors Without Borders from giving aid to shipwrecked asylum seekers
The equivalent of blockading an ambulance.
>About 8 minutes in Brittany Pettibone admits to giving fraudulent info to Cypriot border officials
>Southern admits to lying about her ethnicity here
>Sellner's leaflets contain allusions to potential violence at his speech
why do i get to feeling that Brittney pettibone is a cheating slut?
(((southern))) is a coal burner
Martin Sellner looks like a huge cuck and Lauren Southeren looks like a drama whore
So she is a confirmed rce traitor
Seems that way. shes to being doing good work on south Africa. I just dont trust her. i really have a hard time trusting women in a movement . they usually just go with the flow and just agree the dominant male. Shes original with South Africa but thats a bit.
Because her boyfriend is a fucking weak manlet
It lies down with niggers
at some point are you going to regret putting this much thought and energy into some random e-celeb slap-fight?
Nice proxy you kike.
She justs like that kind of her girl whos the "good Christian girl" for most of her life but the moment she becomes an adult she becomes a total slut. dont trust her.
Blacked confirmed. BBC means she's loose now. You wouldn't enjoy it anyways.
imagine being this stupid