Cernovich said big shit coming on the 16th

Yesterday on twitter, that fag Cernovich said big shit was going to happen today. Did anything happen? I Can't seem to find anything particularly mind blowing. Another piece of bullshit?

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Other urls found in this thread:

A few weeks ago he said a US civil war would take place in 2024ish and that was enough for me to unfollow him on twitter. He's a bright dude but extreme with stuff

Supposed to happen around 9pm EST time, so soon...but we all know it's BS anyway.

Something did happen, look at the price of
oil/wti, big jump today.... why, duno, but usually indicator of something big and about 2 days until the mainstream news starts reporting on it

Thernovich ith full of thit.

Fox is saying a major announcement is coming.

every day is big shit day ;)

Interesting, I missed that part. I guess an hour more before I lose any remaining faith in him forever. What could it even be? The only shit I've heard today is endless droning about Tillerson, that one DACA recipient who murdered the store owner in Texas, and more shit about Russia poisoning that spy.

let's see

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People still follow this kike?

He was OK during the election, but I haven't spent one minute thinking about him since.

He's pandering to retards. He sells snake oil now like Jones

Hes pandering to retards now to try and take their money

just gonna hold on to the last minute, huh? if only there were prior experience you could lean on to provide insight on future outcomes.

who give a fuck about that bullshit merchant

Last minute until he's forced to use a minor event to try and say it's coming.

what did he sell before the snake oil? primate themed literature?

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No they aren't. They are saying it *could" come. Mccabe wont be fired because he's friends with swamp rat dip shit Rosenstein and Sessions is Roesnstien's bitch. This is the last straw for Sessions in my book. He needs to be fired because he's clearly Rosensteins puppet.

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Cernovich is a kike why would you listen to him?

Howler Headscapes

Gorilla Gesticulations

Baboon Brainwaves

Harambe Headspace

Lemur Lifestyle

Mandril Mindframe

Orangutan Outlook

Silverback Suppositions

Ape Attitude

Simian Semantics

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The judge for Flynn was buddies with Strozk. They have texts where Strozk says he wants to setup a meeting with the judge, but he has to invite other people for cover so its not too obvious.

The was recused, he didn't recuse himself.

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>The absolute state of kike shills
Hey, how does it feel knowing that nothing you do can change anything? How does it feel knowing that Rosenstein wont be fired, Sessions won't be fired, Mueller won't be fired?

How does it feel to be such a huge faggot?

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He does this crap every other month. You learn to ignore him.

Mike Tsernovich is fake news, anyone that still takes him seriously and watches his livestreams is delusional. He needs to stop being a "journalist" and get a fucking job.

Stop donating money to him

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>says the jew

This is from Sara carter right?

More obongo admin FISA abuse info has come out

>A libshit kike shill calling others Kike shills

Imagine going through life this retarded.


is gorilla mindset a good book i can pirate it on audiobook

why did someone paint a face and put a wig on that volleyball?

How does it feel being a loser?

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He's bright alright. But as a con artist, not a political strategist or thinker.

His game is extracting as many shekels as possible from gullible idiots.

A grown man who makes youtube videos and blog posts for a living.

Why are you following him?

To be fair, his wife has a job. He's a house husband. Literally a luggage lad

nice, I didn't catch that, got a link?

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historical info, guys!!! thunder kike delivered!!!!

>Cernovich said

So? Who gives a shit?

Fuck I meant to link the OP, but it's that thread

Cernovich said a couple of months ago that Kelly had Trump on lockdown in the White House. He likened Trump to veal being kept in a box. Cernovich is a Jew, therefor he lies.

That is big, but I wonder if the MSM or the average person will cover it or even give a shit about it. Crazy times we are living in.

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My favorite was the time Kelly chemically lobotomized Trump by poisoning his food with secret DARPA chems.

he ate 7 MREs and a bowl of eggs on the 15th.

Giving a shit about it doesn't bring charges. Giving a shit doesn't initiate consequences. Giving a shit doesn't provide the slightest bit of ramification to illegal and unethical behavior. You can say you give a shit, though, if that makes you feel good.

he guessed wrong. it's similar to those doomsday folks that say the apocalypse is coming every year. once they're proven wrong, they just go "oops I miscalculated it's NEXT YEAR for sure guys"

Yeah, that was a good one. They slipped it in his diet Coke right? Then he watched 17 hours of the gorilla channel, wtf?

Thernobitch has no sources. He gets all of his shit from Sup Forums, when he feels something is incredibly obvious. Because he has a bonobo brain, he bought the LARP that McCabe was getting fired today, so he rolled the dice.

Sup Forums likes Jews now? Thweet I can thart thistenen tho thenrovich again!

We're fond of the dead ones.

Did it happen? Nothing happened did it?

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>big thhit

Explain this to a retard pls

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>I Can't seem to find anything particularly mind blowing. Another piece of bullshit?

You know Sup Forums seems unusually quiet today somethings not right.

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i guess cernovich's big shit was mccabe FIRED.
i wonder if sessions told him what was going on at that dinner they had last week.

heres fox talking about it now.

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remember at that rally he got like a water bottle thrown at him and started screaming ATHAULT at the top of his lungs ahahaha fuck this guy and his jew boss Allan Dershowitz


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Monkey man just can't stop BTFOing himself

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Yes big shit happened to day! STRZOK HAD A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE RECUSED FLYNN JUDGE AND ATTEMPTED TO COERSE HIM. If we find out that he had the same relationship with the Page judge, DC is going to explode. But this is already bad enough. This is MASSIVE corruption.

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YES. TODAY WAS FUCKING HUGE. CERNOVICH WAS COMPLETELY CORRECT. Also, not going to lie, I got a little excited in my pants.

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Mike, you have to go back

Deputy Director of FBI just fired. Awesome day!

McCabe was fired by Session just then lel

fucking guy, lel
If he didn't think McCabe was being fired, his big habbening must be something else? Maybe he was talking about the FISA judge being sketchy with Strozk? Maybe he was just bullshitting. I can only hope these two events start a ball rolling that ends at the gallows in DC

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Back where?

He finally put down his mint julep and decided to do his fucking job.

There was one other big thread earlier that got buried quick. Something bigger than McCabe about the dossier.

McCabe was fired but thats not big news to armchair politicians addicted to video games with little sense of how things work outside their parents house.
Enjoy a little spice in options

No, you're right. It's not big news. Except it is, jew.

Sessions is game to actually prosecute what's going on. Finally. Strzok attempting to coerce a judge shows massive high-level corruption. And if he's linked to the Page judge, that is fucking game over.

McCabe was just fired by Sessions, you insufferable faggot.

Gibbon Gestalt

Macaque Mnemonic

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It is big news. Monkey Mindthet.

Didn't Cernovich say he wouldn't be fired? KEK


What a fucking retard this guy is.

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they brought the mcrib back at my local mcdonald's

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>>posts HUGE happening
>>huge happening happens
>>but specifically said that happening wouldn’t happen.

Cernovich wouldn't bullshit. Try to dig deeper.

>Cernovich said big shit coming on the 16th
>Sharejew pays double shifts to kikepost relentlessly all day even though there is nothing to slide
Based Cernovich, costing the jew precious shekel for nothing.

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simian synapses

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it's all about that 50 piece McNuggets for $10


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Cernovich goes to my gym in soCal...he is a faggot....Yesterday he said that McCabe wouldn't be fired. He is a bullshitter.

Nobody on this board gives one fuck about this kike. Stop shilling him here, the_d mods. I know its your. Go back to the_semite