How do we resolve our 2,000 year old conflict with the Jews? No memes please
How do we resolve our 2,000 year old conflict with the Jews? No memes please
By redpilling people on the JQ and once we have a significant amount of the population woke on the JQ we implement policies to stop jews from jewing things up.
You come to the realization that there are low class Jews who have the same views as you, but because of your prejudice and instant assumption of being part of “le lizard alien cult” you are actually turning down allies that can help in your fight.
Your real fight is with the higher ups, not all people who are Jewish.
give them a free one way ticket to israel
we kill them all
This this this.
PLEASE separate religious conservative atheist Jews to leftist atheist marxist Jews.
The Bolsheviks and Stalin were ENEMIES of the Jews. Remember this.
Execute them all.
Gas the Juice.
I said no memes.
By outlawing the usury interest loans
Now go and smite the jews, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox, and sheep, camel and ass,
Good job putting millions of bank employees out of a job.
Jews are not the problem. Contrary to what you racists think, white people are the problem. White people started wwi and wwii. White people exterminated 6 million Jews. White people enslaved blacks. White people made him crowe. White people killed Jesus. White people wage war in the middle East for oil, when it is plentiful back home. White people are the problem, and once you wake up to that fact, you might see a way to solve many of the world's issues
I know you're trolling, but let's look at the ACTUAL bad things whites are responsible for:
>7 year war
>100 year war
>Roman republic civil war
>American war of independence
>American civil war
Zyklon B.
You're welcome.
Hmmm yes but is that really necessary
how many times have kikes used that excuse, I wonder. probs a hundred times in the past few millennia.
I mean I don't care. I don't even work in a bank. But if you think unemployment is a good thing, go nuts.
Whites have created every thing in the past, present and will be the future. Jews just leach off of European success, same with the rest of the world. The industrial revolution started within England. I say isolate European country, cleans them and ditch the world as a whole.
It's relative, and the fact that people think that just goes to show who is winning this propaganda war that's been going on for the past century.
You have both Zionist (Nationalistic) Jews and Internationalist (pro Communism aka International Globalism), and they are both scum.
While they may be at odds, neither one can really be considered to have our best interest.
>employment makes an industry de facto good for society
not a valid argument
>White people started wwi and wwii.
Financed and orchestrated by Jews
>White people exterminated 6 million Jews
>White people enslaved blacks
Not unique
>White people made him crowe
What did he mean by this
>White people killed Jesus
Hellenistic Meds...?
>White people wage war in the middle East for oil
More like doing Israel's foreign policy
>when it is plentiful back home
In the past like decade yeah
>White people are the problem, and once you wake up to that fact, you might see a way to solve many of the world's issues
What did he mean by this
>neither one can really be considered to have our best interest
Really? Because Orthodox religious nationalistic Jews
>vote conservative
>live their lives without committing crimes, having full time jobs, etc.
I don't know what more you could want from a minority group in your country.
Maybe, but at least think ahead here. At least have a long term plan.
sure why not its what the jews did to the Amalekites
>Of the 613 mitzvot (commandments) followed by Orthodox Jews, three refer to the Amalek: to remember what the Amalekites did to the Israelites, not to forget what the Amalekites did to Israelites, and to destroy the Amalekites utterly. The rabbis derived these from Deuteronomy 25:17–18, Exodus 17:14 and 1 Samuel 15:3. Rashi explains the third commandment:
>From man unto woman, from infant unto suckling, from ox unto sheep, so that the name of Amalek not be mentioned even with reference to an animal by saying "This animal belonged to Amalek".
what do you think is going to happen when money is no longer needed?, let's get there faster by eliminating an industry which thrives on leeching from people under the guise of "helping" them. Actual help would be tax payer funded loans that are still required to be paid back in full.
its not a meme. gas.
death. I want death.
Then glass the fucking place
Do you have good reason for it?
As a Jew I agree with the article though? Those Jews WERE overstepping their bounds if they were trying to impose shit without going through due process.
Your here. You already know why.
>"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"
A caricature of jews leaving russia in the 1920s.
"The curtains have come down on the jewish world-wide conspiracy - jews are on the precipice of controlling the world"
"Every day 50-100 jews leave for America, through Latvia, bags full of gold and jewels."
"How about that communism? They promised to share everything with us, but only left us the shin bones of our comrades."
All jews including you right now overstep your bounds. Its because your jews.
>Those Jews WERE overstepping their bounds
pic related
gas doesn't kill anyone you baby dick eating kike
Jews. Hate. Communists.
Well first of all, Jews only deliver circumcision to their own babies.
Second, make it illegal in the country. Jews will have to move somewhere else. I don't care.
Lol what am I doing wrong? What are the other tons of Jews doing wrong who are just living their lives? This whole "you are wrong because of WHAT you are instead of what you DO" is dumb.
Yeah, previous societies tended to hate any group that acted any different, be it justified or not. Don't mix up correlation with causation.
>Jews. Hate. Communists.
Uhh you can't rewrite history pal.
It didnt but it will.
You are posting here where you are not wanted.
That image is ironic because red user is also a copypaste meme like the ragefaces.
>Uhh you can't rewrite history pal
Lol not rewriting shit. Learn history yourself. The communists put down religious practices in Russia and imprisoned Rebbe Schneerson.
>the right trying to silence free speech
Oh the ironing.
Jews are not people. They have rights.
no rather.
>Jews. Hate. Communists.
Jews love communism, when it can benefit them.
Different factions of jews still serve the same master once the goyim aren't looking
>kid does something wrong
No, son, that thing you did is wrong.
- you
Not an answer. Officially and historically, religious orthodox Jews were strongly against communist Russia.
>jew tries to destroy europe
>complains when we decide to kill them all or sterilize them
Fuck you
Fuck you.
Show me religious orthodox everyday Jews trying to destroy Europe.
I can wait.
>stating an opinion = actively destroying stuff
Plus, the talmud is an opinion book. It holds no religious merit or obligation.
our media here shit on these guys, the Lev Tahor. IMO they probly were anti-israel that's why they were not protected.
Dosnt matter. The point is that they all need to die, including you shlomo.
bullshit. its the lies on top of everything else that are why you must die.
At least they're fresh.
Thats the method we should use. An industrial meat grinder.
The fact that anti-semitism was made a severely punishable crime in the USSR should be a BIG clue that the Jews were in charge there and that communism is Jewish. The Bolshevik revolution was all about the Jews murdering the entire Russian upper class and taking all their properties.
Jews support communism because it benefits THEM. Communism gives all the power and wealth to Jews. The idea that communism is to benefit the working class is just a deception, to trick non-jews into becoming their slaves. It's similar to how Obamacare is presented as something to benefit poor people, when in reality it will make everyone except the Jewish ruling class more enslaved to the Jewish controlled US government. The Jews are obsessed with controlling everything and making us all their slaves, because their religion tells them that Jews are supposed to rule the world and to be the masters of all non-Jews.
Just send them out to sea.
Feed the fish.
I always make sure to reiterate this when dropping red pill seeds on people.
>gets proven wrong
hahahaha I'll see you next thread, friend.
It does matter. Unless you have just reasoning for an evil act, you cannot do said evil act.
Are you denying the imprisonment by the communist group of the Jews' central religious leader in Russia?
>you cannot do
>wants to do evil acts without justification just because he feels like it
Are you by any chance a murderer?
How so?
>makes me type all this
Holy fuck. I was pointing that justification is peripheral to events in the material world. You said certain event could not occur without justification. Laws of physics and human behavior are in contention with your point.
>focusing on race
>doesn't realise that race is another tool to divide and conquer
I'm a firm believer in objective morality, friendo. I'm not saying people DON'T do shitty things to benefit themselves, I'm just saying that it's still the wrong thing for them to do.
Much longer than that friend.
>I'm not saying people DON'T do shitty things
>Unless you have just reasoning for an evil act, you cannot do said evil act.
Are you happy? I assumed you knew what I meant from the beginning.
You're right OP, we need some sort of 'End Conclusion' to this fighting...
The simple solution is disintegration
End doesn't end faggot
jew is code word for evil person in power and academia. Nobody cares for the working class jews.
Stop conflating sympathy with empathy. Stop allowing terms to be redefined to suit emotions. Stay above their level.
>working class jews
stop right there