are you homosexual?
You want /soc/. This is Sup Forums.
Sup Forums isn't homosexual
are you?
>sucking up to women because you want powsi
is there anything more beta?
>put women in charge of something
>trust it not to collapse
Shit only lasted 5 days LMAO.
alpha butt fucking men like you do, michael
Females do things: men die.
All those people who got crushed by the bridge would be alive today if they just let a man build it.
Forced diversity is literally killing people. This is just one more example.
>Build 350 ton bridge to carry one ton of students
>350 ton bridge for fucking pedestrians
But muh boi Tariq Nasheed said it was WHITE women that led the company. The problem is white people build things that break so they can kill non-whites. Right?
Women belong in the kitchen and bedroom. Only fags want them in the workplace
B-but being woman isn't an insult!
They killed 10 people, all of their clits must be cut off. NOW
Good god, (((liberal women))) are hideous.
Source or fake, bigot
seriously, it was so fucking retarded and overbuilt. Plus with all-new virtue-signalling concrete mix! Fucking women
Eve takes the apple and now this shit?! The fuck, I hate women.
This is too good to be true
I want this to be fake.
Our memetic alchemy is ruining the world.
See. This is why we don't use menstrual blood to join concrete blocks together. It is not all purpose.
should have stayed in the kitchen.
I helped countless women engineering students learn basic statics. The simple concept of beam bending and equilibrium escaped them for the most part.
t. Aerospace Engineer
>be feminist bridge
>collapse under own weight
I want to believe this
>“FIU is about building bridges and student safety. This project accomplishes our mission beautifully,” said FIU President Mark B. Rosenberg
>(((Mark B. Rosenberg)))
>“We are filled with pride and satisfaction at seeing this engineering feat come to life and connect our campus to the surrounding community where thousands of our students live.”
Q predicted this
General contractors don't "build" structures. Architects and engineers design it, and trades subcontractors perform the actual labor. General contractors merely manage the work and act as an intermediary between the designers and the laborers.
Oh and architecture, engineering, and the trades are overwhelmingly male dominated ;)
Sorry Sup Forums, you lose again!
It makes sense.
That bridge was sustained on feelings only.
If it was overbuilt it wouldn't have fallen down. The dumb fucks built a suspension bridge and didn't put the damn suspenders on it. All of the load-bearing is transferred to the central pillar, and it wasn't built yet!
this answers itself
>during International Women's Month
How can that be true if their feeling told them otherwise?
Literally fake news. Sup Forums is always retarded.
In all fairness, the company has been around for decades and I'm pretty sure they've built thousands of other structures that haven't collapsed.
I know a local business that does this trick. Small local construction company that essentially employs all men outside of office/secretarial positions, but just has a woman as the official owner so you get minority-owned status and preferential treatment in government bidding.
Is there any concrete info yet on the cause of the collapse? I'm sure somebody somewhere fucked up really bad.
>culture wars
You niggers are reaching.
Kill yourself with your fake news.
oh a bridge didn't fall. good to know
>female led construction company.
>I'm pretty sure they've built thousands of other structures that haven't collapsed.
kek is this legit? oh fuck
>Kill yourself with your fake news.
It doesn't matter if it's fake news. Just kys. OP didn't just shoop it.
The central pylon and cable stays were decorative only. Prove me wrong. No attachment for cables in the plans.
Boy, i wonder who did all the heavy labour. And all that for a piece of shit designed by a woman. Not collapsing is literally all a bridge has to do and they fucked that up, the dumb cunts. Meanwhile bridges created by men hundreds of years ago are still standing.
>didn't put a I beam for lateral support on a length consisting over 20+ feet.
They all need their engineering/architecture/physics degrees shredded.
"Behind every great woman is a Jewish man"
Ain't calling people gay illegal?
>it doesn’t matter if it’s fake news.
Sup Forums everyone.
That explains everything.
>it doesn't matter if it's fake news.
You alt right fags are really imbecile. No wonder.
This is not legit you fucking faggots dont be stupid you can go to the company website in 3 seconds.
Fucking idiots
Now there's an idea...put women in charge of designing and building the wall and watch the lefty heads implode.
>turn left lane lives
>go straight lane dies
Damn that black SUV must think of that all the time.
some OC, please rate.
Look at all the sjw's in damage control. Can you please die already?
They'll blame white men somehow.
I thought this was a nigfers head for a second
>“This project is an outstanding example of the ABC method,” said chair of FIU’s Civil & Environmental Engineering Department and director of FIU’s ABC-UTC Atorod Azizinamini, who is one of the world’s leading experts on Accelerated Bridge Construction
>Atorod Azizinamini
Atorod will Aziziziziminini sumfin fo you real quik ok?
LMAO user u did it
See, if they had built those walls first, we wouldn't have any diverse goblinas around building our bridges.
Build the walls, save the bridges, save lives, gas the kikes!
>gender-equal snow plowing
wut? What the fuck does that even mean?
>female led construction company.
OP is a kike.
>Meme flag. Meme opinions.
>board of directors
As if any of those taco bending faggots have ever so much as turned a screwdriver or know what an engineering table looks like.
Even a shit tier GC would have noticed the lack of supports.
You have to go back office fag
Cap: Select all images with bridges
>female led
Only the most autistic women possible can truly hack it in ME and EE for what i've seen. And its not a pretty sight. These cunts aren't going to reproduces in any relevant numbers.
>Atorod will Aziziziziminini
He won a diversity award from Obama.
You fags will believe anything lol this is fake.
t. OP I posted as joke
They don't. They sit at tables eating thousand dollar caviar saying yes and no to ideas.
The person in charge of the project was a female. Directors only stamp.
>We'd better overdesign it just to be sure! Math is hard amirite? Luckily society affords us infinite resources as long as we show up for STEM work!
>Fucking collapses anyway
>Build the walls, save the bridges, save lives, gas the kikes!
I like this slogan
Are you interested in the nigress with the monke- I mean luscious, lips britbong?
it means fucking over everyone to virtue signal.
>As if any of those taco bending faggots have ever so much as turned a screwdriver or know what an engineering table looks like.
This. These roasties are here for a smear campaign knowing that the entire project was spearheaded by women. Who gives a fuck about the board of directors rubber-stamping it? Of course they're going to find men to blame instead of taking responsibility. That is always the feminazi way
>Construction of the bridge began in the spring of 2017 and is expected to be completed in early 2019.
>A local congressman confirms that a stress test was underway at the time of the collapse.
>construction company full of nogs and cunts
>run by a kike
Only in Jewmerica
Arrest Mr. Rosenberg and his team of goblins for manslaughter.
They're not females, they lost the right, they are goblins. Why would you defend beasts that want to purge Western society of white men?
lol 56% construction?
I know you are wrong but didn't wanna make a bread
There’s literally only one woman that worked on the project. Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
Those retards say squawker is "extreme right" lmfao
And they see no bias with politifact
Into the trash
Seems like this could be legit. Remember some user commenting on a pic in another thread yesterday from immediately after it collapsed. Was a crane with some wires hanging from it, and it looks like the wires had been bouncing (they weren't taught), like they broke and a weight or something else they were holding fell.
The real mystery is why they were doing a stress test during the day.
In this case, plowing sidewalks before main arteries.
DO you understand what that site is measuring? It's about the propensity to publish stories that push their narrative while ignoring the ones that don't. That doesn't mean that the stories are fake. It's because of idiots like you that can't even read that Sup Forums has a bad name. Faggot.
Men designed it and men built it. Every Joe Schmo foreman in the trades can read a set of drawings and yet none of the MEN who were involved voiced any concerns?
Sorry hun, men are the problem here.