MGTOW Hate Thread

I hate you MGTOWs so much. Look at this beautiful white woman. You would never be able to get her in a million years, but you need to marry an overweight, entitled hog who thinks she is the one settling for you. It is your duty.

You see how well things are going for white people at the moment? Don't you want that to continue? Then we need to le save the huwhite race and have white babies. So you have to do what I say and if you don't your a beta loser permavirgin faggot.

And even if you don't, you aren't allowed to recruit others by presenting them with logical reasons why your "arguments" are correct. THEY ARE NOT FUCKING CORRECT I FUCKING HATE YOU SO MUCH MGTOW FAGGOTS!

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Other urls found in this thread:!po=11.1386

>he fell for the marriage mehmeh

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toast all roasties

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Most white women arent interested in marriage or kids

Hey is there room for white men gtow?

All women who hit the wall get interested in marriage for resources and having kids with chad. It's men who gives up on marriage when the practice becomes so degenerated that its no longer in their own self interest to marry.

Haha. Ha.

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Thanks alot you jew bastards

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I think they have the right idea

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>he wants a woman that has hit the wall after riding the cock carousel for 15 years

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How close to this meme are you in real life?

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I'm saving up for a new BMW. So pretty close.

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Bingo bongo. Men are still sacrificing in the current state of marriage, women not so much since they spend their prim age years getting railed by tyrone like the crack fiends they deep down are.

help us solve the woman problem anti-mgtow user

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most women are lying sluts

Writhe in agony.

By the way, dating the woman in that image would put me in the category of pervert pedophile.

She's 18?

stay away from jew girls and date your own race.

Gain power via economic and physical success and then you can treat women like shit as much as you want. I think MGTOW is caused by cognitive dissonance.

Yeah, sorry, I posted the wrong image. She's actually only 17 years and 2 months. If you find her even remotely attractive, please castrate yourself as you are clearly a fucked up pedo.

And this is why average looking women with nice bodies are far preferable to ones with pretty faces. Behind every pretty face is an enormous ego and frequently promiscuous behavior as well.

The obsession with getting a virgin isn't going to help you. There statistically too rare. Talk to her friends, read her diary if she has one, find out if she's jumping on every dick she comes by or if she's just dating boyfriends. Her friends WILL spill the beans on if she's ever cheated on someone and that's what matters THE MOST. If she has, zero chances. Fuck and dump at BEST but do not get feelings.

yeah that worked so well for harvey weinsten, good luck with that

>this degenerate normalfag thinks he has advice to give

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MGTOW here.
Get fucked, you and your whores.

wanting an innocent "girl" you can easily mistake for someone in her early 20s is perverted?

No no, he's right. There's clearly something wrong with him for thinking those filthy thoughts. I think he should castrate himself to avoid endangering society.

MGTOW isn't about sex or desire, it's just refusing to invest resources and time into forming traditional relationships with women, because of how degenerate the average women behaves, which effects every woman since they behave like social herdlike animals.

How about don't have all these gay fucking rules and just ignore women until you meet one you actually get along with, and then try to make it work. Using a girl as a cum rag just perpetuates and causes the original problem.

>Maybe if I keep attacking your character you’ll respond positively!

Yeah no thank man I am waiting for my future wife to be built and there is nothing that you can do about it.

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Hating MGTOWs is idiotic.

MGTOW is reactionary to the state of modern civilization, the exact same thing happened in Rome shortly before it fell. The state got too big and threw its weight around, men opted out of marriage and raising native Romans because basically it wasn't a good deal for them to do so. They even brought in batchelor taxes, but no one cared, they just paid them and went about their business.

We aren't the problem, the state is the problem, if you want to fix relationships between men and women and turn this whole thing around then focus on that. Hating MGTOW is pointless, the whole point of "going your own way" is to explicitly reject the social narrative, that's why social shaming doesn't work and will never work.

But people keep trying and MGTOW keeps growing so, y'know...whatever.

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marriage women don't exist. time to become like Muslims and legalize rape

look lady im sure your a used ip whore wose sucked so many dicks that half your flesh is made from protein collected by your digestive track from semen but its not economically sound for any man in the west to marry or even produce off spring

the cost of divorce for a man is to high. me putting my dick in your holes does not justify you taking half my worldly possessions

and the cost of paying for a kid om only going to see on the weekends is to steep

tell you what. i will fuck tinder whores witha condom because there tinder whores and you can kys because nobody will ever love you your old and unwanted

Arranging marriages to teenage girls that are the daughters of redpilled friends is the only solution.

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Your daily reminder:
>Sexual liberation causes civilizational collapse and is just as dangerous as demographic displacement.
>There is ZERO reason to marry a woman that isn't a virgin

MGTOW isn't the answer, but don't enable whores by marrying them. No hymen no diamond is the only acceptable way to conduct oneself.

>Sexual Regulations and Human Behaviour. London: Williams & Norgate ltd., 1933.
>Sex and Culture. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
>Sexual Regulations and Cultural Behaviour. London: Oxford University Press, 1935.
>Hopousia: Or, The Sexual and Economic Foundations of a New Society, with and introduction by Aldous Huxley. New York: Oskar Piest, 1940.

>Feldman SS, Cauffman E. Your cheatin’ heart: Attitudes, behaviors, and correlates of sexual betrayal in late adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 1999;9:227–252

>Treas J, Giesen D. Sexual infidelity among married and cohabiting Americans. Journal of Marriage & the Family. 2000;62:48–60.!po=11.1386
>"Having more prior sex partners predicted a higher likelihood of future ESI"
>Teachman study correlating number of sexual/cohabitational partners with divorce, using 1995 National Survey of Family Growth
>"Both structural equation and group comparison analyses demonstrated that sexual restraint was associated with better relationship outcomes, even when controlling for education, the number of sexual partners, religiosity, and relationship length."
>Sexual restraint in relationship correlated with better relationship quality

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Idk the details of mgtow, but a similar group the also produced lots of white babies via surrogacy would be cool. It's all about the numbers. We need more white children.

I’m down

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Oh yes everything you dont like must be a jew right? I hope reality will hit you soon my friend.

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No we don't. The problem isn't "too few whites," it's "too many minorities." It doesn't matter how many white children we have, if the flood gates are open, we're doomed. Already, Western Europe has a population of Muslims analogous to America's blacks. That's not acceptable, and having more white kids doesn't fix that.

>Look at this beautiful white woman

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Look tradcuck, MGTOW actually love the traditional institution of marriage and families, its the fact that its rapidly degenerating that has forced our hand. If you believe you alone can reverse the trend just by marrying yourself, you are fucking retarded. You tradcucks are like the jews who stayed in Germany after 1933, who couldn't realize what the fuck is actually happening.

>MGTOW isn't the answer
It is the only idea that has any chance of even coming close to an answer in the last 20 years or so. It's simple, logical and effective.

well *he certainly should.
that retard thinks because a female gets treated like shit by a 17 year old guy, it's cool, they're just having fun.. but if a 25-30 year old guy wants to wife a 17 female and spare her the degenerate and financially important phase of life.. it's perverted, pedophilia and unhealthy.
I'd rather have my 17 year old daughter in a relationship with a 25-30 year old guy that wants a wife than a 18 year old guy that wants to have fun at her psychological and physical expense.

We definitely need more whites in the short term, especially if war is on the horizon. Building walls, ending foreign aid and domestic (((social programs))) goes a long way though.

How about more white nazi kids who do something about it?

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A lot of le ''MGTOW'' are just men who are sick of corrupt marriage laws. People who are sick of the Rothschild owned system that had made 'marriage' a form of welfare to takes from males and give to women so they can continue consumerism. They are no different to accelerationists like myself. I don't ''hate'' women. Hating on women is just like hating on children or retarded beta men. I just hate gynocentrism and feminism.

You need to realise that ''marriage'' is just like paying taxes towards an antiwhite/male system.

Stop feeding the best, for fucks sake.

I can't wait to get married to a woman who has has 30+ sexual partners, who probably will cheat on me, and divorce rape me, claim I molested my own kids so that she would have more leverage in court. I'm so proud to not be a MGTOW lol!

NO! not my dream waifu queen of Sup Forums

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Legal nightmare, the main reasons for going your own way are the legal and financial problems and these are probably worse with surrogacy.

Besides children need 2 parent homes, single father fare better than single mothers but not really by much, a child needs a mother and a father.

The only way MGTOW will ever opt back in by shrinking the power of the state so they have no ability to interfere in the family unit anymore.

>my dream waifu
She fucked a pajeet.Are you dumb or something Carlos?

Everyone has a price. How much for suck and fuck?

I don't mind MGTOW, but I do think men should be looking for virgins rather than just swearing off women altogether.

MGTOW really isn't a new thing though, it's something that pops up in most sexually liberated societies. Incels, guys that don't want commitment, guys that commit themselves to casual sex after being burned by a few whores, etc. Nothing really "new," just an inevitable reaction. Not inherently negative, just not enough.

you don't need a male feminism online support group. you can literally find girls who believe fucking anywhere. they're everywhere. I can go on dating sites and find multiple young white girls who explicitly say they are saving their virginity for marriage.

99% of MGTOW consists of losers who only adopt the label to find company in their misery. improve yourselves you whiny defeatist faggots. in this day and age what you get is exactly what you deserve.

I agree. it's puts the responsibility and expectations on both sides, preparing your daughter and understanding that a successful marriage affects more than just one person (as the seeker, realizing how much other people invested in her success)

>Having a 3D waifu
are you retarded?

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Fine! She can be 2D, whatever.

>Girls saving their virginity for marriage are EVERYHWERE
Lmao, no, they're not. Current data suggests ~15% of women ages 18-22 are virgins. From that small slice you have to filter out fatties and factor in compatibility, and likelihood of meeting one another.

And, take it from someone who lives in a city notorious for "hardline Evangelism." Many of the girls "waiting for marriage" have already lost their virginity, but feel bad about it. Calling them out on it only results in earning the enmity of whatever Church you happen to be in at the time.

It's actually the only political move that could have any impact. Women are not going to give up their voting rights, and there is no way to make them see reason. The only way to beat the system is to logically explain to white men that shacking up with and protecting white women is no longer in their best interests. Let white women have their boggas and slimes, and let them deal with the consequences of their traitorous actions.

By ignoring them en mass, we are starving the beast. By playing their games, we are enabling them and allowing the bullshit to continue.

Of course, modern day white men are so beta and cucked, that the idea of doing anything that isn't in the best interests of white women makes their brains explode. They will cuck themselves out of existence as they hand more and more power to women (who will promptly use said power to destroy all western civilization).

So, you're right. It probably won't work, but it has the highest chance of working out of any other ideas presented.

wizard detected

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>not one person read to the last paragraph.

/Pol, I...

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>you can literally find girls who believe fucking anywhere. they're everywhere.
Are you sure, though? Cuz it doesn't really seem like they are. Seems more like you're a bit of a liar.

This is a big redpill. I’m not really trying to justify pedophilia, but these are optimum ages for couples to start lives together. Men need skills and equity, and women need time to grow and produce while still fertile

>I can go on dating sites and find multiple young white girls who explicitly say they are saving their virginity for marriage.
And you believe them? oh user...

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Genetically engineered catgirls and catboys when?

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Why are you looking for a wife so old?

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Artificial wombs will save the white race

Let me tell you how I know you are full of shit.Go to any dating website and the fucking opposite is the truth.

Women are totally clueless about men. Some will even admit that they go to college and work their comfy jobs in hopes that Mr. Perfect finds them. Men don't give two-shits if you're educated, wealthy, or if you're some sort of self-professed intellectual. We want women who act FEMININE, not dudes who wear makeup and take offense to every little fucking thing. Those women are holes to us and they will continue being holes until they start acting like women.

Here's a thought: Act like a woman worthy of respect and not like a hole.

I've tried Church Youth Groups, dismal results there. The data I referenced just doesn't give virginity rates for under 18.

I'm open to suggestions if you have places to find underage qts that might not be whores, considering I live in a state with lax AoC laws.

He's still a millionaire able to go wherever the fuck he wants who got to fuck the most prime pussy available to the world for decades, so yeah, exactly like Harvey.

>I've tried (((Church)))

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gtfo jew

The best part is he did absolutely nothing illegal. His entire pussy hustle was legit and Hollywood sluts gobbled up his dick for a role in his movies.

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> hate you MGTOWs so much.
>Look at this beautiful white woman.
>You would never be able to get her in a million years, but you need to marry an overweight, entitled hog who thinks she is the one settling for you.
>It is your duty.
>You see how well things are going for white people at the moment?
>Don't you want that to continue?
>So you have to do what I say and if you don't your a beta loser permavirgin faggot.
>And even if you don't, you aren't allowed to recruit others by presenting them with logical reasons why your "arguments" are correct.

What is there to hate?
MGTOW we refuse to participate in Wrong.

weird, it's like you guys don't want to believe me, and for some reason hopelessness is more attractive to you. it's clear that none of you have tried what I am saying I have tried. (none of you ever have anecdotes to share anyways, it's always outrageous headline posting and doomsaying). and anyway, if MGTOW were REALLY about the sentiment expressed here then all of your posts would be agreeing with me.

so it seems pretty clear that MGTOW is just how I said it is. it's an online support group analogous to feminism, only it's for males who can't find anyone or get laid. so, again, FUCKING IMPROVE YOURSELVES FAGGOTS if you can't find a good enough girl then you are not trying or you are not good enough. you all agree that there ARE girls that meet your standards, so why don't you fucking go out and meet theirs? problem solved. jesus christ.

It's worth reminding people that MGTOW is individualistic, it's not like an ideology that has long term goals of fixing society. Men go their own way largely just to cover their own ass.

Most women have lost their virginity by like the age of 15-16, you're not finding a virgin in western society, if your interests lay with "fixing society" then you need strategies that broadly work for all men, otherwise you wont keep birthrates high enough.

>99% of MGTOW consists of losers who only adopt the label to find company in their misery
Evidence of this?

I hear this sort of rubbish all the time from people who just assume and spurt their opinion, it's not based on evidence, it's just your emotional reaction to the situation, that's a classic case of blue pilled thinking.

MGTOW is in no way related to lack of self improvement, the only thing that MGTOW share in common is rejection of societies expectations of men. How they forge a path once they've rejected the status quo is different for each man.

>weird, it's like you guys don't want to believe me
Weird, it's like you've given them no reason to believe you.

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First of all MGTOW is not just one homogeneus group we have different views and different ways of doing things, now what unites us under this name is the fact that we dont want to marry to cohabitate with women as long as laws arent changed so they can no longer favor women all the damn time.
Also you have literally no evidence of what you say,for if what you said would be true then women wouldnt be the whores that they are today.

kek, you're like an unironic version of the ironic anti-mgtow posts I make.
>weird, it's like you guys don't want to believe me, and for some reason hopelessness is more attractive to you.
We would love to believe you, you stupid fuck. Just like we would love to believe humanity can all hold hands and sing beneath a rainbow where everyone is treated fairly. But reality just doesn't match up. It's why no matter how nice communism may sound in theory, it will never work. It just doesn't fit in with the true nature of humanity, and indeed the reality of the world.

I literally alluded to having anecdotes you fucking brainlet.
>You won't find a virgin
Looks like I'm not getting married then. Birthrates are a red herring anyway. "Too many minorities" is the real problem.


Harvey is a god and he'll be immortalized as one.

Once you know the real nature of women you cant go back to them. Why did all ancient peoples hate them? To me npw it makes perfectly sense.

By putting your life around what women want you are subjecting yourself to them

>He's still a millionaire
he's not. his brother completely cut him off

this thread. I come into every single one of these threads and it's nothing but tabloid journalism, doomsaying, and memeposting. you don't see anons talking about how they personally suffered this "divorce rape" meme or finding out their one-itis had tons of dicks in her. everyone comes in here and is easily convinced all of these memes are true without resistance. why? it's obvious.

>the only thing that MGTOW share in common is rejection of societies expectations of men. How they forge a path once they've rejected the status quo is different for each man.
and obviously I am tacitly assuming that a good marriage is an ideal to strive for and I am conservative in that regard. I also assume that most MGTOWs want that kind of life-long companionship because of the amount of shitting-on-women and anti-no-fault-divorce types of attitudes I'm seeing from them. what I don't get is simultaneous presence of those feelings and the lack of trying. based on their ACTIONS rather than their beliefs, it seems the people ITT find hopelessness MORE attractive than the type of marriage and companionship that "just isn't around anymore".

yeah I'm sure everyone who read what I said is now scurrying off to the dating scene to find the girls I'm talking about. oh wait, no they're fucking not, because they're still ITT replying to me, patting each other on the back, and rationalizing away their failures as a dateable, valuable man. I don't know, I just don't share your problems and take memes at face value.

>I can go on dating sites and find multiple young white girls who explicitly say they are saving their virginity for marriage.

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>are you retarded?

If that makes me retarded, then call me Forrest Gump.

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Its not individualistic or some kind of Ideology.
For example, taking care of somebody elses child, or a woman who thinks she is so strong now, that she feels compelled to run everything.
You do that, without me.
there are no friends for feminism here.

The problem is half the shit you're saying simply isn't true. You can spout rubbish to other 3rd parties and spread disinformation, but if you're going to engage with actual MGTOWs like myself then you're going to have to actually acknowledge that what you're saying is not based in fact.

I know it's tempting to think that MGTOWs are just men who can't find anyone or get laid, but if you actually know MGTOWs and talk to them and get some first hand information you'd know that's just a load of blue pilled rubbish.

Being red pilled is fundamentally about truths and that means evidence and every MGTOW thread I ask for evidence when people spout rubbish like "99% of MGTOW are X", no one ever posts any because you've literally just made it up.