Schedule for this week UPDATED 03/15 Andy is going to be out until monday (there's a chance that JF will stream alone) For today: nothing, /IBS/ is death
Sunday at 3PM GMT is Tommy Robinsons event at speakers corner.
JF vs Andy about porn (no date) JF vs Jay Dyer about religion (No date) April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth Lowtax vs Anglin (no date) Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date) Ryan Dawson vs Halsey (no date) After every major stream ancap user will host a /bybs/ stream
Why is (((Alt-Hype))) so scared of debating this guy? He literally has meltdowns on twitter - then goes silent when proven wrong - and will continue avoiding debating him 1 on 1 live.
We all lost really. Can't believe he softball that Sargon got. Tonka even let Sargon rant about how smelly Andy is and how he looks like gollum. Remember when he used to give people who were getting shit talked about them an invite to the stream. Guess those days are over
Christopher Brooks
Zachary Powell
daily reminder that using "homonormative matriarchy" shows JF to be fully red-listed.
Except the girl wasn't white and was retarded. So what he said makes no sense retards.
Thomas Sullivan
how? You talking about how they just kinda talked politely on the Kumite?
Caleb Wright
he speaks slowly
James Turner
>still falling for this meme
Drallasta didn't even read the article and just assumed althype was wrong when the figure was actually just misslabled. He is as lazy and uneducated as all the other youtube environmentalists.
This You can make the point that he let Sargoy hang himself but I'm not sure if that's the case. He just seemed to placate him on everything.
Connor Butler
>defending a literal rapist Liberalists have a better chance of taking off before alt right
Andrew Reed
Go back, Reddit
Isaiah Diaz
what kind of person is he and what are his political beliefs and whatever
he's hard to get a grasp on because he hardly says anything
Kayden Smith
This is a 5/10 according to him LMAO
Daniel Perez
> some of them were a solid 5/10 at the lowest bro God, JF is a disgusting human being
Cameron Phillips
white advocate nihilist, tends to libertarian, is french so likes to fuck everything
t. weak faggot
Adam Harris
Esoteric cubanism
Evan Perez
>white advocate nihilist, tends to libertarian, is french so likes to fuck everything that's jf
Jason Hall
Joshua Watson
TJ Kirk is a complete retard.
Destiny is the leftist whom I would like to debate AltHype. Because he's one of their best debaters. I would love to knock that tiny corner of the leftist internet down a peg or two.
Who teh fuck would want this ugly mutt trash fat piece of shit junky looking dyke to be their therapist Like how the fuck is this subhuman garbage going to help me She can't even stay in shape
Luke Lee
No idea, but JF is an overrated dipshit too. It's Ryan who can take these guys on in a race debate, not JF.
Asian dildo*
He destroyed her in the comment section actually. She claimed AltHype misread a chart when he was actually referencing the study itself (which was about IQ and not g). The author of that study mislabeled the axis on the chart, and Drallasta didn't notice because her understanding of the subject is far worse than AltHype's.
Christian Garcia
see If you believe this video is any good then you have a lot of reading to do on the basics of intelligence research.
Oh sorry, I'm enacting my slav genes and very drunk right now. Failure is responsible for some stupid things, but mostly he's just the regular "common sense" normie, he doesn't offer much. He has a good voice, so is not boring or tiring, and he's got a chill personality, but mostly the average youtuber.
Aiden Taylor
Alt right has a bunch of literal faggots leading them. Andy and Baked Alaska and JF all seem fucking retarded.
Asher Perry
Chase Hughes
Just go to JF thread on Kiwi Farms. It’s all there.
Austin King
I agree with you. But it only takes one guy who knows what he's talking about in order to demolish the competition. We just need to get the left to actually debate the substance instead of being pussies who attack their character.
Fucking lol. Ryan would love to debate TJ on a live stream. TJ has known who Ryan is for a long time and is mostly likely too scared.
baked alaska is the only legit retard of those. Andy is sub-average, while jf is above average but has narcissistic personality disorder
Levi Nguyen
Tell TJ to make a tweet about it. Ryan will debate pretty much anybody if there is a significant audience.
Daniel Stewart
No you are a faggot because you say a man that has different tastes in women is disgusting. You are a massive faggot because you think I meant you needed to idolize him, and you have no idea what a beta is if you think a man who fucks many women with kids by those different women is a beta. And you are obviously a beta yourself.
Chase Sullivan
fucking hell every guy gets a pass for fucking a troll or two but marrying and impregnating one is on another level
Luis Long
Any of you nigs wanna come on /bybs/? No jewachim if that matters to you.
Why should Ryan propose debating to a bunch of people if they are unlikely to agree to it? He debated destiny. Destiny said he will do so again after reading up and now pulls bullshit like making false claims about the expert consensus to avoid actually doing so. Pathetic
TJ promised a RR/IQ video BTFOing both the hereditarians as well as the environmentalists. Where is it? Right now TJ isn't involved in this debate in any way.
Liam Clark
>it's a /r/t_d poster gets mad about anime on an imageboard built around Japanese culture episode kys
Elijah Jackson
Hmmm.... That's quite a lot of evading. Seems a humble atheist that dares to question dogma got this Ryan guy pretty... "ryled up."
If metokur is so not important why does the liberalists continue to try to convert him or discredit him?
I cant tell if sargon is delusional or trying to jew some more money.
Hudson Edwards
Honestly Jim is a waste of space unless the objective is shitflinging. Frankly he is getting increasingly cringey.
Lincoln Sullivan
they are probably trying to convert the listeners by proxy
Owen Smith
Post 1 I want to see this. Hopefully there will be a conclusion to :
>About TJ "the amazing atheist": (TJ made a video about this drama and posted it on his youtube channel and titled it something like "The night I had a gun pulled on me and was almost murdered (or something of that nature)". *Now this is all from memory, its been a few years since this happened, but bare with me, this is all from memory. TJ said right after he got his divorce, he started seeing a transgendered female to male person who was his boyfriend, named Kyle. Kyle was mentally handicapped apparently and had a caregiver (his father) and TJ decided to talk Kyle into living with him. Kyle was from a different state than TJ, so TJ goes on a road trip to get Kyle. TJ apparently picks up kyle and takes him to TJs house. Kyles father comes after Kyle, Beats the shit out of TJ and pulls a gun on him and tells TJ that what he did was kidnapping and dared TJ to have any contact again with Kyle. Kyles dad left with Kyle. TJ made the victim video on youtube, and really played up his victim role, because all he wanted was the person he loved- Kyle, and the family refused to allow it to happen. A true tale of Romeo and Juliet.
James Cruz
>it's a Swedish cuck making excuses for anime avatarfags on Sup Forums no u
I'll tweet at him asking for the groundbreaking video he promised and about his willingness to debate. I grantee you Ryan won't back out if TJ agrees.
Ryder Price
Ryan didn’t “debate” Destiny. They had a conversation on heritability and a mini exchange of words after the debate with JF when all he did was put face for m’lady Tara McCarthy, probably because he wanted to have sex with a person that actually resembled a human being, but got cockblocked when she announced she was getting married.
Jacob Clark
Post 2
> > > >
>Now that was all TJ's side of the story, and a few days after he posted the video Kyles mom posted a long comment in the comments section of the video explaining the other side of the story. Kyles mom said that TJ allegedly had been contacting Kyle against the wishes of Kyles parents, apparently they found out about TJ and Kyle contacting each other and didn't like TJ because he seemed to manipulate Kyle. Kyle was mentally off and had extreme depression and schizophrenia (I think- I know Kyle had a few different mental problems). TJ was texting/contacting Kyle through the internet and was meeting Kyle and taking Kyle to a hotel and having rough BDSM sex and recording it on videos. TJ was apparently manipulating Kyle and coaxing Kyle to go off the meds, which in turn was making Kyle have "incidents" of self harm and I am pretty sure the mother said Kyle attempted suicide at least once while off the meds. The parents apparently asked Kyle about what was happening with TJ, and Kyle told them, and that is how the parents found out. By the time the parents tried to put a stop to TJ seeing Kyle, TJ talked Kyle into living with him and staying off the meds. TJ then drove over state lines and Kidnapped Kyle, knowing Kyles parents were not OK with this decision. Kyles father then drove to TJ's house, where a scuffle apparently did happen and TJ did get his ass kicked but the mother did not mention the brandishing (that I recall).
Brody Garcia
Post 3
> > > >
>After the Mother posted this comment, TJ apparently deleted the original video. The point of this comment, is, if you guys ever do get TJ on the show, can you ask him about these circumstances, because it must not be too personal for him, since he monetized a clickbait video that explained this story and wrote himself the victim in the story. Ask him if anything else happened with this incident, did the parents try to press charges for kidnapping (federal crime since it was trafficking across state lines)? Did he try to press charges for the father battering him and brandishing a firearm? Are he and Kyle on good terms? I am sure your listeners would be interested in this story.
Destiny admitted that he agreed to talk to Ryan because "I had just read up on heritability and I thought I could handle that conversation. But I was woefully unprepared and ended up irresponsibly platforming a race realist without challenging him."
So yea, Destiny treated that "not debate" as a loss in the very least. It was only "not a debate" because Destiny had no fucking clue what he was talking about.