Is mixing with other Aryan groups acceptable?

Is mixing with other Aryan groups acceptable?

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It includes pakis, poos and Iranians. More than willing to tolerate them if they stay in their own countries but they shouldn't be here and nobody in their right mind should breed with them.

No we mist protect the purity of my German blood

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No. Iranians and Indians have been mongrolised.

They aren't exactly pure blooded Aryans for the most part.

It's okay to be a recombined Aryan.

I'd kill to breed with a ginger qt

It's only I'm to mix between Europeans. That includes ethnic Russians, yes

you're either anthropologically uneducated or playing make-believe if you think any of the people on that map are significantly different from each other. these people all share common ancestry running 10-20kya. look up some pictures of albino indians. the differences between these people are primarily cultural. remember, civilization began in the middle east. islam is just fucking terrible and I don't know what the hell is wrong with indian culture.

I have no opinion on racemixing, though. anyone with any reasonable awareness of the forefront of scientific advancement knows that genetic engineering and artificial gestation will render any problems related to race obsolete within a few centuries, half a millennium tops.

genetic data says otherwise.

Hybrid Vigor!

>tfw all your ancestry shitflinging becomes irrelevant once you realize you're an albino poo
an abstract kind of feel

no believe me you're pretty fucking different from a nigger or a papua new guinean. nearly 10x the genetic divergence than what separates indians from europeans.


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This girl is Syrian.


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>ywn find a poo gf
why live

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Only between europeans, and even there, only in small number's.

I'm white and my fiance is half pakistani/mexican. I dont really care, she looks white just with dark hair/eyes. If you fall in love you wont let Sup Forums bullshit stand in the way.

Unless you want poo in loo genes then yes.

Only and only in your nation is OK.

I'd let this one shit on me if you know what I mean

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Indians and Pakis are not fucking Caucasoid, they're obviously Australoid.

indians are of australoid-veddoid race. they're absolutely subhuman



Let me put it this way: Indians are basically mestizos and similar to the Spanish creating racial casts in America, the Aryan invaders did the same with Dravidians.

If an Anglo wants to shag a slav I see no problem tbqh.

Indians are Australoids with some mestizo influence from arabia, persia, and the east:

1. Australoids - people similar to Andamanese, originating in one of the first OOA migrations. Dumb and ugly and are the main major component in both North and South poos.

2. Dravidians - brown mostly-Australoid with some sandnig-Caucasoid from Kuwait and Southern Iran. These people invaded the great Elamite Indus Valley civilization of Pakistan, with running water and even water toilets(continuous flow, not like modern water toilets that flush on command). Ugly and crafty as fuck. The Tamils especially have an ancient and rich literary tradition. Dravidians still dominate Southern and central India.

3. Indo-Persians - Sandniggy mestizos. The Indo-Persians are Gypsies, North Indians, Brahmins. Ugly and sinister. these are descendants of australoids that got raped by Elamites, Arabs, Moghuls, Persians, Turks. Blonde Scythians exterminated many poos and in the process, they absorbed and assimilated lots of the extant Dravidians, thus browning their own race.

If you remove your troops from the Middle East and stop funding the fanatics and intervening in the affairs of the countries, then I and many other Iranians will go back. Justice is a two-way street.

probably best off with afghani/paki/everything west of that; regardless, muslims are subhuman and should be gassed.

i wonder if i should trust heaps of scientific research or this user's shitpost on Sup Forums.

Yeah Imma need a source

well you don't want to end up with an English tier face do you?

anything non-negro is acceptable imo

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>poos claim to be blonde swedes
>poo research
poos deny aryans are whites.

Mitochondrial DNA evidence supports northeast Indian origin of the aboriginal Andamanese in the Late Palaeolithic

the Indian population is attributed to incessant, historical waves of migrations into India, the earliest, by the Australoid speakers around 70,000 years ago

Microsatellite diversity reveals the interplay of language and geography in shaping genetic differentiation of diverse Proto-Australoid populations of west-central India.

A common genetic substratum (Proto-Australoid stock) of the Oraon and Munda was evident

Microsatellite diversity reveals the interplay of language and geography in shaping genetic differentiation of diverse Proto-Australoid populations of west-central India.

Peter Underhill, in a more recent study, showed genetic connections between the Andamanese and people from the Kusunda area of Nepal.

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~50k yrs ago veddoids from india followed coastal route to australia to become aussie abs
~5k yrs ago veddoids from india returned and reinforced themselves in australia

veddoids form the bedrock race and have spawned the mongoloids/caucasoids
in india there still exists veddoids who speak the original australoid language related to austro-aboriginal lang

Haplogroup M2 [2] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M3 [3] - found mainly in South Asia
Haplogroup M29'Q found among Papuans, Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M31 [24] - found among the Onge, in the Andaman Islands[15]
Haplogroup M32 [25] - found in Andaman Islands
Haplogroup M33 [26] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M33a - found in India
Haplogroup M34 [27] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M40 [30] - found in South Asia[15]
Haplogroup M41 - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M42 [31] - found among Australian Aborigines
Haplogroup M5 [5] - found in South Asia
Haplogroup M6 [6] - found mainly in South Asia

>yamaha guitar

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Destroying the natural diversity of Aryan peoples should be avoided. Especially those distantly related racially.

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poos are as much aryan as somalis/papuan/abos/mestizos are

>poos are as much aryan
No, they aren't, not even according to them and their traditions (pic related). They're primarily Dravidian now, and that should be preserved. My point is the diversity should be preserved. I think the only time its justifiable is when the racial subtype is already so close, it has little impact. But even then, its not good to have people of different culture mixing, because it corrodes the parent cultures.

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scroll up and lurkmoar newfag, poos are australoid

>hurr dey is abbos lurk moar durr
Google Dravidic you fucking pleb. Indians are more mixed than "just Australoid". Linguistic and genetic studies have demonstrated that almost all groups in the Indian subcontinent today descend from a mixture of two highly divergent populations: Ancestral North Indians (ANI) related to Caucasoid (can be Central Asians, Semitics or Slavic), and Ancestral South Indians (ASI) who are NOT descended from any populations outside the Indian subcontinent, but wholly from within the subcontinent. In terms of race classifications, the people generally referred to as ASI (or ancestral South Indian) in genetic terms can be referred to as ‘Dravidoid hybrid’ to make things simplerr.
They once had an Aryan-derived ruling class, but they're primarily a Dravidic people.
>hurr australoid
lurk more pleb

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an australoid mixing with an arab is still an australoid. poos are australoid mestizos

Well it's not the worst thing you could do.

no to anything dark blue/purple

Poos are only 50% australoid.

the natives of india are australoid. just like papua.

poos are papuans who got arab'd, mongol'd, turk'd, and persian'd.

that being said they are still native papuans, just with some admixture

>only 50%
Not even 56%

Yeeep don't you dare.
Turn around 360° or imma shoot you fags.

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>an australoid mixing with an arab is still an australoid
Just like a German mixing with a nigger is still a burger?

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>doesn't understand the HIJK theory
>subscribes to the aryan non aryan pseudoscience dichotomy

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What a stupid map is that?

Persian and Kazakh-Kyrgyz in the same language group and not Turkish?

where does it include Kazakh or Kyrgyz?

Green is Russian

Mostly yes, but with some exceptions. Indians are too mixed with Dravidian deminiggers so you would have to get one from the far north or some isolated village who probably has several problems from being inbred. Many Iranians may be mixed with semites and Afghans with roaches. If you want to fuck or marry someone outside your ethnicity, eyeball them a bit and use your judgement. Could she pass as a local in Britain, Poland, France, or Germany (before 2015)? If so, then go for it.

Bump for sweet Pepe.

You must be mixing countries. The only -stan country that's not gray or striped is Tajikistan, which shares basically the same language and culture as Iran. The Kyrgyz are in that wedge-shaped one to the north.

>anyone east of Iran is even remotely Aryan

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*former Soviet -stan I mean

>not pushing for the hapa masterrace


I'm confused, is green with stripes countries where Russian is used but not the first language?

Because Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people have their own language. Are they slavs now suddenly?

Germanics with germanics. Acceptable.
Celtics with celtics. Acceptable.
Slavics with slavics. Acceptable.

You mix ethnicities just not ethnic groups. Stay within your ethnic group.

>Uh... I can't... I'm 100% white... must preserve...

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Yes you retard.

I like me them thicc's, but that bitch is just fat, on top of being a butterface.

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You better don't look up genetics of Central Europe kek

Still won't save your white women from being browned

>white women being browned
Yeah that’s never going happen pajeet, at least not voluntarily on the woman’s part. And on the rare occurrence it does it’s usually your genes that get bleached.

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Who gives a shit about skin tone. It's about the brain.

Pic related, Anglo+Gugarati

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