Nancy Pelosi - "This wall is just too tall! It's too tall! You can't have a wall this tall!"

>Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., criticized President Trump’s proposed border wall prototypes for being too high and “obnoxious.”

>"Did you see it? How high it is? I mean, really? In a civilized society, we do something like that?" the House minority leader said in her weekly news conference Thursday about the 30-foot prototypes that have been built on the border. “As obnoxious as it is, you know that’s a community there with a border running through it.”

>“[A] wall that big separating people? I mean, really? This is like a big wall,” she continued.

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It just got 10ft taller.

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Nancy is't used to big things since she is a satanic pedophile

yup, its a big wall. thats the point.

Go see the wall in palestine you fucking bitch . Oh wait you can t criticize it cause OY VEY REMEMBER 6 octarillion delete this antisemite

2 scoops, two terms, two walls

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The wall is pretty stupid if you consider that the U.S.-Mexico border is political, not natural. It's not like the Pyrenees are separating the two countries.

The U.S. should just invade Mexico, again. Take of all of the Baja peninsula and some border cities, then build the wall.

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So she went from saying no wall will be built to now saying the wall is to tall for her. Looks like we're getting the wall and it's going to tall boyos


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>is it too tall for a nig?
>too tall for a yid?
>too tall for a stinky Puerto Reacan?
>too tall for a stupid African?
>no sir I think not
>this wall that we’ve got
>it must be higher!
>our situation is dire!
>we must get meaner!
>and meaner and meaner!
>and keep out each and every stinky beaner!

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The wall is tall
It's a big tall wall
This big tall wall will keep out all

Ok but not the mexicans. They have to move south.

Wow, she called the jews uncivilized

El Skeletor


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TOO TALL???!!!

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Heyyy, I'm walkin' here!

>women commenting on large structural objects
How'd that work out in florida?

>emporer for life

Wish u niggas could.

Wow i fuckin keked

>30 feet
Needs to be 40 now :^D

wall should look like pic related but improved by adding machinegun turrets every 300'

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>in a civilized society
no, at the edge of one

this is beautiful, is that a proposed piece of wall? I really wanna see a final design

Why not annex mexico and make it a territory? When I was there half the small towns were almost entirely empty anyway, and the others were depleted severely, or run by cartels. Mexico could benefit from a good cleansing of criminals and if it really gets it's shit together it could be a state. Or not. I'm all for conquering Mexico either way. Then a smaller wall could be built on the southern border of mexico.

I would even move back with my extended family if that happened. It really is a beautiful place but the cartel demands tributes, and if you have family left in Mexico, then they beg for money because otherwise they won't be able to pay and they might choose to make an example of you and rape the windpipes of your decapiated daughter's neck. Also sometimes, some people get letters threatening to kill any family you have left down there if you don't wire money.

pf pf pf pf pf sería genial

>This wall is just too tall! It's too tall! You can't have a wall this tall!

sounds like a dr seuss rhyme

2 genders

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Not an argument

Thanks leafy friend

This bitch was laughing that the wall was stupid because Mexicans would just use a ladder to get over it.

Now it's stupid because it's "too tall" for a ladder.


>Steal land. Build wall around stolen land
Where have I heard this before?

C4 would make a hole in the wall.


She is beyond comment.

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>not at all not at all

Honestly not a bad idea. Always wanted to visit Mexico but it's too dangerous. Annex Canada too. North American COUNTRY
>trump is changing the terms of nafta...

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trail of tears part II


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Miss me with this globalist shit. I changed my mind.

We could have taken more of Mexico but Polk thought the Rio Grande was a "natural border" and the equivalent of today's shitlibs were bleating about the immorality of the war. They still want to give the land back to this day, pretty much.

"This wall is just too tall! It's too tall! You can't have a wall this tall!"

Sounds like Dr Seuss.

Put auto guns on it!

>rage about wall being not short enough for migrants to jump across
>wall is being made to stop it
wtf why such people are allowed to have voice?

Sensors would detect it, launch low cost drones to follow the infiltrators until a helicopter gunship can hose them down.

I'm going to be so fucking happy when this marxist dies. Fuck it can't come soon enough.

I still say a solid trench system would give american troops something to do. plus masses our army on the border. Win Win.

>"This is like a big wall"

President Donald Trump bewildered journalists and memebers of his own White House staff today. When he fielded questions from journalists about the "big wall" he donned some sort of cosplay-Halloween mask, and responded in a muffled voice, "For you."

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Pancho extracts and recycles bulletios from hermanos for americanos creates many new jobs

>“[A] wall that big separating people? I mean, really? This is like a big wall,”
Thats the point Skeletor.

The Wall Restaurant. They sell the world's best taco bowls. We'll have 50 Cal rifles mounted every few feet, with those quarter-operated binoculars in between so the family can spot. You put a dollar into the vending machine and turn the knob and it spits out a bullet. Dinner and a dead beaner!

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That must mean the walls gonna work.

Can you please do a vocaroo so I know what meter this is in

We need a second on the north border

Hearty kek

This anti white bitch needs to be killed

>being this mad that your voters will have a hard time getting through.

Better add another 5 feet just in case.


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What if Israeli workers were hired to build the wall? What would they do? Attack the Jews?

I always irked me that the border goes THROUGH the great lakes.

Why don't we just, say, annex everything 200 miles north of the great lakes in a straight lateral line?

A perfect, clean border.

Then, we build the northern wall.

That's a big wall

Jews don't build anything, though