Attached: 20180316-florida-bridge-collapse-afp-1.jpg (950x634, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Thank you for being the only one to reply, m8 :^)

Notice that signature spic craftmanship

By the way the bridge WAS complete. The central "pylon" and "stays" are cosmetic only. 16 inch pipes.

Attached: 1521240795761.png (1145x593, 205K)

Attached: bridgecollapse_sm_med.gif (565x478, 564K)

>Tfw we used to laugh at chinese bridge collapses just 2 years ago :(

This bridge wouldn't of fallen if they had a bigger budget for safety things like reinforced handrails etc but instead they waste money and give it to the NRA so kids can buy assault rifles and shoot children.

Attached: 1505538725181.png (625x626, 53K)

The kids on that bridge and the kids in that highschool they didn't have a choice to go home THEY were killed because of people like Donald Trump and the NRA doesn't care about children.

How the mighty has fallen.

>Tfw I was fascinated by the USA when I was a 90´s kid

Attached: IMG_1639.jpg (640x512, 46K)

>mfw when virtual signalling is literally killing people now

Attached: 1520957696294.jpg (650x650, 60K)

how the fuck did this thing stay together???

It obviously didn’t.


I think the design worked in theory without the fake stays, but they probably fucked up the concrete or something. They were trying a bunch of new stuff and probably rushing it.

Also I don't think they poured the concrete quite right. They poured all the trusses before the top so they didn't get a good connection.

How are we fucking up bridge building in this day and age?

Our ancestors are rolling in their graves.


But why, why the fuck was the top concrete? Why not a lightweight aluminum awning?

Was this piece of shit built for maximum death?

Attached: 1349403563603.gif (290x207, 833K)

of course. thats why they stressed tested it with traffic going under it!

>all those construction workers are women

Attached: nolzy.jpg (1200x600, 143K)

This was built by women.

Poor doggo

Attached: IMG_6088.jpg (937x596, 80K)

Attached: bridges not walls.jpg (1800x856, 772K)

Fuck off. Why would they include all of the post tension cables, but forget some of the most essential connections between the fake stays to the upper platform? Why would they plan to leave it there for half a year without the most essential supports?

Attached: bridge.webm (1080x1080, 131K)

Attached: 1521251823543.png (586x535, 129K)

>that lucky black car driver
>that not so lucky white truck driver

>that car stopping right in front of the collapsing bridge
What is the crane doing?

How does this picture with a red x prove that?

pic related and There is no steel connection between the fake stays and the steel in the trusses.

Attached: 1521250014149.png (1505x849, 331K)

>What is the crane doing?
I think it's just to carry people from the ground to the upper platform of the span.

Fucking stop posting webms cunt some of us can afford superior i products that only support based gifs. Stupid Latino

Well that's a major design fuck up, wtf.

I would post mp4s if Sup Forums allowed it. Here is a cap. It's from the end of

Attached: 1521154513254.png (902x325, 421K)

Are you trying to tell me there are devices in 2018 that can't even do webms?

What kinda shit device are you using?

What the fuck device only runs gifs these days? You still on a flip phone that runs off of DOS or some shit?

Did the engineer not understand what the cables are for on bridges?
I knew that in 5th grade.

Apple refuses to support webm's because they refuse to pay royalties to google to use their format.

It would have failed faster if the top was aluminium. The lower section was trying to use the compression that the top was undergoing to try and control the lower section's tension, since concrete cannot deal with tension and rebar reinforced concrete can only do so much with it too.

Attached: m0rZ9N1[1].png (602x238, 90K)

I think the support point distribution on the bottom beam is what made the concrete crack on compression here then
I'm not even really sure anymore

Attached: more or less 2.png (988x464, 35K)

Yeah it is retarded. They should have just done a proper cable stayed bridge, instead of a truss bridge pretending to be cable stayed.

Attached: file.png (750x266, 377K)

>The kids on that bridge and the kids in that highschool they didn't have a choice to go home THEY were killed because of people like Donald Trump and the NRA doesn't care about children.

Says the libtard who probably supports abortions. The NRA only lobbies for 2nd Amendment enshrinement and trains folks in gun safety and use. Planned Parenthood actually kills kids and sells the body arts for a profit. Planned Parenthood gets government gibs me; NRA only gets donations from members and businesses.

And you have the nerve to say you care about kids. Your side only cares about your leaders buying luxuries with dead babies.

C'mon man, even Blackberry will do webm.

>feeding trolls

Attached: JUST.png (110x114, 11K)

I'm the same user from last thread and I still agree with you.

This is really low framerate but I think I can see the truss slip at the arrow. Regardless of exact point of failure it seems to be in this truss or the others you pointed out.

Attached: bridgefail_arrow.gif (259x259, 167K)

Wait what?

What if the woman was raped?

Well, that's what happen when niggers, spics, and women get elected into political office

We'll be here forever so...

That's sort of both ISN'T it?

Oh, the women will, pinky, but those niggers and spics are going to get slaughtered within the next 100 years

Attached: EuropeanNoGuilt.jpg (618x412, 65K)

birth the baby and execute the rapist, duh

Attached: brainlet.png (379x412, 225K)

is there any evidence that the florid bridge project was run by all women?

Got it almost perfect. Stabillizing manually in photoshop. Any video anons wanna take a crack at it? I think this is the source, but there might be a better one somewhere.

Attached: bridgefail_pixelperfect.gif (292x197, 155K)

>is there any evidence that the florid bridge project was run by all women?

Yes indeed there is evidence that that bridge was built by women.

It collapsed!

can i get some links or something because i told some people that it was all women and they are calling me a retard and asking for evidence

Dude, how did so many people die though?

>When you attempt to build a bridge but fuck up so bad that it turns into a wall

It's right by an intersection. People had stopped for a red light.

Well that settles it then.

this is why diversity hires can't work with STEM

stick to the arts please , libtards. you're literally killing people by trying to play scientist.

where is the evidence that it was diversity hires and women

It was to a great deal women. If you look at the recovering pic you see only female construction workers. Look at the timelapse of the construction of the bridge and a few of them are involved, not exclusively tho

the proposal btw, confirm for yourself

I've seen this floating around Sup Forums.

Attached: diversity-bridge-retard-women-comp.jpg (644x1427, 1.17M)

someone is in deep poo poo
Engineer called to report bridge 'cracking' two days before collapse

I don't think it was, it was some Cuban company MCM with some sweet corruption deals with the politicians. It's typical corruption you see in hispanic countries.

what do the last 4 quotes have to do with the bridge



yeah nah nah nah nah nah nah cunt

>those angled trusses

Who the fuck signed off on this monstrosity?

FIGG bridge group nigger

what good possibly go wrong

Attached: Capture.jpg (772x430, 56K)

nvm. Fucking internet news sites just copying and pasting info without looking it up or elaborating. sorry guys

Obozo, when we asked for shovel ready we didn't mean grave diggers


Attached: IMG_2732.jpg (650x366, 25K)

So about that pickup truck driver... he's still inside that mangled wreck isn't he.

>Engineer called to report bridge 'cracking' two days before collapse
Thanks, got the phone call
He said the north end was cracking, same part that failed.


Swear to god those niggers never played the bridge game. Shit like that breaks every damn time.

goddamn bait taken with such an appetite


Attached: file.png (730x685, 128K)

>just FIU my shit up sempai

>When your university has a School of Construction, Infrastructure and Sustainability
>When your university has a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
>When your university has a Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
>When your university has a Department of architecture

>But the simple pedestrian bridge by the parking lot gets 8 people killed before its even opened

Also would like to note the head of the bridge department is Iranian.

This bridge in Iran was built by an austrian who was required to stand underneath it with his family when the first train rain over it.

Also related
if a house collapsed the builder would be executed

Attached: buildbridgesnotwalls.jpg (860x849, 175K)

American "Engineering"

Code of Hammurabi was shit

But I appreciate your sentiment.

Attached: Aiz.png (1920x1080, 1.11M)

The part I like is holding people responsible. The bridge killed 6 people so I think a fair disciplinary action is to kill 6 of the people responsible for the design, starting from the top.

Implications that quality in the industries are dropping because of "muh equality" and "muh diversity" mindsets

My line is kiddos and animals.

>why the fuck was the top concrete? Why not a lightweight aluminum awning?
Because structures down here in Florida must adhere to building regulations as to make sure they are hurricane proof. It's the reason why almost all houses and buildings here are made out of concrete and rebar.

I don't think that was this bridge. The FIU concrete was white and I didn't see a single rebar. The concrete in your pic looks aged.

Attached: 1521153858819.png (627x651, 511K)

The only good bug is a dead bug. I WOULD like to know more.

It's an artistic touch

Attached: building bridges.jpg (768x1018, 193K)

Starship Troopers. Buenos Aries.

I think it's from the deconstructionist school of design.

static test team and the approver are to blame

lol that is about right.

Attached: file.png (672x48, 10K)

>Founded in 1992 by Melissa M. Ferchill as a 100% female owned and operated business,


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>The bridge killed 6 people so I think a fair disciplinary action is to kill 6 of the people responsible for the design, starting from the top.
Well, legal action against them is warranted, yes, But execution is extreme for the civilized world. Without intent to kill, there's no justice in executing them. A strong punishment is extremely justifiable though.