I just inherited a company and I have to hire some people. How do I weed out cucks and libshits without showing my hand...

I just inherited a company and I have to hire some people. How do I weed out cucks and libshits without showing my hand. I don't want to get slapped with discrimination.

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Ask if they have any hobbies. Weed out people with bluepilled hobbies.

I never thought of that, good idea. Thanks. Say, do you live in b.c.? want a job?

Just ask what holidays should be observed.

only hire attractive people

Keep up very high standards and fire any new employee who doesn't keep up with them. If they aren't doing their job as well as you can do it they are not worth paying.
This advice is from experience.
I'm a rent seeking merchant.

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No you didn’t you fucking leaf.

I have a PhD in comp sci and a master in comp sci and another in sys admin. Gib job

some attractive people are retarded.

Canadian had the best advice, same with the jew. /thread

paint the interview table your exact skin tone

What kind of company is it?

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Immediately throw half of all resumes into the trash.

You can teach skills, but you can't teach luck.

don't hire women. at all, they only mess things up and they are unproductive.

Seriously, there are no fucking jobs here

I’m in Ontario and have a good job thanks. Most redpilled people already do have a job so that is a problem youlll face. You’re going to interviewing a large proportion of filth.

Yeah, what does your company do?

Show some pictures of different groups of people working and then ask where he would feel most at home. If they pick the picture with the fewest shitskins then you hire him

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I redpilled my mom so hard she now wants me to find a girl and go to join the military.
I can shitpost till the next week.

Help me Sup Forums, this wasn't supposed to happen

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Something that one of my first bosses did (blue collar job): challenge the interviewee to an arm wrestle.

You get to see how strong and determined he is, but the real reason for it is to check for track marks when they roll up their sleeve.

it's a shitty mechanical repair company with no clients and a fuckload of tools. I'll pay you jews 14 bucks an hour but you have to smoke weed on your break with me.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

You're retarded, you didn't redpill her at all if she has no idea about Isreal's controll over US foreign policy.

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Kinda reminds me of why I give blood on the first date. Makes you look like you help people and dirty bitches can't give blood.

Win win.

How about you just hire the most qualified candidate for the position?

Search their social network profiles for red flags.. every stupid libtard wants to have his "voice" publicly heard.

I live in BC, I'm a decent worker, what kind of job is it op?

>doesn’t want libshits or cucks working for him
>does drugs
>does drugs at work
Okay dude sure thing

What kind of company is it? I work in IT. A good friend of mine always asks some really crazy hard tech question. He knows no one is going to know the answer to his question.

What he's looking for is someone trying to BS his way through the question. If you are honest and say you don't know, you would have to look that up, you move to the front of the line.

That's how I got the job.

Also check Lie Spotting smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0312611730/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521249761&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=liespotting&dpPl=1&dpID=518KzpFRldL&ref=plSrch

Only hire liars, if you need sales people.

Sounds pretty sweet but 14/hour in BC where a cardboard box costs you $100,000 sounds like crushing fucking poverty in a dreary shithole filled with chinks.

Because a literal retard can do the job.

good call.

Let the thread die, time for me to do more drugs. I will seriously consider your applications at a later date with a disposable email. Right now I am fixing the shop and the van.

Allow conceal carry on your company grounds

This. You'll know the winners of they keep politics off their profiles. Even the right wing faceberg critters are fucking obnoxious

Drug test

Daily reminder that discrimination is an inalienable human right.

Anti-discrimination laws are a human rights violation.

Blue-collared people are generally pretty redpilled unless they're involved with labor unions. If all your employees are union, liquidate the company and find something better to do.

Ask what they think the minimum wage should be, and couch this question in the salary negotiation to be subtle. If they say $20 then don't hire them.

Just go on their Facebook.

Put a picture of Trump and Hitler in your office, so that the candidate sees it. Observe how he reacts (don't hire women). For the weed part, have a spliff lying around, observe reaction

Where in BC? Kelowna here, looking for another opportunity

Easiest way is just to check their social media.

Really? All of that and You don't have a job? Are You just overqualified as hell? I'm graduating soon, feels awesome reading your comment.. - _-

Wut positions you need, bruh?

>> Pictured Resumes
>> Print your own online form (with social Media field mandatory)
> 30sec on someone's FB profile will tell you everything you really want to know.
> weed out the 420s /soy bois/skinny+beards/selfie whores/ attention seekers (posting quotes and self improvement stuff)
>select from the active people ... into sports/manual labor&crafts/ some geeks/ REALLY ugly girls.
> the ugliests the girl (not fat though) , less social life therefore more studying.
> give a closer look to eastern europeans / NE asians

Bottom line: a Russian, a korean/jap, and an ugly local girl might well cover your "diversity quotas"

>>Comes without saying. The sole black guy/girl will disrupt your whole team. Guys will gangsta your team members.. girl will make other girls be more vocal.

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There's a big problem with women and physical labor. Men are 4 times stronger than women, but people don't do know this

The Human Animal (Full Series): youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAGggYDwCYhNUrPu-Pv7oBnNuCjDwH2WN

That means women try to lift the same weight as men and then injure themselves on the job.

We had a 3 person panel when hiring, supervisor, HR, and an employee. Look for excessive holes in ears, not just tasteful earings. They use a flesh colored flat hiding stud if they have a tongue stud. Look for dirt in fingernails and what there teeth look like. Look at the car they show up in, can really be any car but not full of garbage and shit. And search the pedo database.

>smoke weed on break
Wow, enjoy your company failing dickweed

PhD in computer science. Brahahaha
The guys only knows theory..that's why no one will hire him

Best advice... SAP courses. you pay for learning to manage SAP modules.. then you're golden. Just search for SAP related jobs and amaze yourselves.

>but you have to smoke weed on your break with me.
Hire someone to take over the business for you, because you sure as hell can't manage it.

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i got a math degree, lots of experience, can program, etc and i do landscaping for barely above minimum wage. most tech companies i had interviews with required you to speak mandarin or were filled with indians and women. even if i could get a job there i think id hate it. thinking about going for a skilled trade now since every job site ive been to was filled with white, hardworking men cracking racist and sexist jokes all day.

What is needed is an internship to get job experience, even if it is unpaid.

Also, Utah had a really good job market.

Best advice yet.

Ask them open-ended questions about workplace problem resolution.
Also, hire someone competent to do your job so you don’t ruin your family business with your utterly apparent ineptitude.

>job experience

You make that shit up in your resume and just get a couple of Talkatone burner phone numbers to give out references.

But you really want to know the tasks required for the job you're applying.

99% of the time they sound really scary on paper..but after the first couple of weeks you get bored to death.

Where in BC? I have some friends over there, always entertained the idea of moving and if its good work why not

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You might want to just hire the most qualified people to begin with. Once you're on your feet properly, you can start pushing the cuck quota.

ask them to bring one card of their choice from a deck to the interview. /ourguys/ will have 4 of clubs

op here, how the fuck is this the top thread.

go away I'm not hiring right now. I plan to in a month or so, fuck off.

If you could eat at Luly's with one of the following, would it be : a) Jesus, b) Mohammed, c) Golda Meir?

>how the fuck is this the top thread.
Newfag, degenerate, leaf, poor English skills...
I hope your parents are dead so they don’t see you ruin what they spent a lifetime creating.

I had to do an assessment test where Golda Meir was an answer, fucking kikes. i aced it


Hire white names, ignore mohammeds and mohinders and chings and changs.