
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Tucker: Men In America pt1 3/7/18
>Tucker: Men in America pt2 3/14/18

>WH Video: Pres Trump welcomes Irish PM Varadkar to WH 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets JPN FM Kono 3/16/18
>DepSoS Sullivan meets SoKo FM 3/16/18
>HHSSec Azar @Natl Assoc of Comm Health Centers 3/16/18
>StateDep Readout: Heather w/AssSoS Evanoff 3/16/18
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Leg Affairs Dir Short 3/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/VP/2nd Lady/IrishPM @Shamrock Bowl 3/15/18
>Pres Trump/Irish PM Varadkar @ Friends of Ireland luncheon 3/15/18
>Pres Trump meets Irish PM Varadkar 3/15/18
>Pres Trump greets Irish PM Varadkar 3/15/18
>AG Sessions @Chief of Police Forum 3/15/18
>NatlSec Space Program Budget hearing 3/15/18
>EUCOM/NATO Comm Gen Scaparrottii @House on Euro security 3/15/18
>NSA/USCyberCom Nominee LtGen Nakasone @Senate 3/15/18
>VASec Shulkin Budget hearing 3/15/18
>NSA LTG McMaster Briefing on Syria 3/15/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


are there any Sup Forums-anons that would know why
>try to start up game
>freeze when trying to load game
>restart computer
>as long as I don't do anything else and start the game, it runs extremely well.

Is it a runaway process or something?
I just wonder what the computer science reason is that a restart would be the difference between a game running or not.

stop talking meta shit


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>Not a single (you) for Best Wolfgirl
Y-you make her ears droop down!

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Why not go ask Sup Forums?

update your drivers

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>Does the idea of a smelling someone's stinky feet gross you out? How about accidentally sniffing a stranger's fart, or standing next to someone wearing a sweaty t-shirt?

>Turns out, supporters of President Donald Trump are especially grossed out by these ideas.

>Time and again, the researchers found that when they asked questions like whether a participant would be grossed out by a neighbor's stinky feet, farts, urine, feces, or armpit smells, Trump supporters were predictably more sensitive to the idea of foul body odor.

>The researchers said the finding isn't true across the board for all conservatives; but it was closely linked with people's support for socially conservative ideas and endorsement of President Trump.

>"This relationship seems to be explained by a particular aspect of social conservatism called right-wing authoritarianism," lead author Marco Tullio Liuzza told Business Insider in an email. This "right-wing authoritarianism," he said, includes an acceptance of authority and a hostility towards groups that don't closely adhere to a traditional social order.

>Psychologists have previously found that socially conservative people look away from gross images like blood and vomit quicker than liberals.

>But other recent research has suggested that socially conservative people's easy ability to get grossed out can extend into prejudice for unfamiliar groups like immigrants or gay people.

At least I finally understand you Drumpfkins

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can I get a rundown on this chinaman?

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Should have called it THE OLD LEPRECHA- Edition, senpai

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because I want an answer, not an hour of waiting for a single reply of
>kys, faggot


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Is evafluffy going on an autistic spree again?

see I had this problem recently and it was because geforce had a driver update waiting

I'm really glad Fox News is covering the most important and relevant issues of today, like Farrakhan and Strzok. These are the issues that matter to voters.

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Hey, Eva, still here?

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I agree.

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Literally the worst president we've ever had and has done nothing in the past year but harm race and gender relations, and is killing innocent Muslims in the middle east as we speak. Plus, he's turning down and now deporting dreamers with actual decent educations, yet panders to retarded white rednecks. He's also sexist as fuck and is a threat to women's rights. Fuck him. He's literally making our country turn into a complete laughing stock. All of my friends over in Europe (mainly Germany and Sweden) are literally repulsed by him and his anti progress policies. He's fucking disgusting, and they are literally laughing at us since they're actually in the 21st century. Trump does not represent the people of our country. We Americans are open thinkers and we're tolerant to other cultures and ethnicity, plus refugees. WE ARE a nation of immigrants and refugees who travelled across the Atlantic, don't you remember? Yet this horrible dumb orange man is making us look like stupid hillbillies. What the fuck were we thinking when we elected this literal retard? He's so fucking dumb and everything that spills out of his dribbling mouth is just racist, sexist, and meaningless garbage. Or war mongering. Fuck, even the Swedish (or it might have been Norway) government make a video mocking him. Trump is supposed to be the leader of the free world, yet he's making America turn into something that would have sided with Germany, Italy, and Japan during a war...

This, it really wasn't the democrat turnout that was bad, it was Trump voters staying home because Moore sucked. The write-ins didn't help either.

fire that miserable fuck jeffe!

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I'll save you the time then.
kys, faggot

Headed to work, lads. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

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>immigrants and homosexuals are subconsciously considered as disgusting as vomit or excrement

Sounds about right.

>damn, Oprah, fix that shit

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>Trump supporters are cleaner and have less offensive odor

Why do these stupid threads constantly max out? In before 250+ responses.

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give me a trump themed rundown on 7.5 inch lengthed benors

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so funny, wow so cool. Will you be my friend?

She deserves better

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The BBC occasionally makes good documentaries (history and nature), their live sports coverage is commercial free and has okay commentary and they run 3 slightly obscure radio stations that are half-decent. Everything else is pure Marxist diversity cancer and I refuse to pay for it.

at least Farrakhan is smart enough to know that there's a difference between Jews and White people.

Dude it’s just about the cute white girls

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Only the one on the right is good. The other two are gross-looking sluts.

Then speak up user because larping avatarfaggots and attention whores would rather see /ptg/ turn into the next brit/pol/ kiddy pool party.

>race relations
pic related

Attached: race relations.png (355x501, 25K)

The title was about some sort of hearing/ listening session about temporary housing for the homeless in Richmond BC.

Not sure what that chinaman had to do with anything

When will eva realize he can't be our only baker / the police of /ptg/

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He still hates white people.


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That's not saying much.

So did McCabe have to be fired today or is it even remotely possible on the weekend?

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what do you think?


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Is that... Willie?

that's not exactly a rundown, double dubbs

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There are several potential reasons.
Are your temperatures ok?
Run a memory test
Try to replicate the problem exactly, what sorts of things do you need to do before it starts crashing?
Does launching the game, closing it, and then launching it again count as 'something else'?
New drivers, old drivers.
Make a new user account and switch to that user and see if it still does it.

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Do we still have refugees? Seeing a slight difference in the thread.

thats not high enough

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Thanks, Yeah it looks like they do need updated.
But still, I'd like to know the comp-sci stuff behind it to know what "chunks up" but somehow doesn't if the computer just got restarted

Id vote for that.

>Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., criticized President Trump’s proposed border wall prototypes for being too high and “obnoxious.”

>"Did you see it? How high it is? I mean, really? In a civilized society, we do something like that?" the House minority leader said in her weekly news conference Thursday about the 30-foot prototypes that have been built on the border. “As obnoxious as it is, you know that’s a community there with a border running through it.”

>“[A] wall that big separating people? I mean, really? This is like a big wall,” she continued.

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when they're in front of you i doubt you'd resist

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The Emperor abides

never. It's ironic that he complains about attention/tripfagging/pseudotripfagging

But that's all I'm saying

I'm heading to the store. Anyone need anything?

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>Ana Navarro still identifies as a Republican

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Preview of Oprah at the 2020 DNC
> youtube.com/watch?v=rGLcQxDLEeI

I can not deny either of these facts

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So, why didn't Sessions fire McCabe?

Why is Sessions so useless? Literally useless in every matter that mattered


When is congress going to pass the daca bill?

Pic related pls

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open task manager before you run game
sort by cpu usage
keep it on top
see what kills it

In 2024 the Dem candidate will run on the promise to tear down the Wall

Only for the one on the right. I think tattoos and piercings are gross.

Are you drunk or high user?

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lol, mccabe isn't getting fired guys

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what's the latest in the world of neocon don? appointing positions to any more people that want to nuke iran and want assad removed?

>inb4: ignore him reee ignore him reeee

i know you cucks fail to address this every time because you know it's true

fucking ZOG shills all of you

I would advise anons to filter this individual, as he has been attempting to sow the same discord for the past few threads; every time advocating infighting and division.

Do not exacerbate meta drama or fall for the tactics.

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I've said it several times in past /ptg/ threads. Anons have got to call out these name/trip fags and shame/ridicule them. ZERO TOLERANCE on attention-whores unless we want Britpol 2.0: burger edition

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better to go here to see whats going on than the catalogue where I can enjoy such fine threads as "Woman can't resist BBC" or yet another amerimutt thread.


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I do. It is getting so tiresome though. I bring it up every couple of days, but meta discussion is a one way ticket to thread derailment.

I need ginger roots, bring me some traveller.

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There will be NO president in 2020.
When the Jews are flooding the country with third world refugees who have no concept of freedom and God-given rights, voting is a zero sum game. (((They))) have subverted the Republic. There is only death to traitors at this point. Assassination politics or full on civil war.

Do they sell gfs?

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Stop tripfagging


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Absolutely nothing, Trump wanted to trade DACA for Wall + end of chain migration + end of visa lottery + a few other perks and the Dems + some RINOs killed the bill. Now DACA is dead in the water until next year, when the SCOTUS will most likely allow it to expire.

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but nobody has been invaded

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a snickers bar

what's the audience numbers on hannity radio anyway?

Im just trying to raise the point that /ptg/ is becoming brit/pol/ because of attention whores
yep and we just get called fucking shills for trying to stick to anonymous imageboard culture

I read what instead of when, my bad. Next year most likely, unless the Ds want to make it a campaign issue (unlikely)

broaden your horizons user

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